ISIN to CUSIP Wizard

If you want to order a listed security from or via a European financial services provider, you will not reach your destination without the correct security identification number, or only in a roundabout way. The ISIN is of central importance because it ensures that exactly the security to which the ISIN has been assigned is ordered. By contrast, anyone wishing to purchase shares, ETFs or bonds from a British or American financial services provider is dependent on the CUSIP, SEDOL or a ticker/symbol.

If you are looking for a CUSIP, our First Aid Wizard will provide you with the help you need. Simply enter the ISIN and the digital assistant will do the rest. As with all tools on our community platform, the results can be verified by a second instance. If the ISIN exists, one click will take you directly to the matching ID. Try it out for yourself!

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For a better understanding, here are some additional explanations:

  • ISIN - International Security Identification Number
  • WKN - Securities Identification Number
  • SEDOL - Stock Exchange Daily Official List
  • FIGI - (Open) Financial Instrument Global Identifier
  • LEI - Legal Identifier
  • CUSIP - Committee on Uniform Security Identification Procedures
  • CIK - Central Index Key
  • CIF - Classification of Financial Instruments
  • EDGAR - Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval
  • MIC - Market Identifier Code
  • ANNA - Association of National Numbering Agencies
  • SIC - Standard Industrial Classification
  • NAICS - North American Industry Classification System
  • GICS - Global Industry Classification Standard

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