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AngloGold Ashanti
ISIN: US0351282068
WKN: 915102
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AngloGold Ashanti · ISIN: US0351282068 · Business Wire (ID: 20240916782165)
16 September 2024 12:37PM

Dealing in Securities by an Executive Officer of AngloGold Ashanti plc

AngloGold Ashanti plc (the “Company”) (NYSE: AU; JSE: ANG) announces that an Executive Officer of the Company, Marcelo Cheuiche Godoy, has dealt in securities of the Company.

Name of Executive Officer

Marcelo Cheuiche Godoy

Name of Company

AngloGold Ashanti plc

Date of transaction

13 September 2024

Nature of transaction

Off-market receipt of vested shares under the 2023 Deferred Share Plan (DSP)

Class of security

Ordinary shares

Number of securities


Price per security


Nature and extent of interest

Direct, Beneficial

A portion of the shares received by the Executive Officer have been sold to satisfy related taxes as detailed below:

Name of Executive Officer

Marcelo Cheuiche Godoy

Name of Company

AngloGold Ashanti plc

Date of transaction

13 September 2024

Nature of transaction

On-market sale of shares to fund tax liability in relation to DSP awards

Class of security

Ordinary shares

Number of securities sold


Price per security


Value of transaction (excluding fees)


Nature and extent of interest

Direct, Beneficial


Weighted average price. These shares were sold in multiple transactions at prices ranging from US$28.4923 to US$28.4963 inclusive.



Andrea Maxey +61 08 9435 4603 / +61 400 072 199 amaxey@anglogoldashanti.com
General inquiries media@anglogoldashanti.com

Andrea Maxey +61 08 9435 4603 / +61 400 072 199 amaxey@anglogoldashanti.com
Yatish Chowthee +27 11 637 6273 / +27 78 364 2080 yrchowthee@anglogoldashanti.com
Website: www.anglogoldashanti.com

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