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GlobNewswire (vormals PrimeNewswire) hat sich auf die Geschäftsbereiche Public Relations Solutions und Digital Media Service spezialisiert. Dieser Feed ergänzt das populäre X-Billboard Portfolio um eine weitere wichtige Informationsquelle für Anleger.

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GlobNewswire (vormals PrimeNewswire) hat sich auf die Geschäftsbereiche Public Relations Solutions und Digital Media Service spezialisiert. Dieser Feed ergänzt das populäre X-Billboard Portfolio um eine weitere wichtige Informationsquelle für Anleger.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 07.01.2025 | 8PM
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Novaturas AB
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Novaturas AB
Di., 04.06.2024       Novaturas

On 4 June, Novaturas Group, the leader in the Baltic tourism market, presents the full programme for next winter and a new destination – the Spanish island of Gran Canaria. The company offers a wide range of exotic trips to Thailand, Vietnam, Tanzania, Indonesia, Mexico and other long-haul destinations, as well as ski resorts in France, Austria and Italy, with hotels in the Piedmont region as a new addition to the range. The next winter programme also includes the most popular resorts in Egypt, Madeira and Tenerife, as well as a 50% increase in the offering to the United Arab Emirates from Lithuania and Latvia.

Mi., 29.05.2024       Novaturas

Novaturas, the largest tour operator in the Baltic States, is launching a new service with Lithuanian start-up MoreMins to make it cheaper and easier for its customers to use the internet outside the European Union. The company provides travellers with a multi-country eSIM mobile internet service that works on the networks of major operators in different countries. This allows you to enjoy high quality and low-cost mobile data throughout your trip, both in non-EU and EU countries. According to experts, this solution is much more secure than the WI-FI networks normally available in public places.

Do., 23.05.2024       Novaturas

On 23rd May 2024, the ordinary general meeting of shareholders of Public limited liability company “Novaturas”, code 135567698, registered at A. Mickevičiaus str. 27, Kaunas, the Republic of Lithuania (the Company) did not take place because the quorum threshold was not reached.

Do., 23.05.2024       Novaturas

On May 22nd 9:00 AM CEO of AB “Novaturas” Mr. Kristijonas Kaikaris and CFO Mr. Vaidrius Verikas have presented Company’s consolidated financial results for first quarter of 2024 to investors.

Fr., 10.05.2024       Novaturas

On May 22th 2024 at 9:00 AM CEO of AB “Novaturas” Mr. Kristijonas Kaikaris and CFO Mr. Vaidrius Verikas will present the Company’s consolidated financial results for the first quarter of 2024 to investors.

Fr., 03.05.2024       Novaturas

We publish revised version of investors calendar.  Taking into consideration recent change in finance team of the Company, the Company plans to announce interim consolidated financial statements for 3 months as at May 22, 2024.

Do., 02.05.2024       Novaturas

Novaturas Group, the leader in the Baltic tourism market, announces changes in its management team. With a solid track record, Vaidrius Verikas joins the top management as the Group CFO on 2 May. He will replace Vygantas Reifonas, who has been managing the finances of the company for more than a year and will pursue his career outside the organisation.

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