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Letzte Aktualisierung: 22.11.2024 | 6PM
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Comcast Corporation
GICS: 25401025 · Sektor: Communication Services · Sub-Sektor: Telecom Services
Comcast Corporation
Mi., 11.09.2024       Comcast

FreeWheel, a global technology platform for the television advertising industry, and Samba TV, the leading provider of TV technology for audience data and omniscreen measurement, today announced the integration of Samba TV’s standard and custom audience segments into FreeWheel’s Audience Manager, a platform that enables publishers to unlock faster...
Di., 03.09.2024       Comcast

MachineQ, a Comcast Company, today announced the launch of an IoT-based power monitoring solution designed to assist enterprises in monitoring and managing their energy consumption, leading to operational efficiencies, proactive maintenance, managed costs, and sustainability efforts. The solution also helps enterprises understand asset utilization...
Di., 27.08.2024       Comcast

United Way of Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey (UWGPSNJ), in partnership with six regional funders that includes the William Penn Foundation and Comcast, today announced the launch of the Center for Leadership Equity, which will supply critical support for Black nonprofit leaders. The Center for Leadership Equity will provide the leade...
Di., 27.08.2024       Comcast

Comcast NBCUniversal SportsTech today announced that the 10 companies in its fourth class have secured 15 pilots, partnerships, and commercial deals as a result of their participation in the program. Over the past six months, 28 entrepreneurs have engaged with SportsTech’s prestigious partner consortium, which includes: NBC Sports, NBC Sports Next...
Do., 22.08.2024       Comcast

Comcast announces the expansion of its smart, fast and reliable Xfinity network to nearly 73,000 additional homes and businesses in Fairfield County. Comcast’s fiber network expansion will bring Xfinity and Comcast Business products, including Xfinity Internet and Xfinity Mobile as well as Comcast Business Internet and Comcast Business Mobile, to ...
Do., 22.08.2024       Comcast

FreeWheel, a global technology platform for the TV industry, announced today that it has named Kris Magel as Head of Global Agency Partnerships. In this role, Magel will oversee agency collaborations – leading relationships and the company’s commercialization structure for agency partnerships globally while working closely with the executive leade...
Mi., 21.08.2024       Comcast

DSPolitical, a leading digital advertising and technology company for Democratic and progressive candidates and public affairs initiatives, today announced a first of its kind partnership leveraging Beeswax, FreeWheel’s demand-side platform. The arrangement provides DSPolitical with the ability to unlock capabilities and match voter file data to s...
Mo., 19.08.2024       Comcast

Today, Comcast announced Xfinity Rewards members will be able to redeem codes and get early access to the Call of Duty®: Black Ops 6 Open Beta. Customers can redeem their code today and get ready for the Open Beta Early Access starting on August 30, and experience Black Ops 6 before the game’s official release on October 25. This press release fe...
Mo., 19.08.2024       Comcast

Comcast today announced it turbo-charged its next-generation network, with 2 gigabits-per-second (Gbps) download speeds and up to 10x faster upload speeds now available to all customers in Holyoke, Longmeadow, West Springfield and Westfield, MA over the existing connections in their homes and businesses. This speed increase, which is made possible...
Do., 15.08.2024       Comcast

Today, Go Addressable, a trade organization dedicated to furthering the growth of addressable TV, announced new research that highlights the value of addressable TV advertising, or the ability to serve targeted ads to specific households or users based on deterministic identifiers, amid signal loss and evolving viewership habits. Advertisers tod...
Di., 13.08.2024       Comcast

Comcast Corporation (Nasdaq: CMCSA) announced that on Tuesday, September 10, 2024, Mike Cavanagh, President of Comcast Corporation, will participate in the Goldman Sachs Communacopia + Technology Conference. A live webcast of the event will be available on the Company's Investor Relations website at on Tuesday, September 10, 2024, ...
Di., 13.08.2024       Comcast

Today, Comcast announced 500 additional small business recipients that will receive comprehensive grant packages that include business consultation services, educational resources, a $5,000 monetary grant, creative production, media schedule, and a technology makeover. The distribution of these grants in five new cities is part of Comcast’s ongoin...
Di., 13.08.2024       Comcast

FreeWheel, a global technology platform for the TV industry, announced today the availability of the Performance Suite with solutions created for activation on its demand-side platform, Beeswax. The Performance Suite offers off-the-shelf, machine learning-based solutions, in addition to Beeswax’s tried and true customizable tools, designed to help...
Do., 08.08.2024       Comcast

Comcast Corporation (Nasdaq: CMCSA) announced that on Thursday, September 5, 2024, Jason Armstrong, Chief Financial Officer of Comcast Corporation, will participate in Citi’s 2024 Global TMT Conference. A live webcast of the event will be available on the Company's Investor Relations website at on Thursday, September 5, 2024, at 8:...
Do., 08.08.2024       Comcast

Comcast Corporation (Nasdaq: CMCSA) announced that on Thursday, September 5, 2024, Donna Langley, Chairman, NBCUniversal Studio Group & Chief Content Officer, will participate in the BofA Securities 2024 Media, Communications & Entertainment Conference. A live webcast of the event will be available on the Company's Investor Relations web...

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Hinweis: Über das Newswire-Crosslink-Panel im oberen Bereich gelangen Sie schnell und bequem zu weiteren Informationsquellen. Im Terminalview sind die Nachrichten auf Unternehmensebene gefiltert und ermöglich darüber gezielte Recherchen.

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