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Letzte Aktualisierung: 17.08.2024 | 11PM
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Diageo plc
GICS: 30201020 · Sektor: Consumer Staples · Sub-Sektor: Food, Beverage and Tobacco
Diageo plc
Mi., 04.09.2024       Diageo

Crown Royal Invites NFL Fans to Join Legendary Tailgate Tour and Announces Sweepstakes for a Chance to Win Super Bowl LIX Tickets

NEW YORK, Sept. 4, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Award-winning Canadian whisky brand, Crown Royal, proudly returns for a fourth year as the Official Whisky Sponsor of the NFL with its 'Kick Off with Crown' (KOWC) program to launch the Crown Royal Rig. This season, the Crown Royal Rig, a larger-than-life 18-wheeler, will tour NFL stadiums and American cities to spread generosity with an epic tailgate. For KOWC year four, the Crown Royal Rig will go where the fans are, inviting them to join in on the generosity by raising a glass and packing a purple bag in support of military charity organization, Packages from Home. Fans that cannot catch the Crown Royal Rig on the road can track bags packed during the Crown Royal Rig's tour†, check out game day recipes and enter the Crown Royal Rig Super Bowl Sweepstakes for a chance to win Super Bowl LIX tickets, by visiting**

Di., 03.09.2024       Diageo

The perfect indulgence that brings everyone together, so Don't Churro Solo!

NEW YORK, Sept. 3, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Churros are that one treat where 'just one more' is always the rule, never the exception. Bringing a new way to indulge in the deliciousness, Baileys is reinventing the classic pastry and transforming it from something you can dip to something you can sip. Come on a flavor journey with the new Baileys Cinnamon Churros Irish Cream Liqueur – a tantalizing blend of smooth Irish Cream, Irish Whisky, savory cinnamon, and warm vanilla notes. Each sip brings to life the taste of this golden crispy pastry in the velvety texture of Baileys' classic Irish Cream, making it an irresistible indulgence for any occasion.

Di., 27.08.2024       Diageo

The limited-edition bottle celebrates Mexican culture and heritage through the world's first Añejo Cristalino tequila ahead of Día de Muertos

NEW YORK, Aug. 27, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Bonded over their love of creativity, innovation and exceptional tequila, Tequila Don Julio, the original luxury tequila of choice in Mexico, and Mexican-American fashion designer, Willy Chavarria, are continuing their longstanding partnership this season to celebrate modern Mexico and its beloved traditions with the release of the Tequila Don Julio 70 Añejo Cristalino Artist Edition bottle. Inspired by his upbringing in the San Joaquin Valley of California and love for art and luxury design, the artist edition showcases Chavarria's creative vision and depictions of one of the most respected Mexican holidays – Día de Muertos.

Di., 13.08.2024       Diageo

Join the tailgate revolution with the lauded lineup's newest game day essential

NEW YORK, Aug. 13, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Just in time for football season, Diageo introduces the latest addition to its esteemed line of ready-to-serve cocktails, The Cocktail Collection: The Crown Royal Whisky Sour Cocktail with Black Cherry. This seventh offering complements the Collection's lineup of cocktails including the Ketel One Espresso Martini and Tanqueray Negroni, designed to bring the expertise of a skilled bartender to any host, from a spirited tailgate or a cozy home watch party.

Fr., 09.08.2024       Diageo

In Celebration of National Pickleball Day (August 8), makers of the World's No. 1 Vodka and its Latest Ready-To-Drink Look to Bring Local Celebrity and Fan Fun to Several Markets this Fall

NEW YORK, Aug. 9, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Legends know legends…that's why Smirnoff SMASH Vodka Soda is teaming up with Drew Brees, legendary quarterback & champion, and his foundation, the Brees Dream Foundation, at NOLA Pickle Fest. Bringing bold flavors and combinations to the Crescent City courts, Smirnoff SMASH Vodka Soda is serving up more than just pickleball throughout the weekend. 

Fr., 10.11.2023       Diageo

NEW YORK, Nov. 10, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- InvestorsObserver issues critical PriceWatch Alerts for DOCS, DEO, TTE, MARA, and ILMN.

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