TORONTO, 16. September 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- DeFi Technologies Inc. (das „Unternehmen" oder „DeFi Technologies") (CBOE CA: DEFI) (GR: RB9) (OTC: DEFTF), ein Finanztechnologieunternehmen, das Pionierarbeit bei der Konvergenz der traditionellen Kapitalmärkte mit der Welt der dezentralisierten Finanzen („DeFi") leistet, freut sich, bekannt zu geben, dass es heute ein „Form 40-F Registration Statement" („Form 40-F") bei der United States Securities and Exchange Commission (die „SEC") eingereicht hat, und zwar in Verbindung mit seinem Antrag auf Notierung seiner Stammaktien („Aktien„) an der The Nasdaq Stock Market LLC (die „Nasdaq"). Die Notierung der Stammaktien des Unternehmens an der Nasdaq steht unter dem Vorbehalt der Genehmigung durch die Nasdaq und der Erfüllung aller geltenden Notierungs- und aufsichtsrechtlichen Anforderungen, einschließlich der, dass das „Form 40-F" von der SEC für wirksam erklärt wird. Die Gesellschaft wird die Notierung ihrer Aktien an der Cboe Canada Exchange beibehalten.
TORONTO, Sept. 16, 2024 /CNW/ - DeFi Technologies Inc. (the "Company" or "DeFi Technologies") (CBOE CA: DEFI) (GR: RB9) (OTC: DEFTF), a financial technology company that pioneers the convergence of traditional capital markets with the world of decentralised finance ("DeFi"), is pleased to announce that it filed today a Form 40-F Registration Statement ("Form 40-F") with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC"), in connection with its application to list its common shares ("Shares") on The Nasdaq Stock Market LLC (the "Nasdaq"). The listing of the Company's common shares on the Nasdaq remains subject to the approval of the Nasdaq and the satisfaction of all applicable listing and regulatory requirements, including the Form 40-F being declared effective by the SEC. The Company will continue to maintain the listing of its Shares on the Cboe Canada Exchange.
TORONTO, Sept. 16, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - DeFi Technologies Inc. (the "Company" or "DeFi Technologies") (CBOE CA: DEFI) (GR: RB9) (OTC: DEFTF), a financial technology company that pioneers the convergence of traditional capital markets with the world of decentralised finance ("DeFi"), is pleased to announce that it filed today a Form 40-F Registration Statement ("Form 40-F") with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC"), in connection with its application to list its common shares ("Shares") on The Nasdaq Stock Market LLC (the "Nasdaq"). The listing of the Company's common shares on the Nasdaq remains subject to the approval of the Nasdaq and the satisfaction of all applicable listing and regulatory requirements, including the Form 40-F being declared effective by the SEC. The Company will continue to maintain the listing of its Shares on the Cboe Canada Exchange.
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