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Letzte Aktualisierung: 17.08.2024 | 11PM
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FIGI: BBG000C03J19

DeFi Technologies Inc.
GICS: - · Sektor: Financial Services · Sub-Sektor: Capital Markets
DeFi Technologies Inc.
So., 17.11.2024       DeFi Technologies

Gesamteinnahmen, EBITDA und Nettogewinn: DeFi Technologies verzeichnete einen Gesamtumsatz von 24,2 Mio. CAD (ca. 17,8 Mio. USD) und 152,4 Mio. CAD (ca. 112,0 Mio. USD) für den am 30. September 2024 endenden Drei- und Neunmonatszeitraum und einen Nettogewinn von 24,9 Mio. CAD (ca. 18,3 Mio. USD) und 97,2 Mio. CAD (ca. 71,4 Mio. USD) für den am 30. September 2024 endenden Drei- bzw. Neunmonatszeitraum. Das Unternehmen meldet außerdem ein EBITDA von 26,2 Mio. CAD (19,3 Mio. USD) und 102,3 Mio. CAD (75,2 Mio. USD) für die drei bzw. neun Monate bis September 2024, was seine starke operative Leistung und sein robustes Umsatzwachstum widerspiegelt.Erhebliches Wachstum des verwalteten Vermögens (Assets Under Management, AUM): Das verwaltete Vermögen (AUM) stieg seit dem 31. Dezember 2023 um 51,6 % auf ca. 770,5 Mio. CAD (570,8 Mio. USD) zum 30. September 2024, was auf günstige Marktbedingungen, die Einführung neuer Produkte und strategische Unternehmensmaßnahmen zurückzuführen ist, die das Handelsvolumen und die finanzielle Gesamtleistung verbesserten. Seit dem 30. September 2024 ist das verwaltete Vermögen weiter gestiegen und erreichte am 13. November 2024 ein Rekordhoch von 1,1 Mrd. CAD (785,4 Mio. USD).2024 Ausblick: Mit Blick auf die Zukunft rechnet DeFi Technologies für das Geschäftsjahr 2024 mit einem Jahresumsatz von etwa 198,6 Mio. CAD (141,5 Mio. USD), der durch das anhaltende AUM-Wachstum, die bevorstehende Einführung von ETPs und die Integration neuer Akquisitionen unterstützt wird, die darauf ausgerichtet sind, von den günstigen Bedingungen im Sektor der digitalen Anlagen zu profitieren. Darüber hinaus prüft das Unternehmen weiterhin zusätzliche Handelsmöglichkeiten für Defi Alpha.
Sa., 16.11.2024       DeFi Technologies

DeFi Technologies führt die CoreFi-Strategie ein: Nach dem Vorbild erfolgreicher Unternehmen wie MicroStrategy bietet CoreFi Strategy einen fremdfinanzierten, regulierten Ansatz für Bitcoin-Renditen und CORE, den nativen Vermögenswert von Core Blockchain, der Anlegern ein hohes Beta-Engagement in Bitcoin und BTCfi bietet.Die Schlüsselrolle von Core Blockchain beim BTC-Einsatz: Die auf Bitcoin ausgerichtete Core-Blockchain integriert nicht verwahrtes Bitcoin-Staking und Dual Staking mit signifikanter Bitcoin-Mining-Unterstützung und fördert so nachhaltige Bitcoin-Erträge und einen erhöhten Nutzen innerhalb eines Bitcoin-Ökosystems mit hoher Wertschöpfung. 
Fr., 15.11.2024       DeFi Technologies

Total Revenues, EBITDA and Net Income: DeFi Technologies recorded Total Revenues of C$24.2 million (approximately US$17.8 million) and C$152.4 million (approximately US$112.0 million) for the three and nine months period ended September 30, 2024 and Net Income of C$24.9 million (approximately US$18.3 million) and C$97.2 million (approximately US$71.4 million) for three and nine months ended September 30, 2024. The Company also reports EBITDA of C$26.2 million (US$19.3 million) and C$102.3 million (US$75.2 million) for the three and nine months ended September 2024, reflecting its strong operational performance and robust revenue growth.Substantial Growth in Assets Under Management (AUM): AUM grew by 51.6% since December 31, 2023, to approximately C$770.5 million (US$570.8 million) as of September 30, 2024, driven by favorable market conditions, new product launches, and strategic corporate actions that enhanced trading volumes and overall financial performance. Since September 30, 2024, AUM has further increased to a record high of C$1.1 billion (US$785.4 million) as of November 13, 2024.2024 Outlook: Looking ahead, DeFi Technologies projects its annualized revenues for fiscal 2024 to reach approximately C$198.6 million (US$141.5 million), supported by ongoing AUM growth, upcoming ETP launches, and the integration of new acquisitions, which are poised to capitalize on the favorable conditions in the digital asset sector. Furthermore, the Company continues to evaluate additional Defi Alpha trading opportunities.
Fr., 15.11.2024       DeFi Technologies

Total Revenues, EBITDA and Net Income: DeFi Technologies recorded Total Revenues of C$24.2 million (approximately US$17.8 million) and C$152.4 million (approximately US$112.0 million) for the three and nine months period ended September 30, 2024 and Net Income of C$24.9 million (approximately US$18.3 million) and C$97.2 million (approximately US$71.4 million) for three and nine months ended September 30, 2024. The Company also reports EBITDA of C$26.2 million (US$19.3 million) and C$102.3 million (US$75.2 million) for the three and nine months ended September 2024, reflecting its strong operational performance and robust revenue growth.Substantial Growth in Assets Under Management (AUM): AUM grew by 51.6% since December 31, 2023, to approximately C$770.5 million (US$570.8 million) as of September 30, 2024, driven by favorable market conditions, new product launches, and strategic corporate actions that enhanced trading volumes and overall financial performance. Since September 30, 2024, AUM has further increased to a record high of C$1.1 billion (US$785.4 million) as of November 13, 2024.2024 Outlook: Looking ahead, DeFi Technologies projects its annualized revenues for fiscal 2024 to reach approximately C$198.6 million (US$141.5 million), supported by ongoing AUM growth, upcoming ETP launches, and the integration of new acquisitions, which are poised to capitalize on the favorable conditions in the digital asset sector. Furthermore, the Company continues to evaluate additional Defi Alpha trading opportunities.
Do., 14.11.2024       DeFi Technologies

DeFi Technologies Launches CoreFi Strategy: Modeled after successful companies like MicroStrategy, CoreFi Strategy offers a leveraged, regulated approach to Bitcoin yield and CORE, Core blockchain's native asset, providing investors high-beta exposure to Bitcoin and BTCfi.Core Blockchain's Key Role in BTC Staking: Core blockchain, aligned with Bitcoin, integrates Non-Custodial Staking and Dual Staking with significant Bitcoin mining support, fostering sustainable Bitcoin yields and increased utility within a high-upside Bitcoin ecosystem. 
Do., 14.11.2024       DeFi Technologies

DeFi Technologies Launches CoreFi Strategy: Modeled after successful companies like MicroStrategy, CoreFi Strategy offers a leveraged, regulated approach to Bitcoin yield and CORE, Core blockchain's native asset, providing investors high-beta exposure to Bitcoin and BTCfi.Core Blockchain's Key Role in BTC Staking: Core blockchain, aligned with Bitcoin, integrates Non-Custodial Staking and Dual Staking with significant Bitcoin mining support, fostering sustainable Bitcoin yields and increased utility within a high-upside Bitcoin ecosystem. 
Mi., 13.11.2024       DeFi Technologies

DeFi Technologies gründet SolFi Technologies, ein Spin-off-Unternehmen, das sich darauf konzentriert, Investoren durch Eigenhandel, Validierungsknotenbetrieb und Ökosysteminvestitionen einen direkten Zugang zum Solana-Blockchain-Ökosystem zu verschaffen.Optimierung des Ertrags von Solana: SolFi Technologies verwendet proprietäre Algorithmen und innovative Finanzierungsstrategien, um Solana (SOL) zu erwerben, zu halten und zu staken. Durch das Staking von Solana mit dem Validator und der proprietären Maximum Extractable Value (MEV)-Engine von DeFi Technologies (erprobt mit über 508 Millionen CAD (365 Millionen USD) in gestakten Solana) strebt SolFi Technologies einen konstanten Cashflow mit höheren Renditen als bei Staking-Anbietern von Drittanbietern an, der dann reinvestiert oder als Dividende an die Aktionäre ausgeschüttet werden kann.Die Treasury-Strategie wird vom Betriebsunternehmen unterstützt: SolFi Technologies prüft strategische Übernahmen von Betriebsunternehmen, um die Solana-Treasury-Strategie mit Cashflows zu untermauern, die den Erwerb von Token und die Einnahmen aus dem Staking beschleunigen.
Mi., 13.11.2024       DeFi Technologies

TORONTO, 13. November 2024 /PRNewswire/ – DeFi Technologies Inc. (das „Unternehmen" oder „DEFI") (CBOE CA: DEFI) (GR: R9B) (OTC: DEFTF), , ein Finanztechnologieunternehmen und das erste und einzige börsennotierte Unternehmen, das die Lücke zwischen traditionellen Kapitalmärkten, Web3 und dezentralem Finanzwesen überbrückt, kündigt heute an, dass es am Freitag, den 15. November 2024 um 12:00 Uhr EST eine Telefonkonferenz mit den Aktionären durchführen wird, um die Finanzergebnisse für den Dreimonats- und Neunmonatszeitraum bis zum 30. September 2024 zu besprechen. 

Di., 12.11.2024       DeFi Technologies

TORONTO , Nov. 12, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -  DeFi Technologies Inc. (the "Company" or "DEFI") (CBOE CA: DEFI) (GR: R9B) (OTC: DEFTF), a financial technology company and the first and only publicly traded company that bridges the gap between traditional capital markets, Web3 and decentralised finance, today announces it will conduct a shareholder call on Friday November 15, 2024 at 12:00 p.m. EST to discuss its financial performance for the three month and nine month period ending September 30, 2024. 

Di., 12.11.2024       DeFi Technologies

TORONTO , Nov. 12, 2024 /CNW/ -  DeFi Technologies Inc. (the "Company" or "DEFI") (CBOE CA: DEFI) (GR: R9B) (OTC: DEFTF), a financial technology company and the first and only publicly traded company that bridges the gap between traditional capital markets, Web3 and decentralised finance, today announces it will conduct a shareholder call on Friday November 15, 2024 at 12:00 p.m. EST to discuss its financial performance for the three month and nine month period ending September 30, 2024. 

Di., 12.11.2024       DeFi Technologies

DeFi Technologies launches SolFi Technologies, a spinout company, focused on providing investors with direct exposure to the Solana blockchain ecosystem through proprietary trading, validator node operations, and ecosystem investments.Optimizing Solana Yield: SolFi Technologies uses proprietary algorithms and innovative financing strategies to acquire, hold, and stake Solana (SOL). By staking Solana with DeFi Technologies' validator and proprietary Maximum Extractable Value (MEV) engine (battle-tested with over C$508 million (US$365 million) in staked Solana), SolFi Technologies aims to generate consistent cash flow at higher yields than third-party staking providers, which can then be reinvested or distributed to shareholders as dividends.Treasury Strategy Underpinned by Operating Company: SolFi Technologies is incubating and evaluating strategic acquisitions of operating companies to underpin its Solana treasury strategy with cash flows to accelerate its token acquisition and staking revenues.
Di., 12.11.2024       DeFi Technologies

DeFi Technologies launches SolFi Technologies, a spinout company, focused on providing investors with direct exposure to the Solana blockchain ecosystem through proprietary trading, validator node operations, and ecosystem investments.Optimizing Solana Yield: SolFi Technologies uses proprietary algorithms and innovative financing strategies to acquire, hold, and stake Solana (SOL). By staking Solana with DeFi Technologies' validator and proprietary Maximum Extractable Value (MEV) engine (battle-tested with over C$508 million (US$365 million) in staked Solana), SolFi Technologies aims to generate consistent cash flow at higher yields than third-party staking providers, which can then be reinvested or distributed to shareholders as dividends.Treasury Strategy Underpinned by Operating Company: SolFi Technologies is incubating and evaluating strategic acquisitions of operating companies to underpin its Solana treasury strategy with cash flows to accelerate its token acquisition and staking revenues.
Do., 07.11.2024       DeFi Technologies

Valour. Reaches Record AUM Growth: Valour., a subsidiary of DeFi Technologies, has reached a record AUM of C$883 million (US$633 million), marking a 73% increase this fiscal year. This growth is fueled by strong investor demand, with net sales exceeding C$120 million (US$86 million) over the past 12 months, and an increase in overall digital asset prices.Product Expansion and Market Reach: Valour is expanding its product lineup, currently offering 28 ETPs and aiming to reach 40 by year-end, with plans to grow to 100 ETPs by the end of 2025. Valour is also actively pursuing regulatory approval to enter markets in North Africa, the Middle East, and additional emerging regions to meet global demand for regulated digital asset products.Q3 2024 Financial Results: DeFi Technologies will release Q3 2024 financial results on Thursday, November 14, 2024 after market close, and hold a shareholder call on Monday, November 18, 2024. The time and further details will follow.
Do., 07.11.2024       DeFi Technologies

Valour. Reaches Record AUM Growth: Valour., a subsidiary of DeFi Technologies, has reached a record AUM of C$883 million (US$633 million), marking a 73% increase this fiscal year. This growth is fueled by strong investor demand, with net sales exceeding C$120 million (US$86 million) over the past 12 months, and an increase in overall digital asset prices.Product Expansion and Market Reach: Valour is expanding its product lineup, currently offering 28 ETPs and aiming to reach 40 by year-end, with plans to grow to 100 ETPs by the end of 2025. Valour is also actively pursuing regulatory approval to enter markets in North Africa, the Middle East, and additional emerging regions to meet global demand for regulated digital asset products.Q3 2024 Financial Results: DeFi Technologies will release Q3 2024 financial results on Thursday, November 14, 2024 after market close, and hold a shareholder call on Monday, November 18, 2024. The time and further details will follow.
Di., 05.11.2024       DeFi Technologies

Launch of Physically Backed Yield-Bearing Bitcoin (BTC) ETP on Xetra: Valour Digital Securities Limited and Core Foundation partner to bring a yield-bearing Bitcoin ("BTC") ETP on Frankfurt Börse Xetra with a 0.9% management fee, offering German investors exposure to Bitcoin with an initial fixed yield of 1.40%.1Valour Bitcoin Physical Staking (1VBS) ETP with Core Blockchain: The Core blockchain network, powered by Bitcoin, forms the foundation for 1Valour Bitcoin Physical Staking (1VBS) ETP (ISIN: GB00BRBV3124), providing Ethereum Virtual Machine ("EVM") compatibility and the innovative Satoshi Plus consensus mechanism to enhance security and scalability.Simplified Investment with 1Valour Bitcoin Physical Staking (1VBS)ETP: Through delegating Bitcoins to Core validators, this innovative product ensures custodial control while offering yield without the need for investors to set up their own validators. The yield is reflected in the Digital Asset Entitlement and Net Asset Value (NAV) at the end of each trading day.
Mo., 04.11.2024       DeFi Technologies

AUM & Continued Month-over-Month Inflows: Valour reported C$825 million (US$593 million) in AUM as of October 31, 2024, a 62% increase year-to-date, driven by C$2.1 million (US$1.5 million) in net inflows and appreciation of asset prices in October. Key products, including Valour SUI SEK, Valour BTC 0, and Valour TAO SEK, contributed to this strong performance, highlighting growing investor confidence in Valour's innovative digital asset ETPs.Strong Financial Position: As of October 31, 2024, the cash and USDT balance stood at approximately C$12.9 million (US$9.3 million), a 36% decrease from the previous month, primarily due to a recent C$5.5 million (US$4 million) debt payment that allowed Valour to successfully eliminate its debt. Current loans payable stood at approximately C$8.3 million (US$6 million), a 40% reduction from the previous month. The Company also expanded its digital asset treasury, purchasing and holding 208.8 BTC, 121 ETH, 496,683 ADA, 111,616 DOT, 13,175 SOL, 490.5 UNI, 433,322 AVAX, and 2,935,203 CORE tokens, with a total value of approximately C$43.6 million (US$31.4 million), reflecting a 5% increase from the previous month as of October 31, 2024.
Mo., 04.11.2024       DeFi Technologies

In the news release, DeFi Technologies Provides Monthly Corporate Update: Subsidiary Valour Reports In Assets Under Management at C$825 Million (US$593 Million), Up 62% This Fiscal Year, and Net Inflows of C$2.1 Million (US$1.5 Million) in October, Among Other Key Developments, issued 04-Nov-2024 by DeFi Technologies Inc. over CNW, we are advised by the company that the AUM in the first bullet and first paragraph should read "C$825 Million (US$593 Million)" rather than "C$757 million (US$593 million)" as originally issued inadvertently. The complete, corrected release follows:

Di., 29.10.2024       DeFi Technologies

Debt-Free Milestone: Valour Inc. has eliminated its outstanding debt with a final C$5.5 million (US$4 million) payment, completed on October 16, 2024, strengthening its financial position.Strategic Growth and Expansion: This debt elimination allows Valour to focus resources on growth, innovation, and expansion into new products and markets within the digital asset sector.Enhanced Financial Agility: The repayment, achieved without new equity or debt issuance, underscores Valour's disciplined financial management, further enabling the Company to pursue emerging revenue opportunities.
Di., 29.10.2024       DeFi Technologies

Debt-Free Milestone: Valour Inc. has eliminated its outstanding debt with a final C$5.5 million (US$4 million) payment, completed on October 16, 2024, strengthening its financial position.Strategic Growth and Expansion: This debt elimination allows Valour to focus resources on growth, innovation, and expansion into new products and markets within the digital asset sector.Enhanced Financial Agility: The repayment, achieved without new equity or debt issuance, underscores Valour's disciplined financial management, further enabling the Company to pursue emerging revenue opportunities.
Fr., 18.10.2024       DeFi Technologies

Strategic Move in Nordic Market: Valour Inc., a subsidiary of DeFi Technologies, will transfer 19 of its ETPs from the Nordic Growth Market to the Spotlight Stock Market in Stockholm, aiming to enhance its position in the Nordic ETP market and support growth in crypto-related instruments.Increased Liquidity and Market Expansion: With this move, Valour's ETPs, which generated approximately SEK 14.3 billion (US$1.3 billion) in trading volume over the past year, will increase to 23 listings on Spotlight, positioning the company for greater liquidity and market expansion.

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