Features include a free connection assessment tool to provide data-backed recommendations for improving marketing communications across multiple channels
STOCKHOLM, Aug. 28, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Sinch (Sinch AB (publ) - XSTO: SINCH), which is pioneering the way the world communicates through its Customer Communications Cloud, today announced that its new Customer Connections hub, an online resource center designed to support customer experience (CX) professionals and marketers, will now be available in Europe across all digital channels. The hub is designed to support European marketers at more than 150,000 businesses worldwide that partner with Sinch, helping them build lasting customer relationships by delivering exceptional experiences across every customer channel.
Features include a free connection assessment tool to provide data-backed recommendations for improving marketing communications across multiple channels
STOCKHOLM, Aug. 28, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Sinch (Sinch AB (publ) - XSTO: SINCH), which is pioneering the way the world communicates through its Customer Communications Cloud, today announced that its new Customer Connections hub, an online resource center designed to support customer experience (CX) professionals and marketers, will now be available in Europe across all digital channels. The hub is designed to support European marketers at more than 150,000 businesses worldwide that partner with Sinch, helping them build lasting customer relationships by delivering exceptional experiences across every customer channel.
STOCKHOLM, Aug. 13, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Sinch (Sinch AB (publ) – XSTO: SINCH), which is pioneering the way the world communicates through its Customer Communications Cloud, is excited to announce that MINDD, a Dutch medical technology company, has selected Sinch to develop an advanced AI-driven solution to safely pre-triage patients, significantly alleviating the overwhelming burden on medical practices.
In the Netherlands, doctors handle an immense number of calls daily, with an estimated 42% of calls coming from individuals who do not require medical attention the same day or not at all. This influx creates long phone wait times, endangering patients who require urgent care and putting immense pressure on already understaffed medical practices.
STOCKHOLM, Aug. 13, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Sinch (Sinch AB (publ) – XSTO: SINCH), which is pioneering the way the world communicates through its Customer Communications Cloud, is excited to announce that MINDD, a Dutch medical technology company, has selected Sinch to develop an advanced AI-driven solution to safely pre-triage patients, significantly alleviating the overwhelming burden on medical practices.
In the Netherlands, doctors handle an immense number of calls daily, with an estimated 42% of calls coming from individuals who do not require medical attention the same day or not at all. This influx creates long phone wait times, endangering patients who require urgent care and putting immense pressure on already understaffed medical practices.
STOCKHOLM, Aug. 13, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Sinch (Sinch AB (publ) – XSTO: SINCH), which is pioneering the way the world communicates through its Customer Communications Cloud, is excited to announce that MINDD, a Dutch medical technology company, has selected Sinch to develop an advanced AI-driven solution to safely pre-triage patients, significantly alleviating the overwhelming burden on medical practices.
In the Netherlands, doctors handle an immense number of calls daily, with an estimated 42% of calls coming from individuals who do not require medical attention the same day or not at all. This influx creates long phone wait times, endangering patients who require urgent care and putting immense pressure on already understaffed medical practices.
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