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Letzte Aktualisierung: 10.01.2025 | 12PM
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WiSA Technologies, Inc.
GICS: - · Sektor: Technology · Sub-Sektor: Semiconductors
WiSA Technologies, Inc.
Di., 07.01.2025       WiSA Technologies

WiSA Technologies, Inc., which closed its purchase of Datavault and ADIO IP and IT assets, and is leading the way in data visualization, valuation, and monetization, furthers its commercialization strategy and is poised to redefine the technology landscape at CES 2025 with a showcase of its patented innovations in data valuation, data monetization...
Di., 07.01.2025       WiSA Technologies

WiSA Technologies, Inc. (“WiSA Technologies”, the “Company”, or “WiSA”) (Nasdaq: WISA), closed its purchase of Datavault® intellectual property and information technology assets of privately held Data Vault Holdings Inc.® (“Data Vault Holdings”) on December 31, 2024. In conjunction with the closing, WiSA issued 40 million shares of restricted comm...
Mo., 06.01.2025       WiSA Technologies

Please replace the release dated January 6, 2025 with the following corrected version due to multiple revisions to the first paragraph and "Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements." The updated release reads: WISA’S CES PARTNERS HIGHLIGHT WISA E SOFTWARE IN DIVERSE USE CASES AND IMPLEMENTATIONS ACROSS THE AUDIO ECOSYSTEM Innovat...
Mo., 06.01.2025       WiSA Technologies

WiSA Technologies, Inc. (“WiSA Technologies,” “WiSA” or the “Company”) (NASDAQ: WISA), which anticipates closing its acquisition of Datavault® intellectual property and information technology assets of privately held Data Vault Holdings Inc.® and changing its name to Datavault Inc. and ticker symbol to ADIO in January 2025, announces its lineup of...
Mo., 06.01.2025       WiSA Technologies

Please replace the release dated January 6, 2025 with the following corrected version due to revisions to the first paragraph and "Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements." The updated release reads: WISA ASSOCIATION ANNOUNCES GROUNDBREAKING INNOVATIONS FOR WIRELESS AUDIO AT CES 2025 WiSA E-based Reference Designs, Cutting-Edge ...
Mo., 06.01.2025       WiSA Technologies

WiSA Association, a subsidiary of WiSA Technologies, Inc. (“WiSA Technologies,” “WiSA” or the “Company”) (NASDAQ: WISA), which anticipates closing its acquisition of Datavault® intellectual property and information technology assets of privately held Data Vault Holdings Inc.® and changing its name to Datavault Inc. and ticker symbol to ADIO in Jan...
Fr., 03.01.2025       WiSA Technologies

WiSA Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ: WISA), a leading innovator in wireless audio technology for intelligent devices and next-generation home entertainment systems, announces that its WiSA E wireless multichannel audio software has been integrated into Sagemcom's latest Video Soundbox (VSB) set-top box product, which has been shipping globally since D...
Mo., 30.12.2024       WiSA Technologies

WiSA Technologies, Inc. (“WiSA Technologies,” “WiSA” or the “Company”) (NASDAQ: WISA), which anticipates closing its acquisition of Datavault® intellectual property and information technology assets of privately held Data Vault Holdings Inc.® and changing its name to Datavault Inc. on or about December 31, 2024, will hold a special conference call...
Do., 26.12.2024       WiSA Technologies

WiSA Technologies, Inc. (“WiSA Technologies,” “WiSA” or the “Company”) (NASDAQ: WISA), which anticipates closing its acquisition of Datavault® intellectual property and information technology assets of privately held Data Vault Holdings Inc.® and changing its name to Datavault Inc. on or about December 31, 2024, has entered into a Definitive Agree...
Mo., 23.12.2024       WiSA Technologies

First paragraph, first sentence of release should read: WiSA Technologies, Inc. (“WiSA Technologies”) (NASDAQ: WISA), has received stockholder approval to purchase the Datavault® intellectual property and information technology assets of privately held Data Vault Holdings Inc.® for 40 million shares of restricted common stock of WiSA Technologies ...
Mo., 23.12.2024       WiSA Technologies

WiSA Technologies, Inc. (“WiSA Technologies”) (NASDAQ: WISA), has received stockholder approval to purchase the Datavault® intellectual property and information technology assets of privately held Data Vault Holdings Inc.® for 40 million shares of common stock of WiSA Technologies to be issued at closing of the transaction plus a $10 million 3-yea...
Do., 12.12.2024       WiSA Technologies

Data Vault Holdings, Inc.®, which is under a definitive asset purchase agreement to sell its Datavault® and ADIO® IP and IT assets to WiSA Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ: WISA) and is leading the way in data visualization, valuation, and monetization, has partnered with CompuSystems, Inc. (CSI), a premier provider of registration, data analytics, and ...
Do., 05.12.2024       WiSA Technologies

WiSA Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ: WISA), which is in a definitive agreement to acquire AI, blockchain and Data Web 3.0 IP assets of Data Vault Holdings, Inc.® (“Data Vault”) to form a data technology & licensing company leveraging IP & proprietary HPC software, has mailed a Definitive Proxy Statement for its 2024 Annual Meeting of Stockhold...
Fr., 15.11.2024       WiSA Technologies

WiSA Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ: WISA), which is in a definitive agreement to acquire AI, blockchain and Data Web 3.0 IP assets of Data Vault Holdings, Inc.® (“Data Vault”) to form a data technology & licensing company leveraging IP & proprietary HPC software, today filed a Preliminary Proxy Statement for its Annual Meeting, which included...
Fr., 15.11.2024       WiSA Technologies

WiSA Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ: WISA), which is in a definitive agreement to acquire AI, blockchain and Data Web 3.0 IP assets of Data Vault Holdings, Inc.® (“Data Vault”) to form a data technology & licensing company leveraging IP & proprietary HPC software, reported third quarter 2024 financial results in its Form 10-Q, which was filed ...
Mi., 06.11.2024       WiSA Technologies

WiSA Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ: WISA), which is in a definitive agreement to acquire assets of Data Vault Holdings, Inc.® to form a data technology & licensing company leveraging IP & proprietary HPC software, will host its third quarter 2024 results conference call at 8:00 am PT / 11:00 am ET, on Friday, November 15, 2024. This press rel...
Mi., 30.10.2024       WiSA Technologies

Data Vault Holdings, Inc.®, a private company leading the way in data visualization, valuation, and monetization, which has entered into a definitive asset purchase agreement to sell its Datavault® and ADIO® IP and IT assets to WiSA Technologies, Inc. (“WiSA Technologies” or the “Company”) (NASDAQ: WISA), a leading provider of immersive, wireless ...
Do., 24.10.2024       WiSA Technologies

Data Vault Holdings, Inc.®, a private company leading the way in data visualization, valuation, and monetization, which has entered into a definitive asset purchase agreement to sell its Datavault® and ADIO® IP and IT assets to WiSA Technologies, Inc. (“WiSA Technologies” or the “Company”)(NASDAQ: WISA), a leading provider of immersive, wireless s...
Mo., 21.10.2024       WiSA Technologies

WiSA Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ: WISA) in definitive agreement to acquire assets of Data Vault Holdings, Inc.® to form a data technology & licensing company leveraging IP & proprietary HPC software, announces management will participate in investor events over the next several weeks as follows. This press release features multimedia. View ...
Mi., 16.10.2024       WiSA Technologies

WiSA Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ: WISA) (the “Company” or “WiSA”), a leading provider of immersive, wireless sound technology for intelligent devices and next-generation home entertainment systems, today reported preliminary Q3 2024 revenue of $1.0 million to $1.2 million, driven by sales of its WiSA multichannel wireless audio technology. “In Q3 ...

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