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Letzte Aktualisierung: 05.01.2025 | 6AM
Di., 19.11.2024       The Container Store

The Container Store (NYSE: TCS), the nation’s leading retailer of organizing solutions, custom spaces, and in-home services, is expanding its customer favorite Everything Organizer™ collection internationally through a partnership with Vacane Household Commodities, the strategic partner manufacturing this collection. This marks the first licensing...
Mo., 18.11.2024       The Container Store

The Container Store, the nation’s leading retailer of organizing solutions, custom spaces, and in-home services, will open on November 23, 2024 at the new Miami Worldcenter development in Downtown Miami at 850 NE 2nd Avenue, Unit D-129, Miami, FL 33132. This will be The Container Store’s 104th retail location nationally and its seventh store in Fl...
Di., 12.11.2024       The Container Store

The Container Store (NYSE: TCS), the nation’s leading retailer of organizing solutions, custom spaces, and in-home services, has expanded its Everything Organizer™ offering with the launch of the Everything Organizer™ Drop-Front Shoe Box. This upgrade of the customer-favorite Drop-Front Shoe Box offers crystal clear, 360-degree views for those loo...
Mi., 30.10.2024       The Container Store

The Container Store (NYSE: TCS), the nation’s leading retailer of organizing solutions, custom spaces, and in-home services, has expanded its many Custom Spaces offerings with the launch of a premium wood closet in a box system designed for easy do-it-yourself installation. In addition to Elfa™ metal boxed solutions that The Container Store offers...
Di., 29.10.2024       The Container Store

The Container Store Group, Inc. (NYSE: TCS) (the “Company”), today announced its financial results for the second quarter of fiscal 2024 ended September 28, 2024. All share and per share information reported in this press release have been retroactively adjusted to reflect the reverse stock split that became effective on September 3, 2024. For th...
Di., 15.10.2024       The Container Store

The Container Store Group, Inc. (NYSE: TCS) today announced that its second quarter fiscal 2024 financial results will be released after market close on Tuesday, October 29, 2024. The Company will host a conference call at 4:30 p.m. Eastern Time to discuss the financial results. This call will include both live, prepared remarks as well as a Q&...
Di., 15.10.2024       The Container Store

The Container Store Group, Inc. (NYSE: TCS) (“The Container Store” or “the Company”), the nation’s leading specialty retailer offering custom spaces, organizing solutions, and in-home services, and Beyond, Inc. (NYSE:BYON) (“Beyond”), owner of Bed Bath & Beyond, Overstock, Zulily, and other online retail brands designed to unlock your home’s p...
Di., 08.10.2024       The Container Store

The Container Store Group, Inc. (NYSE: TCS), the nation’s leading specialty retailer offering custom spaces, organizing solutions, and in-home services, today announced that it has adopted a limited duration stockholder rights plan, which is effective immediately and is scheduled to expire on October 7, 2025. The Company’s Board of Directors (the...
Fr., 23.08.2024       The Container Store

The Container Store Group, Inc. (the “Company”), the leading specialty retailer of organizing solutions, custom spaces, and in-home services, announced the release of its third annual Sustainability Report. This comprehensive report highlights the Company’s commitment to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practices and outlines the signif...

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