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Letzte Aktualisierung: 22.11.2024 | 12PM
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ADTRAN Holdings, Inc.
GICS: - · Sektor: Technology · Sub-Sektor: Communication Equipment
ADTRAN Holdings, Inc.
Do., 21.11.2024       Adtran Holdings

Adtran and Dell Technologies today announced a strategic collaboration to meet the growing AI networking needs of the US federal government. Adtran is providing a comprehensive range of optical, packet and software networking solutions, which are being integrated with Dell’s AI-driven infrastructure to accelerate AI deployments for federal agencie...
Di., 05.11.2024       Adtran Holdings

Adtran today announced that the Centre Régional Informatique et d’Applications Numériques de Normandie (CRIANN) is using its FSP 3000 optical transport technology and ALM fiber monitoring platform to boost the capacity and resilience of its research and education network, thanks to the financial support of the Normandy Region. By integrating Adtra...
Mo., 04.11.2024       Adtran Holdings

Adtran today announced that Switzerland’s Federal Institute of Metrology METAS has successfully deployed its OSA 3300 HP, improving national timekeeping performance and supporting critical scientific research. As the industry’s first high-performance optical cesium atomic clock, the OSA 3300 HP sets new standards for accuracy and stability, while ...
Fr., 01.11.2024       Adtran Holdings

Adtran today announced its strategic collaboration with Sonic Fiber Internet to bring 50Gbit/s passive optical network (50G PON) connectivity to California. The partnership is a proactive step to ensure Sonic continues to deliver ultra-fast broadband services that meet the growing demand for higher capacity and faster speeds across the US. By leve...
Di., 29.10.2024       Adtran Holdings

Adtran and Candela Technologies today launched a joint solution that addresses a significant gap in existing Wi-Fi testing capabilities. Building on a longstanding partnership, the collaboration integrates Adtran’s SDG 8700 Series Wi-Fi 7 technology with Candela’s automated testing platform. This unique combination enables the testing of complex 4...
Do., 24.10.2024       Adtran Holdings

Adtran today announced that its Oscilloquartz team of network synchronization specialists has demonstrated the robust capabilities of the OSA aPNT+™ platform, its assured positioning, navigation and timing (PNT) solution, at Jammertest 2024 in Norway. In a series of real-world tests, the platform exhibited resilience against jamming and spoofing a...
Do., 17.10.2024       Adtran Holdings

Adtran today announced that D & P Communications is harnessing its open and intelligent fiber access technology to bring multigigabit broadband to more subscribers in southern Michigan. The deployment includes Adtran’s scalable fiber broadband solution with Combo PON technology, enabling D & P Communications to efficiently upgrade to symme...
Mo., 14.10.2024       Adtran Holdings

Adtran today announced that Pulse Fibre has selected its 10Gbit/s XGS-PON fiber access platform to enable the next phase of its network expansion. Specializing in new housing developments, Pulse Fibre will be delivering Gigabit and multigigabit services with symmetrical speeds up to 10Gbit/s to more than 250,000 homes in both rural and urban areas...
Di., 08.10.2024       Adtran Holdings

Adtran and Netomnia today announced their strategic partnership to bring 50Gbit/s passive optical network (50G PON) services to the UK market. The collaboration promises to transform the broadband landscape and meet the growing bandwidth needs of homes and businesses. 50G PON technology will provide the capacity to handle multiple Gigabit services...
Do., 26.09.2024       Adtran Holdings

Adtran today announced that 1&1 Versatel is upgrading its nationwide fiber optic network across Germany by leveraging Adtran FSP 3000 open optical transport technology. The new flexgrid solution expands network capacity to support data rates up to 800Gbit/s and stretches across approximately 65,000km of fiber infrastructure, enhancing connecti...
Fr., 20.09.2024       Adtran Holdings

Adtran today announced its key role in the Optical Internetworking Forum’s (OIF) demonstration of open, multi-vendor networking at the European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC) 2024. At the center of the showcase are Adtran’s Coherent 100ZR QSFP28 pluggable module and its FSP 3000 open optical line system (OLS), which enables the transpo...
Do., 19.09.2024       Adtran Holdings

Adtran today launched its Oscilloquartz Time Scale System, developed to meet the precise timekeeping requirements of national metrology institutes, scientific research facilities and other applications demanding the highest levels of accuracy and traceability. The comprehensive system integrates Adtran’s Oscilloquartz grandmaster clocks, GPS/GNSS ...
Mi., 18.09.2024       Adtran Holdings

Adtran today announced that Fastr Broadband is leveraging its open and intelligent fiber access technology to deliver full-fiber connectivity to customers in the city of York. The new network enables residential subscribers and businesses to access affordable, high-speed internet services. Adtran’s Mosaic CP is being utilized to streamline network...
Di., 17.09.2024       Adtran Holdings

Adtran today announced the opening of a new 20,000-square-foot distribution center in York, UK. The facility expands Adtran’s UK operations, supporting the deployment of its end-to-end fiber infrastructure solutions, including optical transport, Carrier Ethernet and access equipment. By enhancing logistics capabilities, the new center will enable ...
Do., 12.09.2024       Adtran Holdings

Adtran today launched the OSA 5410XG, the latest addition to its Oscilloquartz portfolio of precision timing solutions. Building on the success of the widely adopted OSA 5410, this next-generation product is the first in the Oscilloquartz family of PTP grandmaster devices designed specifically for edge network deployment. The compact and highly re...
Di., 10.09.2024       Adtran Holdings

Adtran today announced that Quickline has deployed its Mosaic CP and software-defined access hardware to bring full-fiber connectivity to rural regions in Yorkshire and Lincolnshire. Using Adtran technology, Quickline is rapidly expanding its network into areas previously overlooked by other service providers. Quickline’s subscribers can now acces...
Mo., 09.09.2024       Adtran Holdings

Adtran today announced its new Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) commitments. The company aims to achieve net-zero emissions across its entire value chain by 2048, aligning with the global objective of limiting warming to 1.5°C to mitigate the most severe impacts of climate change. Adtran’s newly approved commitments include a 74.5% reductio...
Do., 05.09.2024       Adtran Holdings

Adtran today announced that Tishomingo Connect, a subsidiary of Tishomingo County Electric Power Association (TCEPA), has deployed its Mosaic One SaaS solution to enhance rural broadband access. Leveraging Adtran’s full suite of fiber-to-the-premises and home networking technologies, Tishomingo Connect is ensuring more households and businesses ca...
Do., 15.08.2024       Adtran Holdings

Adtran today announced that PhireLink has deployed its open and intelligent fiber access technology to bring high-quality broadband to some of Louisiana’s most underserved rural communities. The deployment features Adtran’s Mosaic One software-as-a-service and its Intellifi® connected home solution to support a robust end-user experience. Using Ad...

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