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Letzte Aktualisierung: 07.01.2025 | 12AM
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Quantum-SI Incorporated
GICS: - · Sektor: Healthcare · Sub-Sektor: Biotechnology
Quantum-SI Incorporated
Fr., 03.01.2025       Quantum-SI

Quantum-Si Incorporated (Nasdaq: QSI) ("Quantum-Si," "QSI" or the "Company"), The Protein Sequencing Company™, today announced that it has entered into securities purchase agreements with certain institutional investors for the purchase and sale of 15,625,000 shares of common stock at a purchase price of $3.20 per share, pursuant to a registered d...
Fr., 20.12.2024       Quantum-SI

Quantum-Si Incorporated (Nasdaq: QSI) (“Quantum-Si,” “QSI” or the “Company”), The Protein Sequencing Company™, today announced a new paper that was submitted to BioRxiv, demonstrating the capabilities of its proprietary bioinformatics tool called ProteoVue, for detecting and quantifying Single Amino Acid Variants (SAAVs). The paper, titled “Detect...
Mi., 18.12.2024       Quantum-SI

Quantum-Si Incorporated (Nasdaq: QSI) (“Quantum-Si,” “QSI” or the “Company”), The Protein Sequencing Company™, today announced that the Compensation Committee of Quantum-Si’s Board of Directors has granted 46,666 restricted stock units (“RSUs”) to new employees under the Company’s previously adopted Quantum-Si Incorporated 2023 Inducement Equity I...
Do., 12.12.2024       Quantum-SI

Quantum-Si Incorporated (Nasdaq: QSI) (“Quantum-Si,” “QSI” or the “Company”), The Protein Sequencing Company™, announced that it has expanded its international distribution network to a total of 15 partners. The commercial distribution network includes further expansion across Western Europe, Eastern Europe and Asia, as well as new expansion int...
Mi., 04.12.2024       Quantum-SI

Quantum-Si Incorporated (Nasdaq: QSI) (“Quantum-Si,” “QSI” or the “Company”), The Protein Sequencing Company™, has introduced the Platinum Library Prep Kit, V2, an advanced tool for single-molecule protein sequencing that is designed to simplify workflows and expand researchers’ ability to analyze the proteome. The new kit is designed to deliver...
Di., 03.12.2024       Quantum-SI

Quantum-Si Incorporated (Nasdaq: QSI) (“Quantum-Si,” “QSI” or the “Company”), The Protein Sequencing Company™, has announced the launch of its protein Barcoding Kit designed to transform protein research by empowering researchers with an advanced multiplexed protein screening solution. The protein Barcoding Kit offers a multiplexed solution for ...
Do., 21.11.2024       Quantum-SI

Quantum-Si Incorporated (Nasdaq: QSI) (“Quantum-Si,” “QSI” or the “Company”), The Protein Sequencing Company™, today announced the highlights of an Investor & Analyst event that was hosted in New York City on November 20th, 2024. Quantum-Si’s Management team announced Platinum™ Pro, the Company’s evolution of Platinum, as well as Proteus™, t...
Mi., 20.11.2024       Quantum-SI

Quantum-Si Incorporated (Nasdaq: QSI) (“Quantum-Si,” “QSI” or the “Company”), The Protein Sequencing Company™, has announced a distribution agreement with Avantor® (NYSE: AVTR), a global leader in mission-critical products and services for the life sciences and advanced technology industries. Through this collaboration, Avantor will distribute Qua...
Mi., 20.11.2024       Quantum-SI

Quantum-Si Incorporated (Nasdaq: QSI) (“Quantum-Si,” “QSI” or the “Company”), The Protein Sequencing Company™, today announced a collaboration with NVIDIA to develop its new proteomics platform, Proteus™, and advance Quantum-Si’s core technologies of amino acid binders and aminopeptidases using NVIDIA AI and accelerated computing. This collabora...
Mi., 20.11.2024       Quantum-SI

Quantum-Si Incorporated (Nasdaq: QSI) (“Quantum-Si,” “QSI” or the “Company”), The Protein Sequencing Company™ and SkyWaterTechnology (NASDAQ: SKYT), the trusted technology realization partner, announced today they will jointly expand their relationship to support development of Proteus™, Quantum-Si’s next-generation platform designed to transform ...
Mi., 20.11.2024       Quantum-SI

Quantum-Si Incorporated (Nasdaq: QSI) (“Quantum-Si,” “QSI” or the “Company”), The Protein Sequencing Company™, and Planet Innovation today announced that they will partner on the development and manufacturing of Quantum-Si’s novel proteomics platform, Proteus™. Planet Innovation has a team of over four hundred people with expertise across design...
Mo., 18.11.2024       Quantum-SI

Quantum-Si Incorporated (Nasdaq: QSI) (“Quantum-Si,” “QSI” or the “Company”), The Protein Sequencing Company™, today announced that the Compensation Committee of Quantum-Si’s Board of Directors has granted 340,460 restricted stock units (“RSUs”) to a new employee under the Company’s previously adopted Quantum-Si Incorporated 2023 Inducement Equity...
Mi., 13.11.2024       Quantum-SI

Quantum-Si Incorporated (Nasdaq: QSI) (“Quantum-Si,” “QSI” or the “Company”), The Protein Sequencing Company™, today announced that it has been awarded Frost & Sullivan’s prestigious 2024 Technology Innovation Leadership Award in North America. This award recognizes QSI’s groundbreaking work in developing the Platinum® instrument, the first be...
Di., 12.11.2024       Quantum-SI

Quantum-Si Incorporated (Nasdaq: QSI) (“Quantum-Si,” “QSI” or the “Company”), The Protein Sequencing Company™, today announced financial results for the third quarter ended September 30, 2024. Press Release Highlights Reported revenue of $787,000 for the third quarter of 2024 Announced that Liberate Bio has integrated Platinum® Next-Genera...
Do., 07.11.2024       Quantum-SI

Quantum-Si Incorporated (Nasdaq: QSI) (“Quantum-Si,” “QSI” or the “Company”), The Protein Sequencing Company™, today announced a newly released preprint publication on BioRxiv, from Dr. Gloria Sheynkman at the University of Virginia School of Medicine. In the publication, Sheynkman and team demonstrate the application of Quantum-Si’s Platinum™ sin...
Di., 05.11.2024       Quantum-SI

Quantum-Si Incorporated (Nasdaq: QSI) (“Quantum-Si,” “QSI” or the “Company”), The Protein Sequencing Company™, today announced that it will be participating in two upcoming investment conferences. Jeff Hawkins, Quantum-Si's Chief Executive Officer, will participate in a fireside chat discussion at the UBS Global Healthcare Conference on Wednesday...
Do., 31.10.2024       Quantum-SI

Quantum-Si Incorporated (Nasdaq: QSI) (“Quantum-Si,” “QSI” or the “Company”), The Protein Sequencing Company™, today announced that the Company will host an Investor & Analyst event in New York City on November 20th, 2024. Quantum-Si’s management team will provide updates on the Company’s evolving technology roadmap, emerging applications for...
Mi., 30.10.2024       Quantum-SI

Quantum-Si Incorporated (Nasdaq: QSI) (“Quantum-Si,” “QSI” or the “Company”), The Protein Sequencing Company™, today announced its attendance at the 2024 American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG) Annual Meeting, where it will host a sponsored talk on the role of Next-Generation Protein Sequencing (NGPS) in advancing genomics research. The present...
Mi., 23.10.2024       Quantum-SI

Quantum-Si Incorporated (Nasdaq: QSI) (“Quantum-Si,” “QSI” or the “Company”), The Protein Sequencing CompanyTM, today announced that it will report financial results for the third quarter of 2024 on Tuesday, November 12, 2024. Company management will host a conference call to discuss financial results and provide a business update on the same day ...
Do., 17.10.2024       Quantum-SI

Quantum-Si Incorporated (Nasdaq: QSI) (“Quantum-Si,” “QSI” or the “Company”), The Protein Sequencing Company™, today announced that the Compensation Committee of Quantum-Si’s Board of Directors has granted an aggregate of 385,983 restricted stock units (“RSUs”) to five new employees under the Company’s previously adopted Quantum-Si Incorporated 20...

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