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Letzte Aktualisierung: 24.02.2025 | 12AM
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Essential Utilities, Inc.
GICS: 55103010 · Sektor: Utilities · Sub-Sektor: Utilities—Regulated Water
Essential Utilities, Inc.
Mi., 19.02.2025       Essential Utilities

The board of directors of Essential Utilities Inc. (NYSE: WTRG) today declared a quarterly cash dividend of $0.3255 per share, payable June 2, 2025, to all shareholders of record on May 13, 2025. The June 2025 dividend payment of $0.3255 per share represents a $0.0184, or 6.0% increase over the June 2024 dividend payment of $0.3071 per share. Ess...
Sa., 01.02.2025       Essential Utilities

Essential Utilities, Inc. (NYSE: WTRG) announced today its Aqua Pennsylvania subsidiary has finalized its $18 million purchase of the Greenville Sanitary Authority’s wastewater system in Mercer County, PA. The system serves Greenville Borough, Hempfield and West Salem Townships. The Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PUC) approved the sale on...
Mi., 15.01.2025       Essential Utilities

For the fourth consecutive year, Essential Utilities, one of the largest water, wastewater and natural gas providers in the U.S., has earned a place among America’s Most Responsible Companies, as recognized by Newsweek. This distinction underscores Essential’s dedication to integrating meaningful environmental and social business practices. “At ...
Di., 07.01.2025       Essential Utilities

Essential Utilities Inc. (NYSE: WTRG) today announced the successful conclusion of its fourth annual Fall for Food Banks initiative. This company-wide effort mobilized employees across its nine-state footprint to combat hunger and support local communities. Through a series of food drives, volunteer events and charitable donations, Essential, Aq...
Mi., 18.12.2024       Essential Utilities

Essential Utilities Inc. (NYSE: WTRG) expects to report financial results for the full year 2024 following market close on February 26, 2025. The company’s conference call with financial analysts will take place on Thursday, February 27, 2025, at 11 a.m. Eastern Standard Time. The call and presentation will be webcast live so interested parties ...
Mi., 18.12.2024       Essential Utilities

Essential Utilities Inc. (NYSE: WTRG) proudly celebrates the 50th anniversary of the Safe Drinking Water Act, a landmark legislation safeguarding public health. To commemorate this milestone, Essential—through its water utility, Aqua—is reinforcing its efforts to protect water quality. “The Safe Drinking Water Act has been the cornerstone of saf...
Fr., 13.12.2024       Essential Utilities

Essential Utilities Inc. (NYSE: WTRG) announced more than $770,000 in total contributions during the company’s 2024-2025 United Way campaign. The total donation was achieved through individual pledges made by employees from its water and gas segments, Aqua and Peoples Natural Gas, as well as a matching gift from the company’s Essential Foundation,...
Mi., 11.12.2024       Essential Utilities

The board of directors of Essential Utilities Inc. (NYSE: WTRG) today declared a quarterly cash dividend of $0.3255 per share, payable March 3, 2025, to all shareholders of record on February 10, 2025. The March 2025 dividend payment of $0.3255 per share represents a $0.0184, or 6.0% increase over the March 2025 dividend payment of $0.3071 per s...
Di., 19.11.2024       Essential Utilities

Aqua Pennsylvania, an Essential Utilities company, reminds customers in need of financial assistance to apply for monthly discounts on their water and wastewater bills through its Customer Assistance Program (CAP). CAP is a year-round program administered through the Dollar Energy Fund (DEF). “Aqua is dedicated to supporting our customers in nee...
Mo., 04.11.2024       Essential Utilities

Essential Utilities Inc. (NYSE: WTRG) today reported results for the third quarter ended September 30, 2024. Essential’s net income was $69.4 million or $0.25 per share for the third quarter of 2024. Essential also announces multi-year guidance, including earnings expectations, and infrastructure investment plans, and reaffirms the company’s long-...
Mi., 30.10.2024       Essential Utilities

The board of directors of Essential Utilities Inc. (NYSE: WTRG) today declared a quarterly cash dividend of $0.3255 per share, payable December 2, 2024, to all shareholders of record on November 12, 2024. The December 2024 dividend payment of $0.3255 per share represents a $0.0184, or 6.0% increase over the December 2023 dividend payment of $0.30...
Do., 12.09.2024       Essential Utilities

Essential Utilities Inc. (NYSE: WTRG) expects to report earnings for the quarter ending September 30, 2024, following market close on November 4, 2024. The company’s conference call with financial analysts will take place on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, at 11 a.m. Eastern Standard Time. The call and presentation will be webcast live so interested p...
Mi., 21.08.2024       Essential Utilities

Essential Utilities Inc. (NYSE: WTRG) announces the appointment of two seasoned professionals to the company’s finance team: Angela Jiang joins the company as vice president, tax, and Hayley Diminick will assume the role of director of investor relations. “We are excited to welcome Angela and Hayley to the Essential team,” said Essential Chairma...
Do., 08.08.2024       Essential Utilities

August 11 (or 8/11) is Safe Digging Day, and Essential Utilities urges all homeowners and contractors to call 811 before beginning any digging project, no matter how small. It is best practice to contact 811 at least three business days ahead of digging, and in many states, it's the law. Calling 811 before digging is free to homeowners and can p...

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