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Letzte Aktualisierung: 08.01.2025 | 6AM
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Roku, Inc.
GICS: - · Sektor: Communication Services · Sub-Sektor: Entertainment
Roku, Inc.
Di., 07.01.2025       Roku

Roku, the #1 selling TV OS in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico*, has surpassed 90 million streaming households in the first week of January 2025**, a significant milestone as streaming becomes the leading way to watch TV. As the top selling TV OS for over five years in the U.S.***, Roku is in nearly half of all U.S. broadband households. “Roku’s ext...
Mo., 06.01.2025       Roku

Today, Roku, Inc. (NASDAQ: ROKU), the #1 TV streaming platform in the U.S.*, announced the launch of Roku Data Cloud, which allows partners to access, analyze, and leverage Roku’s proprietary TV data seamlessly. As investments in TV streaming media continue to grow, so does the need for enhanced accountability, and Roku Data Cloud makes planning, ...
Mo., 09.12.2024       Roku

Today, Roku reached a milestone: Canadian viewers can now access more than 150 free ad-supported streaming TV (FAST) channels on The Roku Channel. With new additions available starting today that range from news to comedy, Roku has expanded and diversified its selection of streaming entertainment in Canada. “The variety you can now find on The R...
Mi., 04.12.2024       Roku

Today, Roku, Inc. (NASDAQ: ROKU) announced that Chief Financial Officer Dan Jedda will participate in the UBS Global Media and Communications Conference in New York, New York on Monday, Dec. 9. Jedda is scheduled to participate in a fireside conversation at 10:30 AM ET. A link to the live webcast and replay will be available on Roku’s Investor R...
Mo., 18.11.2024       Roku

Give the gift of endless entertainment with Roku this holiday season. Enjoy unbeatable Black Friday deals across Roku streaming devices, TVs, and smart home products on and major retailers in the U.S. Starting Nov. 21, shoppers can bring home the all-new Roku Pro Series TV with savings of up to $700, the Roku Streaming Stick 4K for just u...
Mi., 30.10.2024       Roku

Today, Roku, Inc. (NASDAQ: ROKU) released third quarter 2024 results. Visit the Roku investor relations website to view the third quarter 2024 letter to shareholders. The company will host a webcast of its conference call to discuss the results today at 2:00 PM Pacific Time. Participants may access the live webcast in listen-only mode on the Roku...
Mi., 16.10.2024       Roku

Today, Roku, Inc. (Nasdaq: ROKU) announced it will release third quarter 2024 financial results after the stock market closes on Wednesday, Oct. 30, 2024. The company will host a live webcast of its conference call to discuss the results at 2:00 PM Pacific Time on Oct. 30. Participants may access the live webcast in listen-only mode from the Roku...
Mi., 18.09.2024       Roku

Today, Roku (NASDAQ: ROKU), the #1 TV streaming platform in the U.S.*, announced the launch of Roku Ads Manager, a direct self-service solution designed for CTV performance. With TV ad spending shifting further away from linear and digital-native marketers eager to diversify beyond search and social, Roku Ads Manager is custom-built to help growth...
Do., 12.09.2024       Roku

Amid the growth in TV streaming, more Canadians than ever before are craving the best of both worlds – on-demand TV, and live and scheduled programming historically associated with cable TV (58 per cent of Canadians, up from 56 per cent in 2023). This is according to Roku’s fifth annual Video on Demand (VOD) Evolution study examining Canadian TV s...
Do., 05.09.2024       Roku

The NFL Zone is back on the Roku platform in the U.S., just in time for the 2024-25 season. A cohesive experience that viewers can tailor to their favorite teams, the NFL Zone guides fans to their most anticipated live and upcoming NFL games, plus clips, League highlights, and other great NFL content. This press release features multimedia. View ...

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