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Letzte Aktualisierung: 17.08.2024 | 11PM
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AtkinsRéalis Inc.
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AtkinsRéalis Inc.
Mi., 13.11.2024       AtkinsRéalis

MONTREAL, Nov. 13, 2024 /CNW/ - AtkinsRéalis Group Inc. (TSX: ATRL), a world-class engineering services and nuclear company with offices around the world, is leading a joint venture, with partners Westinghouse Government Services and Jacobs Technology Inc, that has been awarded a 10-year contract to operate the depleted uranium hexafluoride (DUF6) conversion facilities and assume site landlord responsibilities at the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Paducah and Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plants. A joint venture led by AtkinsRéalis' US Nuclear team has been operating and maintaining the DUF6 facilities for the DOE Portsmouth Paducah Project Office (PPPO) since 2016. 

Mi., 06.11.2024       AtkinsRéalis

MONTREAL, Nov. 6, 2024 /CNW/ - AtkinsRéalis, a world-class engineering services and nuclear company with offices around the world, welcomes Nu-Tech Precision Metals Inc. as a new ambassador in support of the Canadians for CANDU campaign.

Nu-Tech Precision Metals Inc. is located in Arnprior, Ontario and has, since 1959, been the manufacturer and supplier of zirconium fuel channel pressure tubes.  Over the past 65 years Nu-Tech has supplied every pressure tube operating in every CANDU® reactor worldwide.  Nu-Tech's metallurgical and quality engineers are continually working to enhance the operating life of the pressure tube, enhancing the efficiency and competitive advantage of CANDU technology. 

Mi., 30.10.2024       AtkinsRéalis

MONTREAL, Oct. 30, 2024 /CNW/ - AtkinsRéalis, a world-class engineering services and nuclear company with offices around the world, welcomes E.S. Fox Limited as a new ambassador in support of the Canadians for CANDU campaign.

E.S. Fox Limited was established in 1934 as a small plumbing and heating company. Today, they are recognized as a Tier 1 multi-trade Fabricator and Constructor. Deeply rooted in Ontario, E.S. Fox has been safely providing the 'boots on the ground' in the nuclear sector for over 50 years. They regard nuclear energy as a safe harbour for clean, reliable energy and a platform for skilled workers to hone their craft by building key Canadian infrastructure.

Di., 22.10.2024       AtkinsRéalis

MONTREAL, Oct. 22, 2024 /CNW/ - AtkinsRéalis, a world-class engineering services and nuclear company with offices around the world, welcomes McMaster University as a new ambassador in support of the Canadians for CANDU campaign.

Located in Hamilton, Ontario, McMaster is Canada's Nuclear University. Home to a 5MW nuclear research reactor and a suite of world-class nuclear research facilities, McMaster is a global leader in nuclear research and innovation, advancing discoveries in clean energy, medical isotopes, nuclear safety, environmental and materials science, while providing unique education and training opportunities for the next generation of nuclear industry leaders. McMaster is the world's leading supplier of iodine-125, a medical isotope used to treat prostate and other cancers.

Do., 10.10.2024       AtkinsRéalis

MONTREAL, Oct. 10, 2024 /CNW/ - AtkinsRéalis Group Inc. (TSX: ATRL), a world-class engineering services and nuclear company with offices around the world, will hold an audio webcast and conference call  to discuss and present its third quarter financial results. The public is invited to listen to the webcast or the conference call on Thursday, November 14, 2024, at 8:00 a.m. (Eastern Time). Participants will be Ian L. Edwards, President and Chief Executive Officer and Jeff Bell, Chief Financial Officer. Financial results will be released prior to the market open that day.

Mi., 02.10.2024       AtkinsRéalis

MONTREAL, Oct. 2, 2024 /CNW/ - AtkinsRéalis Group Inc. (TSX: ATRL), a world-class engineering services and nuclear company with offices around the world, is set to work with the UK's largest listed water company to deliver a major environmental program that will provide cleaner rivers, more reliable water supplies and improvements to services.

United Utilities has appointed three design and development partners (DDP) in a contract worth a potential £90 million for each DDP over 11 years.

Mo., 16.09.2024       AtkinsRéalis

MONTREAL, Sept. 16, 2024 /CNW/ - AtkinsRéalis Group Inc. (TSX: ATRL), a world-class engineering services and nuclear company with offices around the world, has been appointed by UK rail infrastructure owner Network Rail to upgrade and digitize the country's signalling over the next 10 years.

Network Rail's £4 billion Train Control Systems Framework is a decade-long initiative to upgrade signalling across its 20,000-mile network. The framework comprises two categories: digital and conventional signalling. AtkinsRéalis has secured two of the eight contracts awarded across both categories, working independently on conventional signalling and partnering with CAF to deliver digital signalling¹.

Di., 03.09.2024       AtkinsRéalis

MONTREAL, Sept. 3, 2024 /CNW/ - AtkinsRéalis Group Inc. (TSX: ATRL), a world-class engineering services and nuclear company with offices around the world, announces the appointment of Ms. Nathalie Marcotte and Mr. Sam Shakir to its Board of Directors, effective September 3rd. The appointment of these two independent directors will bring significant experience and expertise to complement the capabilities of the Board, and further support the Company's efforts to Deliver Excellence and Drive Growth, in line with its 2025-2027 strategic plan presented at the June 2024 Investor Day.

Do., 29.08.2024       AtkinsRéalis

MONTREAL, Aug. 29, 2024 /CNW/ - AtkinsRéalis Group Inc. (TSX: ATRL), a world-class engineering services and nuclear company with offices around the world, has won a mandate from Jubilant HollisterStier, a leading global pharmaceutical contract manufacturer, to provide detailed design for the expansion of their sterile injectable facility in Montreal as part of Canada's Biomanufacturing and Life Sciences Strategy pandemic preparedness plan to domestically manufacture and supply vaccines.

Do., 22.08.2024       AtkinsRéalis

MONTREAL, Aug. 22, 2024 /CNW/ - AtkinsRéalis, a world-class engineering services and nuclear company with offices around the world, welcomes Velan as a new ambassador in support of the Canadians for CANDU campaign.

The Canadians for CANDU campaign was launched on February 28, 2024. Spearheaded by Co-Chairs the Right Honourable Jean Chrétien and former Ontario Premier Mike Harris, the campaign promotes the deployment of CANDU® nuclear technology at home and abroad in support of Canadian and global efforts to reach net-zero emissions.

Di., 20.08.2024       AtkinsRéalis

MONTREAL, Aug. 20, 2024 /CNW/ - AtkinsRéalis Group Inc. (TSX: ATRL), a world-class engineering services and nuclear company with offices around the world, was chosen by the Province of British Columbia (B.C.) to deliver the Systems and Trackwork for the Surrey Langley SkyTrain (SLS) project in Canada. This project will be delivered alongside Western Pacific Enterprises Ltd under the Transit Integrators BC Joint Venture.

Mo., 19.08.2024       AtkinsRéalis

MONTREAL, Aug. 19, 2024 /CNW/ - AtkinsRéalis Group Inc. (TSX: ATRL), a world-class engineering services and nuclear company with offices around the world, has been appointed by Network Rail to renew and enhance the signalling and telecommunications infrastructure in its Eastern region, which hosts over 6,000 miles of track.

AtkinsRéalis has been selected as one of two suppliers for Lot 2A (Generalist Signalling and Telecommunications) under the Eastern Routes Partnership Framework, Network Rail's main route to market for projects in the Eastern region. Lot 2A has an overall value of up to £150 million over five years, with an option to extend up to a further five years in yearly increments to £300 million. AtkinsRéalis will renew and enhance interlockings, level crossings, networks, trackside equipment and telecommunications.

Do., 15.08.2024       AtkinsRéalis

MONTREAL, Aug. 14, 2024 /CNW/ - AtkinsRéalis, a world-class engineering services and nuclear company with offices around the world, welcomes Black & McDonald Limited, as a new ambassador in support of the Canadians for CANDU campaign. Black & McDonald is an integral part of the Canadian nuclear ecosystem, successfully delivering over 600 projects in CANDU facilities.

The Canadians for CANDU campaign was launched on February 28, 2024. Spearheaded by Co-Chairs the Right Honourable Jean Chrétien and former Ontario Premier Mike Harris, the campaign promotes the deployment of CANDU® nuclear technology at home and abroad in support of Canadian and global efforts to reach net-zero emissions.

Do., 15.08.2024       AtkinsRéalis

MONTREAL, Aug. 15, 2024 /CNW/ - AtkinsRéalis, a world-class engineering services and nuclear company with offices around the world, welcomes Celeros Flow Technology as a new ambassador in support of the Canadians for CANDU campaign.

The Canadians for CANDU campaign was launched on February 28, 2024. Spearheaded by Co-Chairs the Right Honourable Jean Chrétien and former Ontario Premier Mike Harris, the campaign promotes the deployment of CANDU® nuclear technology at home and abroad in support of Canadian and global efforts to reach net-zero emissions.

Fr., 09.08.2024       AtkinsRéalis

MONTREAL, Aug. 9, 2024 /CNW/ - AtkinsRéalis Group Inc. (TSX: ATRL), a world-class engineering services and nuclear company with offices around the world, today announced its financial results for the second quarter ended June 30, 2024.

AtkinsRéalis delivered strong Q2 results, with significant year-over-year increases in Revenue, Segment Adjusted EBIT, Net Income and EPS. The Company's Segment Adjusted EBITDA to segment net revenue ratio for Engineering Services Regions improved year-over-year, mainly driven by the Company's initiatives presented at the Investor Day on June 13, 2024. Note that the net income and EPS were impacted in the quarter by a strong share price appreciation, increasing the Company's compensation costs. The Company's backlog continued to achieve record highs with strong year-over-year increases in Engineering Services Regions and Nuclear.

Do., 08.08.2024       AtkinsRéalis

MONTREAL, Aug. 8, 2024 /CNW/ - Candu Energy Inc., an AtkinsRéalis company [AtkinsRéalis Group Inc.] (TSX: ATRL), has entered into an agreement with Third Qinshan Nuclear Power Company Limited (TQNPC) to support the ongoing 30-year life extension of the two CANDU® reactors at the Qinshan Nuclear Generating Station, located in China. As part of the project for Phase III, AtkinsRéalis will provide design, engineering, and procurement services. This includes providing sophisticated reactor tooling, training of TQNPC staff, and completing the necessary engineering work to enable the prolonged operation of the plant.

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