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Letzte Aktualisierung: 09.03.2025 | 6PM
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Woodside Energy Group Ltd
GICS: - · Sektor: Energy · Sub-Sektor: -
Woodside Energy Group Ltd
Di., 25.02.2025       Woodside Energy

Woodside Energy Group (ASX: WDS) (NYSE: WDS) (LSE: WDS): Woodside today reported record production of 193.9 million barrels of oil equivalent (MMboe), or 530 Mboe/day, for the full year 2024. The result was underpinned by outstanding early production performance at Sangomar and world-class reliability at operated LNG assets. This press release fe...
Mi., 22.01.2025       Woodside Energy

Woodside Energy Group (ASX: WDS) (NYSE: WDS): Woodside CEO Meg O’Neill said Woodside is delivering on its growth strategy while taking steps to sharpen its focus on high-value core assets. “Our high-quality assets continued to deliver outstanding performance in the quarter, underpinned by Sangomar producing 75 thousand barrels of oil equivalen...
Mo., 23.12.2024       Woodside Energy

The Scarborough Energy Project has passed another significant milestone with the final Pluto Train 2 modules arriving at the Pluto LNG facility in Karratha, Western Australia. The successful completion of the Pluto Train 2 module program advances the Scarborough Energy Project towards the targeted delivery of first LNG in 2026. Since February ...
Do., 19.12.2024       Woodside Energy

Woodside and Chevron have agreed to an asset swap under which Woodside will acquire Chevron’s interest in the North West Shelf (NWS) Project, the NWS Oil Project and the Angel Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) Project, and transfer all of its interest in both the Wheatstone and Julimar-Brunello Projects to Chevron. Chevron will also make a cash pay...
Do., 05.12.2024       Woodside Energy

Woodside has signed a revised lump sum turnkey engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) contract with Bechtel for the development of the three train 16.5 million tonnes per annum foundation development of Louisiana LNG. Bechtel has worked on site since the acquisition and will continue work under a limited notice to proceed (LNTP) execute...
Di., 12.11.2024       Woodside Energy

Woodside Energy, Baker Hughes and Bechtel have teamed up to go the distance and raise money for United Way of Greater Houston in a tricycle race. The race raised $150,000 for United Way and featured executives and racing teams from each of the three companies and United Way. “Houston is home to our international business and we’re proud to give ...
Di., 29.10.2024       Woodside Energy

Woodside Energy will invest $650,000 in Louisiana through the end of 2025, reinforcing the company’s commitment to the region and local communities. The investment will fund five community grant programs and enable initiatives that support a broad range of needs across communities in the Greater Bayou area, including environmental preservation, c...
Do., 17.10.2024       Woodside Energy

Woodside Energy will launch a $300,000 two-year partnership with Friends of Energy Institute in support of Energy Institute High School. This is one of the largest donations to date in support of the Houston Independent School District (HISD) magnet school. "Our collaboration with Friends of Energy Institute reflects our commitment to empowering ...
Mi., 16.10.2024       Woodside Energy

Woodside Energy Group (ASX: WDS) (NYSE: WDS) (LSE: WDS): Woodside CEO Meg O’Neill said: “We would like to acknowledge the tragic death in early October of an employee of one of the construction contractors at our Clean Ammonia Project in Beaumont, Texas. “Safety is our top priority. We are taking steps to understand the circumstances around wha...
Mi., 16.10.2024       Woodside Energy

Woodside has reviewed its current listing structure and decided to delist from the London Stock Exchange (LSE). Woodside shares represented by depositary interests account for approximately 1% of Woodside’s issued share capital. Trading volumes of Woodside shares on the LSE are low and delisting from the LSE will reduce Woodside’s administration c...
Mi., 09.10.2024       Woodside Energy

As previously announced, on October 8, 2024, Tellurian Inc. (“Tellurian”) completed its merger pursuant to the Agreement and Plan of Merger (the “Merger Agreement”), dated July 21, 2024, by and among the Tellurian, Woodside Energy Holdings (NA) LLC, a Delaware limited liability company (“Parent”), and Woodside Energy (Transitory) Inc., a Delaware ...
Mi., 09.10.2024       Woodside Energy

Woodside has completed the acquisition of Tellurian Inc. (Tellurian) and its US Gulf Coast Driftwood LNG development opportunity. Woodside has acquired all issued and outstanding Tellurian common stock for approximately $900 million cash, or $1.00 per share. The implied enterprise value is approximately $1,200 million.1 Woodside is pleased to als...
Mo., 30.09.2024       Woodside Energy

Woodside has completed the acquisition of 100% of OCI Clean Ammonia Holding B.V., which holds its lower carbon ammonia project in Texas (Project), from OCI N.V. (together with its affiliates, OCI).1 The completion follows Woodside’s announcement on 5 August 2024 that it had entered into an agreement to acquire OCI’s 1.1 Mtpa Clean Ammonia Project...
Fr., 20.09.2024       Woodside Energy

Woodside Energy will contribute $50,000 to the Bayou Community Foundation in support of relief efforts following Hurricane Francine. The Category 2 hurricane impacted the Louisiana coast, causing a large portion of the region to lose power and access to basic resources. “Our thoughts are with Louisiana and the communities impacted by Hurricane Fr...
Mo., 16.09.2024       Woodside Energy

Woodside Energy Group Ltd (ASX: WDS) (NYSE: WDS) (LSE: WDS): A US investor event providing an overview of the global LNG industry and Woodside’s LNG business will be hosted by Woodside CEO and Managing Director Meg O’Neill, Chief Financial Officer Graham Tiver, and Chief Commercial Officer Mark Abbotsford, today at 10:00 EDT / 22:00 AWST. To acc...
Di., 27.08.2024       Woodside Energy

Woodside Energy Group (ASX: WDS) (NYSE: WDS) (LSE: WDS): HALF-YEAR REPORT FOR PERIOD ENDED 30 JUNE 2024 High-quality business delivering strong dividends Financial highlights Net profit after tax of $1,937 million. Underlying net profit after tax of $1,632 million.1 Operating cash flow of $2,393 million and positive free cash flow o...

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