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Letzte Aktualisierung: 23.01.2025 | 7PM
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Ondas Holdings Inc.
GICS: - · Sektor: Technology · Sub-Sektor: Communication Equipment
Ondas Holdings Inc.
Do., 23.01.2025       Ondas

Nottelmann joins at a pivotal time as Ondas Networks drives adoption of its dot16 wireless connectivity platformNottelmann will focus on accelerating Ondas Networks' commercial activities with railroad customers and partners, as well as strategic financial matters SUNNYVALE, CA / ACCESS Newswire / January 23, 2025 / Ondas Holdings Inc. (NASDAQ:ONDS...
Di., 21.01.2025       Ondas

Brock will work closely with the Board and CDA members to help support broader industry collaboration and ecosystem development across the commercial drone industryBOSTON, MA / ACCESS Newswire / January 21, 2025 / Ondas Holdings Inc. (NASDAQ:ONDS), ("Ondas", or the "Company"), a leading provider of private industrial wireless ne...
Mo., 13.01.2025       Ondas

Mr. Stern has over 20 years of experience in growth equity and venture capital, with leadership roles at OurCrowd and Shamrock HoldingsMr. Stern has expertise in supporting emerging technology companies including via board service for multiple organizationsMr. Stern was former Board Chairman of Ondas subsidiary Airobotics BOSTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / ...
Mi., 08.01.2025       Ondas

The purchase order includes integration and testing of new features and capabilities for protecting against additional ground threats, expected to further increase total addressable market (TAM)Ondas will continue expanding the applications of its unique AI-integrated drone platform, making it relevant to additional applications in the Defense and ...
Fr., 03.01.2025       Ondas

Significant progress for the industry and American Robotics as the Optimus System-the only FAA Type Certified uncrewed aerial vehicle (UAV) developed for security and inspection - integrated with Kestrel airspace management and C-UAS solution, enables expanded BVLOS operations at Ondas' Baltimore Global Operations Control CenterOndas prepares for F...
Mo., 30.12.2024       Ondas

Gearing up to meet demand at Ondas Autonomous Systems (OAS) for Optimus and Iron Drone platformsOndas Holdings has raised $30 million in net proceeds from this single investor since December 3rd and achieved the funding targets set at the OAS Investor Day in September 2024 BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS / ACCESSWIRE / December 30, 2024 / Ondas Holdings Inc....
Fr., 27.12.2024       Ondas

BOSTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / December 27, 2024 / Ondas Holdings Inc. (Nasdaq:ONDS) ("Ondas" or the "Company"), a leading provider of private industrial wireless networks and commercial drone and automated data solutions, announced today it has received a notification letter from Nasdaq Stock Market LLC ("Nasdaq") confirmi...
Do., 19.12.2024       Ondas

The Optimus System is deployed as automated aerial infrastructure providing data services to multiple end-users on site, overseeing security and the progress of large-scale construction BOSTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / December 19, 2024 / Ondas Holdings Inc. (NASDAQ:ONDS) ("Ondas" or the "Company"), a leading provider of private indust...
Mo., 16.12.2024       Ondas

Investment to support the growth of Ondas Autonomous Systems (OAS) which has experienced substantial demand including $14.4 million in orders in Q3 2024This represents the note holder's fourth investment in Ondas Holdings convertible notes, demonstrating their confidence in the Company's drone technologies and its ability to execute on substantial ...
Di., 10.12.2024       Ondas

Ondas Holdings selected as lead commercial partner for Intelligent Infrastructure Economic Zone (IIEZ) on Texas State Highway 130Ondas' platform to provide resilient, scaled remote drone operations; Over 100 drone use cases identified by the City of AustinTexas has been a national leader in the adoption and operationalization of drones for public s...
Fr., 29.11.2024       Ondas

Investment to support the growth of the Ondas Autonomous Systems (OAS) business which has experienced substantial demand including $14.4 million in orders in Q3 2024This represents the third investment in Ondas Holdings convertible notes,with aggregate principal of $50.1 million, since October of 2022 from this single institutional investorBOSTON, ...
Fr., 22.11.2024       Ondas

Purchase order to facilitate future orders and deployments of the system with new defense and homeland security customersAs a unique AI-integrated interception drone system, the Iron Drone Raider offers a new method for neutralizing hostile drones while minimizing collateral damageCommercially launched last year, the Raider system has been enhanced...
Di., 19.11.2024       Ondas

BOSTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / November 19, 2024 / Ondas Holdings Inc. (NASDAQ:ONDS) ("Ondas" or the "Company"), a leading provider of private industrial wireless networks and commercial drone and automated data solutions, announced today it has received a notification letter from Nasdaq Stock Market LLC ("Nasdaq") that the...
Di., 12.11.2024       Ondas

Q3 marks the largest bookings in Ondas' history$14.4 million in purchase orders were from a major military customer for the Iron Drone Raider and Optimus System autonomous drone platformsIron Drone Raider is emerging as a best-in-class 'hard kill' counter drone solution addressing the urgent need for protection from hostile dronesOrder from Metra, ...
Do., 07.11.2024       Ondas

Funding accelerates development of new features for the Iron Drone Raider, an advanced drone interception systemNeed for effective defensive counter-drone solutions has never been greaterGrant highlights Airobotics' innovation and valuable contributions to Israel's advanced aerospace sector, recognized globally for leadership in drone and intercept...
Di., 05.11.2024       Ondas

BOSTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / November 5, 2024 / Ondas Holdings Inc. (NASDAQ:ONDS), ("Ondas", or the "Company"), a leading provider of private industrial wireless networks and commercial drone and automated data solutions, will hold a conference call on Tuesday, November 12, 2024, at 8:30 a.m. Eastern Time to discuss its financial r...
Mo., 14.10.2024       Ondas

Direct investment in Ondas Autonomous Systems (OAS) backed by investment companies of Joe Popolo, Board Member of Ondas, and Eric Brock, CEO and Chairman of Ondas and OASInitial investment to support OAS' substantial growth opportunity in providing unmanned aerial security and intelligence to defense, security and critical infrastructure and indust...
Di., 08.10.2024       Ondas

Nottelmann has extensive experience introducing new technology into railroad markets and an accomplished background as a strategic financial and operating executiveNottelmann will assist in accelerating Ondas Networks' commercial activities with railroad customers and partners, as well as strategic financial mattersBOSTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / October...

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