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Letzte Aktualisierung: 17.08.2024 | 11PM
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Canadian Pacific Kansas City Ltd
GICS: - · Sektor: EQTY · Sub-Sektor: Railroads
Canadian Pacific Kansas City Ltd
Fr., 23.08.2024       CPKC

CALGARY, AB, Aug. 22, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - Canadian Pacific Kansas City (TSX: CP) (NYSE: CP) (CPKC) said, following the direction issued by the Canadian Minister of Labour pursuant to section 107 of the Canada Labour Code, the Canada Industrial Relations Board (CIRB) convened an urgent case management conference with CPKC at 9:00 p.m. ET tonight. CPKC was prepared to fully address the resumption of service given its obvious priority.

Fr., 23.08.2024       CPKC

CALGARY, AB, Aug. 22, 2024 /CNW/ - Canadian Pacific Kansas City (TSX: CP) (NYSE: CP) (CPKC) today said it is preparing to restart railway operations in Canada following the Canadian Minister of Labour's announcement that he will exercise his authority under Section 107 of the Canada Labour Code to direct the Canada Industrial Relations Board (CIRB) to impose final binding arbitration and for railway operations to resume forthwith.

CPKC will follow the order of the CIRB once it executes the Minister's direction. Our teams are already preparing for the safe and orderly resumption of our rail network and further details about timing will be provided once we receive the CIRB's order.

Fr., 23.08.2024       CPKC

CALGARY, AB, Aug. 22, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - Canadian Pacific Kansas City (TSX: CP) (NYSE: CP) (CPKC) today said it is preparing to restart railway operations in Canada following the Canadian Minister of Labour's announcement that he will exercise his authority under Section 107 of the Canada Labour Code to direct the Canada Industrial Relations Board (CIRB) to impose final binding arbitration and for railway operations to resume forthwith.

CPKC will follow the order of the CIRB once it executes the Minister's direction. Our teams are already preparing for the safe and orderly resumption of our rail network and further details about timing will be provided once we receive the CIRB's order.

Do., 22.08.2024       CPKC

CALGARY, AB, Aug. 22, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Canadian Pacific Kansas City (TSX: CP) (NYSE: CP) (CPKC) said today it has locked out employees who are members of the Teamsters Canada Rail Conference (TCRC) – Train and Engine (T&E) division effective 00:01 Eastern Time on Aug. 22.

That will be followed by the lock out of employees who are members of the TCRC – Rail Traffic Controller (RCTC) division effective 00:01 Mountain Time on Aug. 22.

Throughout nearly a year of negotiations, CPKC has remained committed to doing its part to avoid this work stoppage. CPKC has bargained in good faith, but despite our best efforts, it is clear that a negotiated outcome with the TCRC is not within reach. The TCRC leadership continues to make unrealistic demands that would fundamentally impair the railway's ability to serve our customers with a reliable and cost-competitive transportation service.

Do., 22.08.2024       CPKC

CALGARY, AB, Aug. 22, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Canadian Pacific Kansas City (TSX: CP) (NYSE: CP) (CPKC) said today it has locked out employees who are members of the Teamsters Canada Rail Conference (TCRC) – Train and Engine (T&E) division effective 00:01 Eastern Time on Aug. 22.

That will be followed by the lock out of employees who are members of the TCRC – Rail Traffic Controller (RCTC) division effective 00:01 Mountain Time on Aug. 22.

Throughout nearly a year of negotiations, CPKC has remained committed to doing its part to avoid this work stoppage. CPKC has bargained in good faith, but despite our best efforts, it is clear that a negotiated outcome with the TCRC is not within reach. The TCRC leadership continues to make unrealistic demands that would fundamentally impair the railway's ability to serve our customers with a reliable and cost-competitive transportation service.

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