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Energy Recovery
ISIN: US29270J1007
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Energy Recovery · ISIN: US29270J1007 · Business Wire (ID: 20241216221591)
16 Dezember 2024 07:01PM

Energy Recovery Wins “Breakthrough Innovation Award” at IDRA World Congress

At the 2024 IDRA World Congress show this week, Energy Recovery, Inc. (Nasdaq: ERII) was honored with The Breakthrough Innovation Award for Most Innovative Company in Desalination Technology. The award, announced at the IDRA World Congress Gala Dinner, “recognizes the pioneering efforts and transformative impact of a company, utility, or agency at the forefront of desalination technology.”

Energy Recovery has been the trusted gold standard in energy recovery solutions for the seawater reverse osmosis desalination industry for over a decade, thanks to the groundbreaking PX® Pressure Exchanger® technology. According to their award submission, Energy Recovery has deployed more than 35,000 pressure exchangers across seven continents, helping serve clean water to more than 70 million people per day.

The PX reduces energy consumption in SWRO desalination facilities by up to 60%, translating into an estimated $6.3 billion savings in energy costs each year for our customers.

“We’re truly honored to be recognized as an innovator in the desalination industry,” said Rodney Clemente, Senior VP of Water at Energy Recovery. “And with continued advancements and additions to our product line—like the Q400, the Low-pressure PX and the Ultra high-pressure PX Series—we are helping to push the industry forward towards a more sustainable and energy efficient future.”

The PX Q400 is a notable innovation for Energy Recovery in recent years. It is the company's highest performing and highest-capacity PX available for seawater reverse osmosis (SWRO) desalination and industrial wastewater facilities, with a peak efficiency of up to 98%.

At this year’s IDRA World Congress, in addition to exhibiting, Energy Recovery also led important industry discussions, including a curated panel titled "Innovative Pathways: Navigating the Energy-Sustainability Nexus in Desalination".

For more information about Energy Recovery, visit their website at https://energyrecovery.com/

About Energy Recovery

Energy Recovery is a trusted global leader in energy efficiency technology. Building on our pressure exchanger technology platform, we design and manufacture reliable, high-performance solutions that generate cost savings, increase energy efficiency, and reduce carbon emissions across several industries. With a strong foundation in the desalination industry, Energy Recovery has delivered transformative solutions that increase operational efficiency and environmental sustainability to our customers worldwide for more than 30 years. Headquartered in the San Francisco Bay Area, Energy Recovery has manufacturing and R&D facilities in California, with sales and on-site technical support available globally.


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