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Letzte Aktualisierung: 07.03.2025 | 12AM
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Innovid Corp.
GICS: - · Sektor: Communication Services · Sub-Sektor: Advertising Agencies
Innovid Corp.
Di., 21.01.2025       Innovid

Former Attorney General of Louisiana Charles C. Foti, Jr., Esq. and the law firm of Kahn Swick & Foti, LLC (“KSF”) are investigating the proposed sale of Innovid Corp. (NYSE: CTV) to Mediaocean. Under the terms of the proposed transaction, shareholders of Innovid will receive $3.15 in cash for each share of Innovid that they own. KSF is seekin...
Di., 07.01.2025       Innovid

Innovid (NYSE:CTV), an independent software platform for the creation, delivery, measurement, and optimization of advertising across CTV, linear, and digital, today announced the launch of Harmony Reach & Frequency for publishers, in partnership with Roku, the #1 TV streaming platform in the U.S*. Collaborating with Roku to address the challen...
Mi., 18.12.2024       Innovid

Innovid (NYSE:CTV), an independent software platform for the creation, delivery, measurement, and optimization of advertising across CTV, linear, and digital today announced a partnership with IRIS.TV, the leading content data marketplace for streaming media. This integration brings IRIS.TV’s data marketplace and content ID, the IRIS_ID, into Inno...
Mi., 04.12.2024       Innovid

51toCarbonZero (51-0), the only net-zero platform powering growth for marketing and advertising leaders, today announced that it has been selected by Innovid (NYSE:CTV), an independent software platform for the creation, delivery, measurement, and optimization of advertising across CTV, linear, and digital, to help reduce its carbon footprint. I...
Mo., 25.11.2024       Innovid

Innovid (NYSE:CTV), an independent software platform for the creation, delivery, measurement, and optimization of advertising across connected TV (CTV), linear, and digital, today announced the release of its latest report: “Winning Big with CTV Advertising on Live-Streamed Sports.” This in-depth analysis highlights the transformative impact of sp...
Sa., 23.11.2024       Innovid

Former Attorney General of Louisiana Charles C. Foti, Jr., Esq. and the law firm of Kahn Swick & Foti, LLC (“KSF”) are investigating the proposed sale of Innovid Corp. (NYSE: CTV) to Mediaocean. Under the terms of the proposed transaction, shareholders of Innovid will receive $3.15 in cash for each share of Innovid that they own. KSF is seekin...
Do., 21.11.2024       Innovid

Halper Sadeh LLC, an investor rights law firm, is investigating whether the sale of Innovid Corp. (NYSE: CTV) to Mediaocean for $3.15 per share is fair to Innovid shareholders. Halper Sadeh encourages Innovid shareholders to click here to learn more about their legal rights and options or contact Daniel Sadeh or Zachary Halper at (212) 763-0060 ...
Do., 21.11.2024       Innovid

Mediaocean, a foundational partner for omnichannel advertising, and Innovid (NYSE:CTV), an independent software platform for the creation, delivery, measurement, and optimization of advertising, today announced they have entered into a definitive agreement in which Mediaocean will acquire Innovid. As part of the deal, Innovid will merge with Flash...
Mi., 13.11.2024       Innovid

Innovid Corp. (NYSE:CTV), an independent software platform for the creation, delivery, measurement, and optimization of advertising across connected TV (CTV), linear TV, and digital, today announced that management will participate in the following investor conferences: Seaport Virtual Digital Media & Advertising Conference When: Tuesday, No...
Di., 12.11.2024       Innovid

Innovid Corp. (NYSE:CTV) (the "Company"), an independent software platform for the creation, delivery, measurement, and optimization of advertising across connected TV (CTV), linear TV, and digital, today announced financial results for the third quarter ended September 30, 2024. “In the third quarter, we were encouraged by the solid growth in C...
Mo., 28.10.2024       Innovid

Innovid (NYSE:CTV), an independent software platform for the creation, delivery, measurement, and optimization of advertising across connected TV (CTV), linear, and digital, today announced that it will release third quarter 2024 financial results before the market opens on Tuesday, November 12, 2024. The Company will host a conference call to di...
Do., 24.10.2024       Innovid

Innovid (NYSE:CTV), an independent software platform for the creation, delivery, measurement, and optimization of advertising across connected TV (CTV), linear, and digital, today announced that LG Ad Solutions is the latest industry leader to join its Harmony initiative to optimize advertising at the infrastructure level. Earlier this year, Inno...
Di., 22.10.2024       Innovid

Innovid (NYSE:CTV), an independent software platform for the creation, delivery, measurement, and optimization of advertising across connected TV (CTV), linear, and digital, and Alltold, a responsible technology pioneer building AI to understand bias, stereotypes, and inclusion in creative content, today announced the release of “The State of Repr...
Mo., 07.10.2024       Innovid

Innovid (NYSE:CTV), an independent software platform for the creation, delivery, measurement, and optimization of advertising across connected TV (CTV), linear, and digital, today announced the release of “Holiday Shoppable Advertising Unwrapped.” As marketers embark on the next frontier of advertising, this guide includes best practices to levera...
Do., 03.10.2024       Innovid

Innovid (NYSE:CTV), an independent software platform for the creation, delivery, measurement, and optimization of advertising across connected TV (CTV), linear, and digital, today announced it won the 2024 AdExchanger Award for “Most Innovative TV Advertising Technology.” This prestigious recognition highlights Innovid’s groundbreaking Harmony ini...
Do., 12.09.2024       Innovid

Innovid (NYSE:CTV), an independent software platform for the creation, delivery, measurement, and optimization of advertising across connected TV (CTV), linear, and digital, today announced the launch of its in-platform QR code solution. Advertisers can now create, deliver, measure, and optimize QR codes across CTV, digital video, and mobile all w...

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