Stocks & ETFs

The range of ways in which investors can participate in the performance of companies has increased in recent years. Whereas in the past it was only possible to buy shares in order to sell them later at a higher value, today the opposite is also possible. The motivation to bet on rising or falling prices is usually directly related to the strategic goal underlying the decision. This can be part of an automatic trading strategy, have a speculative background, pick up a stock market accompanying momentum, but also be the result of a fundamental analysis, where the valuation of a company and the factual situation of important company key figures diverge. Hedging strategies are also becoming more and more important for risk managers and traders.

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Focus on publicly traded companies

Mirroring performance, leveraging performance, hedging portfolios, eliminating currency risks or positioning in the slipstream of hedge funds' short selling activities - these are just some of the arguments that make traders all over the world resort to the use of contracts for difference. Whether for reasons of diversification, hedging or simply to take advantage of volatile price movements, there is something for almost every investment strategy and risk appetite.

Flexibility & Transparency

The limitations of traditional stock market trading have contributed significantly to the popularity of CFDs, largely due to the motivation that users of these special financial products have different priorities and requirements than those typically found in a conservatively oriented investment universe. While some are looking for the high-yield long-term investments, risk-oriented traders have their finger on the pulse of the markets and take advantage of every momentum that comes their way. The fact that the two do not necessarily have to be mutually exclusive is shown by the wide range of possible applications.

RC 7 AC 18

Currently trending: - (NVDA.US-d)

Price feed widget powered by ayondo

sell buy 1,0495 5 1,0497 3 fractional pips bid You can sell1 Euro for1,04955 US Dollars You can sell1 Euro for1,04973 US Dollars 1,04973 - 1,04955 = 0.00018 or 1,8 Pip spread 1,8 Pip ask EUR / USD

The information displayed in the widgets are price indications. If you want to follow the price movements in real time or invest in the asset classes stocks or ETFs yourself, you have here the opportunity to do so. Important Note: Before committing your own capital, always remember that high return opportunities are always matched by corresponding risks. Financial commitment should not follow an all-in approach.

Portfolio diversification or hedging can go a long way to cushion investments against price declines.

The price information displayed in the feed widget are neartime prices. There is no update of prices outside of regular trading hours. Real-time quotes are available to users of a real money trading platform.

The price feed widget powered by ayondo uses daily updated BID/ASK information for demonstration purposes. A refresh of the browser (e.g. by pressing the F5 function key updates the course info)
