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Letzte Aktualisierung: 17.08.2024 | 11PM
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Sinch AB
GICS: 45103010 · Sektor: Technology · Sub-Sektor: Technology
Sinch AB
Mi., 06.11.2024       Sinch

STOCKHOLM, Nov. 6, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Executing on our efficiency agenda 

July – September 2024

Net sales decreased by 2 percent to SEK 7,150m (7,265).Gross profit decreased by 1 percent to SEK 2,406m (2,433).EBITDA decreased by 6 percent to SEK 799m (848).Adjusted EBITDA decreased by 2 percent to SEK 923m (943).An impairment of goodwill of SEK 6,000m had negative impact on quarterly results and Sinch is reporting a loss after tax of SEK -6,095m (46).Basic earnings per share were SEK -7.22 (0.05) and diluted earnings per share were SEK -7.22 (0.05).
Di., 05.11.2024       Sinch

Over 70% of Brands Predict RCS Will Become a Primary Customer Communication Channel Within Five Years

STOCKHOLM, Nov. 5, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Sinch (Sinch AB (publ)) (XSTO: SINCH), which is pioneering the way the world communicates through its Customer Communications Cloud, reports that brands' interest in Rich Communication Services (RCS) and RCS Business Messaging (RBM) is now rising rapidly. Sinch's discussions with an expert panel of senior marketing and digital communications specialists from major European brands found that over 70% expect RCS to be one of their primary customer communication channels within the next five years, while 73% predict it will become the default messaging channel within a decade. 

Di., 05.11.2024       Sinch

Over 70% of Brands Predict RCS Will Become a Primary Customer Communication Channel Within Five Years

STOCKHOLM, Nov. 5, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Sinch (Sinch AB (publ)) (XSTO: SINCH), which is pioneering the way the world communicates through its Customer Communications Cloud, reports that brands' interest in Rich Communication Services (RCS) and RCS Business Messaging (RBM) is now rising rapidly. Sinch's discussions with an expert panel of senior marketing and digital communications specialists from major European brands found that over 70% expect RCS to be one of their primary customer communication channels within the next five years, while 73% predict it will become the default messaging channel within a decade. 

Do., 31.10.2024       Sinch

53% of Senders Ignore Blocklist Monitoring, and 39% Neglect List Hygiene, Risking Deliverability and Customer Engagement

ATLANTA and STOCKHOLM, Oct. 31, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Sinch (Sinch AB (publ) - XSTO: SINCH), which is pioneering the way the world communicates through its Customer Communications Cloud, today unveiled its much-anticipated 2025 "State of Email Deliverability" report through its email platform, Mailgun. The report analyzes the most pressing challenges, emerging trends, and evolving strategies in email deliverability, offering businesses actionable insights to optimize email performance and reach their audiences more efficiently and effectively.

Do., 31.10.2024       Sinch

53% of Senders Ignore Blocklist Monitoring, and 39% Neglect List Hygiene, Risking Deliverability and Customer Engagement

ATLANTA and STOCKHOLM, Oct. 31, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Sinch (Sinch AB (publ) - XSTO: SINCH), which is pioneering the way the world communicates through its Customer Communications Cloud, today unveiled its much-anticipated 2025 "State of Email Deliverability" report through its email platform, Mailgun. The report analyzes the most pressing challenges, emerging trends, and evolving strategies in email deliverability, offering businesses actionable insights to optimize email performance and reach their audiences more efficiently and effectively.

Do., 31.10.2024       Sinch

53% of Senders Ignore Blocklist Monitoring, and 39% Neglect List Hygiene, Risking Deliverability and Customer Engagement

ATLANTA and STOCKHOLM, Oct. 31, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Sinch (Sinch AB (publ) - XSTO: SINCH), which is pioneering the way the world communicates through its Customer Communications Cloud, today unveiled its much-anticipated 2025 "State of Email Deliverability" report through its email platform, Mailgun. The report analyzes the most pressing challenges, emerging trends, and evolving strategies in email deliverability, offering businesses actionable insights to optimize email performance and reach their audiences more efficiently and effectively.

Di., 29.10.2024       Sinch

ATLANTA and STOCKHOLM, Oct. 29, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Sinch (Sinch AB (publ)) (XSTO: SINCH), which is pioneering the way the world communicates through its Customer Communications Cloud, announces its Elastic SIP Trunking solution, available through the Sinch Customer Dashboard. This powerful new service provides businesses of all sizes with seamless scalability, high reliability, and cost-efficient communication services. With a flexible pay-as-you-go model, businesses can optimize their voice communications, ensuring they only pay for what they need. 

Di., 29.10.2024       Sinch

ATLANTA and STOCKHOLM, Oct. 29, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Sinch (Sinch AB (publ)) (XSTO: SINCH), which is pioneering the way the world communicates through its Customer Communications Cloud, announces its Elastic SIP Trunking solution, available through the Sinch Customer Dashboard. This powerful new service provides businesses of all sizes with seamless scalability, high reliability, and cost-efficient communication services. With a flexible pay-as-you-go model, businesses can optimize their voice communications, ensuring they only pay for what they need. 

Di., 29.10.2024       Sinch

ATLANTA and STOCKHOLM, Oct. 29, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Sinch (Sinch AB (publ)) (XSTO: SINCH), which is pioneering the way the world communicates through its Customer Communications Cloud, announces its Elastic SIP Trunking solution, available through the Sinch Customer Dashboard. This powerful new service provides businesses of all sizes with seamless scalability, high reliability, and cost-efficient communication services. With a flexible pay-as-you-go model, businesses can optimize their voice communications, ensuring they only pay for what they need. 

Do., 24.10.2024       Sinch

Personalization, Conversational Commerce, and Trust Define This Year's Shopping Season

ATLANTA  and STOCKHOLM, Sweden, Oct. 24, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Sinch (Sinch AB (publ) – XSTO: SINCH), which is pioneering the way the world communicates through its Customer Communications Cloud, has released its predictions for the 2024 Black Friday and Cyber Monday (BF/CM) shopping season. Based on insights from Sinch's 2024 Consumer BF/CM Survey, conducted across the US, UK, Spain, France, Germany, Brazil, and Australia, the company forecasts that this year's shopping trends will be dominated by personalization, conversational commerce, and secure communication technologies. 

Do., 24.10.2024       Sinch

Personalization, Conversational Commerce, and Trust Define This Year's Shopping Season

ATLANTA  and STOCKHOLM, Sweden, Oct. 24, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Sinch (Sinch AB (publ) – XSTO: SINCH), which is pioneering the way the world communicates through its Customer Communications Cloud, has released its predictions for the 2024 Black Friday and Cyber Monday (BF/CM) shopping season. Based on insights from Sinch's 2024 Consumer BF/CM Survey, conducted across the US, UK, Spain, France, Germany, Brazil, and Australia, the company forecasts that this year's shopping trends will be dominated by personalization, conversational commerce, and secure communication technologies. 

Do., 24.10.2024       Sinch

Personalization, Conversational Commerce, and Trust Define This Year's Shopping Season

ATLANTA  and STOCKHOLM, Sweden, Oct. 24, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Sinch (Sinch AB (publ) – XSTO: SINCH), which is pioneering the way the world communicates through its Customer Communications Cloud, has released its predictions for the 2024 Black Friday and Cyber Monday (BF/CM) shopping season. Based on insights from Sinch's 2024 Consumer BF/CM Survey, conducted across the US, UK, Spain, France, Germany, Brazil, and Australia, the company forecasts that this year's shopping trends will be dominated by personalization, conversational commerce, and secure communication technologies. 

Do., 17.10.2024       Sinch

Marking the 175th Anniversary of the Invention of the Telephone, Sinch Highlights Key Trends and Innovations Shaping the Next Era of Customer Engagement

ATLANTA and STOCKHOLM, Oct. 17, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Sinch (Sinch AB (publ) – (XSTO: SINCH) — As the world commemorates the 175th anniversary of Antonio Meucci's groundbreaking invention of the telephone, Sinch, which is pioneering the way the world communicates through its Customer Communications Cloud, is ushering in the next era of customer interaction. Sinch is at the forefront of this transformation by developing and delivering products that empower businesses to meet consumer expectations through seamless, rich multi-channel experiences.  

Do., 17.10.2024       Sinch

Marking the 175th Anniversary of the Invention of the Telephone, Sinch Highlights Key Trends and Innovations Shaping the Next Era of Customer Engagement

ATLANTA and STOCKHOLM, Oct. 17, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Sinch (Sinch AB (publ) – (XSTO: SINCH) — As the world commemorates the 175th anniversary of Antonio Meucci's groundbreaking invention of the telephone, Sinch, which is pioneering the way the world communicates through its Customer Communications Cloud, is ushering in the next era of customer interaction. Sinch is at the forefront of this transformation by developing and delivering products that empower businesses to meet consumer expectations through seamless, rich multi-channel experiences.  

Do., 17.10.2024       Sinch

Marking the 175th Anniversary of the Invention of the Telephone, Sinch Highlights Key Trends and Innovations Shaping the Next Era of Customer Engagement

ATLANTA and STOCKHOLM, Oct. 17, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Sinch (Sinch AB (publ) – (XSTO: SINCH) — As the world commemorates the 175th anniversary of Antonio Meucci's groundbreaking invention of the telephone, Sinch, which is pioneering the way the world communicates through its Customer Communications Cloud, is ushering in the next era of customer interaction. Sinch is at the forefront of this transformation by developing and delivering products that empower businesses to meet consumer expectations through seamless, rich multi-channel experiences.  

Di., 15.10.2024       Sinch

Next Generation 911 Integrates Voice, Data, Real-Time-Text and Video for Enhanced Accessibility and Reliability

ALTANTA and STOCKHOLM, Oct. 15, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Sinch (Sinch AB (publ) – XSTO: SINCH), which is pioneering the way the world communicates through its Customer Communications Cloud, today announced that it is paving the way for the transformation of emergency communications with its advanced Next Generation 911 (NG911) technology. By integrating a wide range of multimedia options — such as voice calls, real-time text (RTT), internet of things (IoT) data and video — Sinch enhances accessibility and ensures more reliable and comprehensive communication than voice-only 911 services. These NG911 innovations ensure first-responders receive mission-critical, real-time data, improving response times and public safety.

Di., 15.10.2024       Sinch

Next Generation 911 Integrates Voice, Data, Real-Time-Text and Video for Enhanced Accessibility and Reliability

ALTANTA and STOCKHOLM, Oct. 15, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Sinch (Sinch AB (publ) – XSTO: SINCH), which is pioneering the way the world communicates through its Customer Communications Cloud, today announced that it is paving the way for the transformation of emergency communications with its advanced Next Generation 911 (NG911) technology. By integrating a wide range of multimedia options — such as voice calls, real-time text (RTT), internet of things (IoT) data and video — Sinch enhances accessibility and ensures more reliable and comprehensive communication than voice-only 911 services. These NG911 innovations ensure first-responders receive mission-critical, real-time data, improving response times and public safety.

Di., 15.10.2024       Sinch

Next Generation 911 Integrates Voice, Data, Real-Time-Text and Video for Enhanced Accessibility and Reliability

ALTANTA and STOCKHOLM, Oct. 15, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Sinch (Sinch AB (publ) – XSTO: SINCH), which is pioneering the way the world communicates through its Customer Communications Cloud, today announced that it is paving the way for the transformation of emergency communications with its advanced Next Generation 911 (NG911) technology. By integrating a wide range of multimedia options — such as voice calls, real-time text (RTT), internet of things (IoT) data and video — Sinch enhances accessibility and ensures more reliable and comprehensive communication than voice-only 911 services. These NG911 innovations ensure first-responders receive mission-critical, real-time data, improving response times and public safety.

Mo., 14.10.2024       Sinch

STOCKHOLM, Oct. 14, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Sinch AB (publ), which is pioneering the way the world communicates through its Customer Communications Cloud, will publish its interim report for the third quarter 2024 on Wednesday 6 November 2024, at 07:30 CET. A conference call and a webcast will also take place at 14:00 CET where Sinch's CEO Laurinda Pang and CFO Roshan Saldanha will present the report. There will be a possibility to ask questions after the presentation.

Time for publication of the interim reportWednesday 6 November 2024, at 07:30 CET

Di., 08.10.2024       Sinch

STOCKHOLM, Oct. 8, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Sinch AB (publ), which is pioneering the way the world communicates through its Customer Communications Cloud, invites investors, analysts and media to a Capital Markets Day on 20 November 2024. Attendees can participate either in-person in Stockholm or join us via an online live stream.

Since its inception in 2008, Sinch has grown to become a global leader of cloud-based customer communications. More than 150,000 businesses, including many of the world's leading technology companies and financial institutions, rely on Sinch's Customer Communications Cloud to improve their customer experience through mobile messaging, voice and email. Each year Sinch enables more than 800 billion interactions between businesses and their customers.

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