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Letzte Aktualisierung: 07.01.2025 | 12AM
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Dynatrace, Inc.
GICS: - · Sektor: Technology · Sub-Sektor: Software—Application
Dynatrace, Inc.
Mo., 16.12.2024       Dynatrace

Dynatrace (NYSE: DT) has been named a Leader in both the Cloud-Native Observability and Cloud-Native Security quadrants in the 2024 ISG Provider Lens™, Multi Public Cloud Solutions report. ISG assessed 22 observability providers and 24 security providers based on two primary criteria: Competitive Strength and Portfolio Attractiveness. As a result ...
Di., 03.12.2024       Dynatrace

Dynatrace (NYSE: DT) is a recipient of a 2024 Geography and Global AWS Partner Award, highlighting leaders around the globe that are playing key roles in helping their customers drive innovation and build solutions on Amazon Web Services (AWS). Dynatrace has been named the Technology Partner of the Year in EMEA, which recognizes the top AWS Techno...
Mi., 20.11.2024       Dynatrace

Dynatrace (NYSE: DT) has become a member of the Microsoft Intelligent Security Association (MISA) to provide customers with enhanced cloud security solutions through continuous innovation and collaboration with Microsoft and other MISA members. MISA is an ecosystem of independent software vendors (ISVs) and managed security service providers (MSSP...
Do., 14.11.2024       Dynatrace

Dynatrace (NYSE: DT) has been named a Leader in the inaugural GigaOm Radar Report for Kubernetes Observability. The firm evaluated 17 of the top Kubernetes observability solutions based on a range of criteria, including scalability, ease of use, compliance and governance, cost, ecosystem and support, and flexibility. Dynatrace was positioned as a ...
Di., 12.11.2024       Dynatrace

Dynatrace (NYSE: DT) today announced that its executives will present at two upcoming investor conferences, as follows: RBC Global Technology, Internet, Media, and Telecommunications Conference on Tuesday, November 19 at 8:45 a.m. ET. Individuals may access the live webcast of the presentation here. UBS Global Technology and AI Conference on...
Do., 07.11.2024       Dynatrace

Dynatrace (NYSE: DT) today announced financial results for the second quarter of fiscal 2025 ended September 30, 2024. "Our continued out-performance across all of our key metrics is a result of the strength of our platform and ability to execute effectively in a dynamic market," said Rick McConnell, Chief Executive Officer of Dynatrace. "The wor...
Do., 24.10.2024       Dynatrace

Dynatrace (NYSE: DT) has been named a Leader in the first-ever Gartner Magic Quadrant for Digital Experience Monitoring. Gartner evaluated 12 vendors and recognized Dynatrace for its Completeness of Vision and Ability to Execute. Complimentary copies of the 2024 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Digital Experience Monitoring are available on the Dynatrac...
Do., 17.10.2024       Dynatrace

Dynatrace (NYSE: DT) today announced that it will report financial results for its second quarter of fiscal 2025 ended September 30, 2024, before the U.S. financial markets open on November 7, 2024. In conjunction with this report, Dynatrace will host a conference call and live webcast to discuss the company’s financial results and its business ou...
Di., 08.10.2024       Dynatrace

Dynatrace (NYSE: DT) today announced that Deutsche Telekom IT, the central software provider of leading integrated telecommunications company Deutsche Telekom, uses Dynatrace to optimize the performance of its digital services to deliver streamlined and personalized experiences for customers. Deutsche Telekom IT is committed to building an ecosys...
Mi., 02.10.2024       Dynatrace

Dynatrace (NYSE: DT) is showcasing the power of possible for its customers with an extensive offering of new solutions. These advancements encompass improved user experience, advanced log insights, and extended cloud-native capabilities, equipping businesses with essential technology to boost operational efficiency and drive productivity. At a ti...
Mi., 04.09.2024       Dynatrace

Dynatrace (NYSE: DT), the leader in end-to-end observability and security, today announced the appointment of Lisa Campbell to its Board of Directors effective September 4, 2024. Campbell brings to the Board over 25 years of experience in leading business and marketing strategy, digital transformation, and revenue growth for global software compan...
Do., 22.08.2024       Dynatrace

Dynatrace (NYSE: DT), the leader in end-to-end observability and security, today announced it was named to the Constellation ShortList™ in three categories: Observability, AIOPs, and Digital Performance Management in Q3 2024. The technology vendors and service providers included in this program offer the key requirements for early adopters pursuin...
Mi., 21.08.2024       Dynatrace

Dynatrace (NYSE: DT), the leader in end-to-end observability and security, today announced that its executives will present at two upcoming investor conferences, as follows: Citi Global TMT Conference on Wednesday, September 4 at 10:50 a.m. ET. Individuals may access the live webcast of the presentation here. Goldman Sachs Communacopia + Te...
Mi., 21.08.2024       Dynatrace

Dynatrace (NYSE: DT), the leader in end-to-end observability and security, today announced its platform ranked #1 in three of five Use Cases in the 2024 Gartner Critical Capabilities for Observability Platforms report. Gartner evaluated 17 vendors and positioned Dynatrace highest in the following Use Cases: Application Health and Performance Monit...
Mi., 14.08.2024       Dynatrace

Dynatrace (NYSE: DT), the leader in end-to-end observability and security, today announced that Gartner has named it a Leader in the 2024 Magic Quadrant for Observability Platforms. Gartner evaluated 17 vendors and positioned Dynatrace furthest for Completeness of Vision and highest for Ability to Execute. Complimentary copies of the 2024 Gartner ...

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