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Letzte Aktualisierung: 08.01.2025 | 6AM
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GoodRx Holdings, Inc.
GICS: - · Sektor: Healthcare · Sub-Sektor: Health Information Services
GoodRx Holdings, Inc.
Di., 07.01.2025       GoodRx

GoodRx (Nasdaq: GDRX), the leading prescription savings platform in the U.S., today announced a new GoodRx for Pets experience that provides a more affordable and convenient way for Americans to access pet medications. Through GoodRx for Pets, pet owners can find savings and have pet medications delivered right to their door. GoodRx for Pets provi...
Mi., 18.12.2024       GoodRx

GoodRx Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq: GDRX) (“GoodRx” or the “Company”), the leading prescription savings platform in the U.S., today announced that executives from the Company will participate in a fireside chat at the 43rd Annual J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference in San Francisco, CA on Wednesday, January 15, 2025 at 9:45 a.m. Pacific Time (12:45 p.m. ...
Di., 17.12.2024       GoodRx

GoodRx (Nasdaq: GDRX), the leading prescription savings platform in the U.S., today revealed startling healthcare disparities in its new report, “Endocrinologist Deserts: A Critical Healthcare Gap for Millions in the U.S.” With nearly 70% of U.S. counties lacking an endocrinologist, the report paints a stark picture of the barriers millions of Ame...
Mo., 16.12.2024       GoodRx

GoodRx Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ: GDRX), the leading prescription savings platform in the U.S., today announced that Wendy Barnes has been appointed as President and Chief Executive Officer, effective January 1, 2025. Wendy brings more than 30 years of leadership experience across the pharmacy and medical benefit industry to her new role. This press...
Do., 05.12.2024       GoodRx

GoodRx (Nasdaq: GDRX), the leading prescription savings platform in the U.S., today released a new Weight Loss Medications Tracker that provides an inside look at fill trends and spending patterns for weight loss medications across the U.S. The company found that limited insurance coverage and high out-of-pocket costs aren’t slowing down interest ...
Do., 07.11.2024       GoodRx

GoodRx Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq: GDRX) ("we," "us," "our," “GoodRx,” or the “Company”), the leading prescription savings platform in the U.S., has released its financial results for the third quarter of 2024. Third Quarter 2024 Highlights Revenue1 and Adjusted Revenue1 of $195.3 million Net income of $4.0 million; Net income margin of 2.0% Ad...
Mo., 04.11.2024       GoodRx

GoodRx Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq: GDRX) (“GoodRx” or the “Company”), the leading prescription savings platform in the U.S., today announced that executives from the Company will participate in a fireside chat at each of the following investor conferences: UBS 2024 Global Healthcare Conference in Rancho Palos Verdes, CA, on Tuesday, November 12, 202...
Do., 31.10.2024       GoodRx

Today, GoodRx (Nasdaq: GDRX), the leading prescription savings platform in the U.S., announced the rollout of its new e-commerce solution, with Opill® as its launch partner. This new seamless direct-to-consumer shopping experience allows consumers to order eligible health products and medications on the GoodRx platform and have them shipped direct...
Di., 29.10.2024       GoodRx

GoodRx (Nasdaq: GDRX), the leading prescription savings platform in the U.S., announced today that QSYMIA® (phentermine and topiramate extended-release capsules CIV) is available for a low cash price in more than 70,000 retail pharmacy locations nationwide exclusively via GoodRx. This initiative not only propels GoodRx’s momentum in weight loss so...
Mi., 23.10.2024       GoodRx

Today, GoodRx (Nasdaq: GDRX), the leading prescription savings platform in the U.S., announced the availability of new affordability programs for menopause hormone therapies by Pfizer. Through the reach and scale of the GoodRx platform, these programs are broadening access and affordability of crucial medications for women. This press release feat...
Mi., 16.10.2024       GoodRx

GoodRx (NASDAQ: GDRX), the leading prescription savings platform in the U.S., today announced consumers will soon be able to use Affirm to pay over time for select medications at participating retail pharmacies. This adds a convenient way for consumers to pay for their medications directly on the GoodRx platform. GoodRx is launching this program ...
Do., 10.10.2024       GoodRx

GoodRx Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq: GDRX) (“GoodRx” or the “Company”), the leading prescription savings platform in the U.S., today announced it will release its third quarter 2024 financial results before U.S. markets open on Thursday, November 7, 2024. GoodRx management will also hold a conference call and webcast that morning at 5:00 a.m. Pacific Ti...
Do., 26.09.2024       GoodRx

GoodRx (Nasdaq: GDRX), the leading prescription savings platform in the U.S., today announced it is working with ARS Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (“ARS Pharmaceuticals”) to offer the lowest discounted cash price for neffy® in retail pharmacy locations. Available for purchase in-store this week, consumers who have been prescribed neffy can now access a pa...
Mi., 21.08.2024       GoodRx

GoodRx Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq: GDRX) (“GoodRx” or the “Company”), the leading prescription savings platform in the U.S., today announced that executives from the Company will participate in a fireside chat at each of the following investor conferences: Morgan Stanley 22nd Annual Global Healthcare Conference in New York, NY on Thursday, Septembe...

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