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Letzte Aktualisierung: 11.03.2025 | 6AM
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AI, Inc.
GICS: - · Sektor: Technology · Sub-Sektor: Information Technology Services
NAME, Inc.
Fr., 28.02.2025

C3 AI (NYSE: AI), the Enterprise AI application software company, today announced that C3 AI Chairman and CEO Thomas M. Siebel will participate in a fireside chat at The Citizens JMP Technology Conference on Monday, March 3, at 3:00 pm ET. Interested parties will be able to watch a replay of the webcast, which will be accessible on the C3 AI Inv...
Mi., 26.02.2025, Inc. (“C3 AI,” “C3,” or the “Company”) (NYSE: AI), the Enterprise AI application software company, today announced financial results for its fiscal third quarter ended January 31, 2025. “In the third quarter, C3 AI achieved significant milestones — expanding our global distribution network, advancing our leadership in agentic and generat...
Di., 28.01.2025

C3 AI (NYSE: AI), the Enterprise AI application software company, announced today that it has achieved “Awardable” status through the Chief Digital and Artificial Intelligence Office’s Tradewinds Solutions Marketplace, with the addition of C3 AI Decision Advantage and C3 AI Contested Logistics to the Marketplace. Tradewinds is the Department of ...
Mo., 27.01.2025

C3 AI (NYSE: AI), the Enterprise AI application software company, today announced it will issue its financial results for the fiscal third quarter, which ends January 31, 2025, following the close of the U.S. markets on Wednesday, February 26, 2025. C3 AI will host a conference call and webcast to discuss the financial results. The conference ca...
Mi., 22.01.2025

C3 AI (NYSE: AI), the leading Enterprise AI software application company, announced in Davos today a strategic alliance with McKinsey & Company, a preeminent global management consulting firm, to help clients and prospects across industries and geographies accelerate Enterprise AI transformations at scale. The alliance combines the deep tech...
Mi., 11.12.2024

C3 AI (NYSE: AI), the Enterprise AI application software company, and Collins Aerospace, an RTX business, today announced expanded joint initiatives to develop and deliver AI solutions across the defense and intelligence space. “As the defense and intelligence sectors confront increasingly complex challenges, the need for advanced, scalable AI s...
Di., 10.12.2024

C3 AI (NYSE: AI), the Enterprise AI application software company, today announced that the company, in partnership with ECS, an IT systems integrator focused on data and AI, cybersecurity, and enterprise transformation solutions, will fulfill a task order from the U.S. Army’s Program Manager for Intelligence Systems & Analytics (PM IS&A) t...
Mo., 09.12.2024, Inc. (“C3 AI,” “C3,” or the “Company”) (NYSE: AI), the Enterprise AI application software company, today announced financial results for its fiscal second quarter ended October 31, 2024. “We had an outstanding quarter with strong top- and bottom-line performance to mark our seventh consecutive quarter of accelerating revenue growth,” said...
Mi., 20.11.2024

C3 AI (NYSE: AI), the Enterprise AI application software company, and Capgemini, a global leader in business and technology transformation, today announced an expansion of their partnership. This partnership is designed to accelerate and enhance the delivery of Enterprise AI solutions across industries to help clients realize significant benefits ...
Di., 19.11.2024

Today at Microsoft Ignite, C3 AI (NYSE: AI), the Enterprise AI application software company, and Microsoft Corp. (NASDAQ: MSFT) announced a strategic alliance to accelerate the adoption of Enterprise AI on Microsoft Azure. The agreement marks a significant milestone in C3 AI and Microsoft’s existing partnership, further combining C3 AI's Enterpris...
Mo., 04.11.2024

C3 AI (NYSE: AI), the Enterprise AI application software company, today announced it will issue its financial results for the fiscal second quarter, which ended October 31, 2024, following the close of the U.S. markets on Monday, December 9, 2024. C3 AI will host a conference call and webcast to discuss the financial results. The conference call ...
Do., 31.10.2024

C3 AI (NYSE: AI), the leading Enterprise AI software provider, today announced the issuance of a new U.S. patent (US 12,111,859) for its advanced AI agent generative AI technology. This patent reinforces C3 AI’s commitment to innovation and its leadership in generative AI. The patent details a sophisticated system and method for managing multiple...
Do., 17.10.2024

C3 AI (NYSE: AI), the Enterprise AI application software company, today announced the newly re-branded C3 AI Asset Performance Suite, a collection of powerful, purpose-built AI applications that work together to help enterprises maximize value and improve sustainability performance. The C3 AI Asset Performance Suite includes C3 AI Reliability, C3...
Mi., 09.10.2024

C3 AI (NYSE: AI), the Enterprise AI application software company, today announced that General (Ret.) John E. Hyten has been appointed to its board of directors, effective immediately. “General Hyten is a distinguished military leader who guided the U.S. military through periods of significant transformation,” said Thomas M. Siebel, Chairman and ...
Di., 08.10.2024

C3 AI (NYSE: AI), the Enterprise AI application software company, announced that it has been recognized as a Leader by Forrester Research in its recent report, The Forrester Wave™: AI/ML Platforms, Q3 2024. “C3 AI offers an AI future to enterprises,” the report states. “C3 AI thinks big because it’s led by big thinkers. The company’s vision illum...
Di., 17.09.2024

Attorney Advertising--Bronstein, Gewirtz & Grossman, LLC is investigating potential claims on behalf of purchasers of, Inc. (“” or “the Company”) (NYSE: AI). Investors who purchased securities are encouraged to obtain additional information and assist the investigation by visiting the firm’s site: Investigatio...
Mo., 09.09.2024

Attorney Advertising--Bronstein, Gewirtz & Grossman, LLC is investigating potential claims on behalf of purchasers of, Inc. (“” or “the Company”) (NYSE: AI). Investors who purchased securities are encouraged to obtain additional information and assist the investigation by visiting the firm’s site: Investigatio...
Mi., 04.09.2024, Inc. (“C3 AI,” “C3,” or the “Company”) (NYSE: AI), the Enterprise AI application software company, today announced financial results for its fiscal first quarter ended July 31, 2024. “We had a solid start to the fiscal year, with rising demand for Enterprise AI driving our sixth consecutive quarter of accelerating revenue growth,” said Th...
Mi., 21.08.2024

C3 AI (NYSE: AI), the Enterprise AI application software company, today announced it was named to both the Constellation ShortList™ for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Best-of-Breed Platforms and the Constellation ShortList™ for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Cloud Platforms in Q3 2024. C3 AI has now been named to three ...
Di., 20.08.2024

C3 AI (NYSE: AI), the Enterprise AI application software company, today announced the annual AI Defense Forum will take place on Tuesday, September 10 in Tysons, Virginia. The 2024 AI Defense Forum brings together military and civilian leaders, technologists, and policymakers to address opportunities for how enterprise AI can modernize defense a...

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