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Letzte Aktualisierung: 17.08.2024 | 11PM
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Southwest Airlines Company
GICS: 20302010 · Sektor: Industrials · Sub-Sektor: Airlines, Airports & Air Services
Southwest Airlines Company
Fr., 19.07.2024       Southwest Airlines

DALLAS, July 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Southwest Airlines Co. (NYSE: LUV) invites you to listen to a live webcast of its second quarter 2024 financial results. Details are as follows:


Thursday, July 25, 2024 at 12:30 PM Eastern Time


Bob Jordan, President and Chief Executive Officer

Andrew Watterson, Chief Operating Officer

Tammy Romo, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

     Web Address:

To access the live audio webcast and subsequent replay, click on the link above, or go to and click on "Investor Relations" under the "About Southwest" menu at the bottom of the page. The audio webcast can be found under "News & Events" in the drop down menu. Registration for this event begins 20 minutes prior to the start of the call.

Do., 11.07.2024       Southwest Airlines

Sponsorship to include Customer sweepstakes throughout the year, integrations in Southeastern Conference Network programming, activations throughout the season and at major Southeastern Conference championship events, and Surprise & Delight moments

DALLAS, July 11, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Southwest Airlines Co. (NYSE: LUV) today announces a new, multi-year sponsorship agreement with the Southeastern Conference (SEC) and SEC Network to be the "Official Airline of the SEC." The deal—officially launched on July 1—will primarily highlight the athletic contributions to SEC football, men's and women's basketball, baseball, softball, gymnastics, and women's soccer.

Mo., 08.07.2024       Southwest Airlines

Has Received Overwhelmingly Supportive Feedback about Call for Leadership Change

Responds to Company's Adoption of Shareholder-Unfriendly "Poison Pill"

Reiterates Measures Necessary to Improve Performance

Letter is available at

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla., July 8, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Elliott Investment Management L.P. (and its affiliates, "Elliott"), today sent a letter to the Board of Southwest Airlines Co. (NYSE: LUV) (the "Company" or "Southwest") summarizing the feedback received and key events that have occurred since the publication last month of Elliott's initial letter and presentation calling for leadership change.

Mo., 08.07.2024       Southwest Airlines

DALLAS, July 8, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The Board of Directors of Southwest Airlines Co. (NYSE: LUV) ("Southwest") (the "Company") has appointed Rakesh Gangwal as a member of the Board, effective July 7.

Gangwal has deep and extensive airline industry experience and is the co-founder of India's largest airline by fleet size and passengers carried, InterGlobe Aviation, known as IndiGo. Before co-founding IndiGo in 2006, Gangwal served as Chairman, President, and Chief Executive Officer of Worldspan Technologies, a provider of technology and information services to the travel and transportation industry. Prior to his time at Worldspan, Gangwal served as President and Chief Executive Officer of US Airways Group, and previously as its Chief Operating Officer. Gangwal previously served in executive roles at Air France and United Airlines.

Mi., 03.07.2024       Southwest Airlines

Board Acts in Response to a Significant Accumulation by Elliott Investment Management

Protects Value of All Shareholders' Investments in Southwest Airlines

DALLAS, July 3, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The Southwest Airlines Co. (NYSE: LUV) Board of Directors today announced that it has approved the adoption of a limited-duration Shareholder rights plan ("Rights Plan"). The Rights Plan is effective immediately and will expire in one year. Any extension would be subject to prior approval by the Company's Shareholders.

Mi., 26.06.2024       Southwest Airlines

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla., June 26, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Elliott Investment Management L.P. ("Elliott"), today released the following statement on behalf of Partner John Pike and Portfolio Manager Bobby Xu regarding Southwest Airlines Co. (NYSE: LUV) (the "Company" or "Southwest") and its revenue guidance reduction announcement:

Today's announcement marks the eighth guidance reduction at Southwest Airlines in the last 18 months with RASM (revenue per available seat mile) now expected to decline 4% to 4.5% in the second quarter, a significant reduction relative to the guidance that Southwest's management team provided only two months ago. Southwest's industry-trailing revenue performance is clearly continuing along the same disappointing trend line, despite management's repeated promises for improvement and today's empty statement that the Company is focusing on "delivering operational excellence."

Di., 25.06.2024       Southwest Airlines

Airline launches 10-week sweepstakes in partnership with local Chambers of Commerce and Convention and Visitors Bureaus

DALLAS, June 25, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Southwest Airlines Co. (NYSE: LUV) today launches the Summer of Go sweepstakes, which offers Customers weekly chances to win 1 of 10 destination prize packages to attractive leisure destinations. Beginning today, Customers can visit to learn more and enter for a chance to win.  

"Our robust route map includes destinations from coast to coast that offer adventures for every type of traveler seeking a getaway," said Jennifer Bridie, Vice President Marketing Communications & Strategy at Southwest Airlines. "As our Customers consider their next vacation, we're providing even more reasons to turn their plans from wanna go, to gonna go with opportunities to win prize packages along the way."  

Di., 18.06.2024       Southwest Airlines

DALLAS, June 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Southwest Airlines Co. (NYSE: LUV) continues its birthday celebration with a sale on flights starting as low as $53 one-way in honor of the carrier turning 53. Starting today through June 20, 2024, Customers can book these fares for their next getaway for continental U.S. travel between August 6 and December 18, 2024, and Hawaii, international, and San Juan, Puerto Rico travel between August 20 and November 20, 2024. Restrictions, exclusions, and blackout dates apply. Seats, markets, and days are limited. The discount applies before government taxes and fees. Visit® to book and view full terms and conditions.1 

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