Members will benefit from 24/7 access to care teams virtually, at home or in a clinic.
BROOKLYN, N.Y. and FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla., May 21, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Cityblock, a value-based healthcare provider for adult Medicaid beneficiaries, announced today a partnership with Sunshine Health, a leading Florida managed care plan and a wholly owned subsidiary of Centene Corporation (NYSE: CNC) to provide primary care and care coordination services to high-need, hard-to-reach Medicaid members in 11 Central Florida counties. The partnership, which commenced on May 1, 2024, includes wrap-around services offered to members 24/7 and across modalities, allowing members the option to see their multidisciplinary care team virtually, in the home or at a local clinic. Together, Sunshine Health and Cityblock will offer members seamless clinical and care coordination services that extend beyond the doctor's office to support whole health. This partnership builds on Centene's existing relationship with Cityblock in two states – New York and Ohio.
ST. LOUIS, May 15, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Centene Corporation (NYSE: CNC), a leading healthcare enterprise committed to helping people live healthier lives, announced today it was named one of the Top 50 Companies for Diversity by Fair360 (formerly DiversityInc) for the fourth consecutive year. Centene ranked No. 26 on this year's list, up 11 spots from No. 37. The list assesses and ranks the nation's largest employers on comprehensive, data-driven diversity and inclusion metrics across six key areas: leadership accountability, human capital metrics, talent programs, workforce practices, supplier fairness and philanthropy.
OKLAHOMA CITY, May 15, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Oklahoma Complete Health, a care management organization serving the needs of Oklahomans with a range of health insurance solutions, and a subsidiary of Centene Corporation (NYSE: CNC), encourages SoonerSelect members to complete the My Health Screening forms to fully leverage their comprehensive healthcare benefit. Oklahoma Complete Health has reached out to every new member since the plan launch on April 1, 2024.
ST. LOUIS, May 14, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Centene Corporation (NYSE: CNC), a leading healthcare enterprise committed to helping people live healthier lives, announced today that the Kansas Department of Administration has selected its Kansas-based subsidiary, Sunflower Health Plan (Sunflower) to continue providing managed health care services through KanCare, the State of Kansas' Medicaid and Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP). The new three-year contract is expected to take effect on January 1, 2025, with the option to renew for up to two, 12-month extensions.
MHS Serves will support the advancement of programs and innovations to improve health equity efforts statewide
MHS Serves will be a collaboration with Indiana Minority Health Coalition and Black Onyx Management
First partnership opportunity will support internet and technology adoption for partner organizations in underserved communities
INDIANAPOLIS, May 14, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Managed Health Services (MHS), a managed care entity that has been proudly serving the state of Indiana for over 25 years and a wholly owned subsidiary of Centene Corporation (NYSE: CNC), announced today the creation of MHS Serves, a $12 million dollar health equity program focused on reducing and eliminating health disparities by supporting key community-based programs and resources across Indiana. Over the next six years, MHS Serves will provide a minimum of two million dollars annually to institute health equity-focused partnerships and innovations. Indiana Minority Health Coalition (IMHC) and Black Onyx Management will collaborate with MHS Serves to manage the program. The first opportunity, Broadband Access Strategic Partnership, will enable partner organizations in historically marginalized communities to have increased broadband access to support internet and technology adoption. The program aims to increase the number of Indiana's certified Broadband Ready Communities by supporting internet readiness through strategic planning and broadband surveys, and growing internet adoption in under-resourced communities through place-based initiatives.
Funding provides access to telehealth services for all students enrolled in the district at no cost through the 2028-29 school year.
UVALDE, Texas, May 8, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Uvalde Consolidated Independent School District (UCISD) today announced that students will have access to virtual health care through a partnership with Hazel Health, a leading telehealth provider, and Superior HealthPlan (Superior), the Texas-based subsidiary of Centene Corporation (NYSE: CNC). Thanks to an investment of $250,000 from Superior, all UCISD students will have access to Hazel Health's high-quality care – at school and at home – through the 2028–2029 school year. The service will be accessible to all students enrolled in the district at no cost to their families.
Grant funds medical respite program to improve healthcare and housing stability for Detroit's homeless population.
DETROIT, May 7, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Meridian in Michigan, a leading managed care organization in the state of Michigan and a wholly-owned subsidiary of Centene Corporation (NYSE: CNC) and the Centene Foundation, the philanthropic arm of Centene Corporation, announced today a $1.1 million grant to the Neighborhood Service Organization (NSO), an integrated health and human service agency based in Detroit. The grant will support NSO's Medical Respite program, serving to increase access to health and recuperative care for individuals experiencing homelessness.
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