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Letzte Aktualisierung: 12.03.2025 | 12PM
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SolarWinds Corporation
GICS: - · Sektor: Technology · Sub-Sektor: Software—Infrastructure
SolarWinds Corporation
Mo., 03.03.2025       SolarWinds

SolarWinds (NYSE:SWI), a leading provider of simple, powerful, secure observability and IT management software, today announced that it has signed an agreement to acquire Squadcast, a customer-loved incident response solution company based in San Francisco. Squadcast, an advanced alternative to PagerDuty and OpsGenie, unites on-call alerting and i...
Do., 20.02.2025       SolarWinds

SolarWinds (NYSE:SWI), a leading provider of simple, powerful, and secure IT management software, today announced its Next-Gen Government IT: AI and Observability Insights Report, identifying the challenges faced by public sector IT professionals and the sources of IT security threats. For UK respondents, key findings include budget constraints as...
Do., 20.02.2025       SolarWinds

SolarWinds (NYSE:SWI), a leading provider of simple, powerful, and secure IT management software, today announced its Next-Gen Government IT: AI and Observability Insights Report, identifying the challenges faced by IT professionals and the sources of IT security threats. SolarWinds partnered with Market Connections, the leading government market ...
Mi., 12.02.2025       SolarWinds

SolarWinds Corporation (NYSE: SWI), a leading provider of simple, powerful, secure observability and IT management software, today reported results for its fourth quarter and full year ended December 31, 2024. Fourth Quarter 2024 Financial Highlights Total revenue for the fourth quarter of $210.3 million, representing 6% year-over-year growth...
Fr., 07.02.2025       SolarWinds

Ademi & Fruchter LLP is investigating SolarWinds (NYSE: SWI) for possible breaches of fiduciary duty and other violations of law in its transaction with Turn/River Capital. Click here to learn how to join our investigation and obtain additional information or contact us at or toll-free: 866-264-3995. There is no cost or o...
Fr., 07.02.2025       SolarWinds

SolarWinds Corporation (NYSE:SWI) (“SolarWinds” or the “Company”), a leading provider of simple, powerful, secure observability and IT management software, today announced that it has entered into a definitive agreement to be acquired by Turn/River Capital in an all-cash transaction for $18.50 per share or approximately $4.4 billion. The per-share...
Di., 04.02.2025       SolarWinds

SolarWinds (NYSE:SWI), a leading provider of simple, powerful, secure observability and IT management software, unveils the next phase of enhancements to the SolarWinds Partner Program. These updates focus on three key areas: increasing partner profitability, partner capabilities, and providing partners with the tools needed to elevate together. ...
Do., 30.01.2025       SolarWinds

SolarWinds (NYSE:SWI), a leading provider of simple, powerful, secure observability and IT management software, today announced the SolarWinds® Observability Self-Hosted for Federal Government v2024.2 platform has been approved for procurement and deployment on the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) network after successfully completing the Departme...
Di., 28.01.2025       SolarWinds

SolarWinds Corporation (NYSE:SWI), a leading provider of simple, powerful, secure observability and IT management software, today announced it will report its financial results for the fourth quarter and full year 2024 on Tuesday, February 11, 2025. FOURTH QUARTER EARNINGS CALL SolarWinds will host a conference call to discuss its financial re...
Di., 21.01.2025       SolarWinds

SolarWinds (NYSE:SWI), a leading provider of simple, powerful, secure observability and IT management software, announces several new recognitions honoring SolarWinds products, solutions, and executives in the second half of 2024. SolarWinds empowers customers to navigate complex hybrid and multi-cloud IT environments, accelerating modernization...
Di., 26.11.2024       SolarWinds

Glancy Prongay & Murray LLP (“GPM”) announces its investigation of SolarWinds Corporation (NYSE: SWI) concerning the Company and its directors’ and officers’ possible violations of state laws. If you own SolarWinds stock, would like to learn more about these claims, or have any questions concerning this announcement or your rights or interes...
Mo., 25.11.2024       SolarWinds

SolarWinds (NYSE:SWI), a leading provider of simple, powerful, secure observability and IT management software, will showcase its SolarWinds® Observability SaaS option at AWS re:Invent 2024. SolarWinds, an Amazon Web Services® (AWS®) Partner in the AWS Partner Network (APN), will demonstrate how SolarWinds Observability improves operational effici...
Di., 12.11.2024       SolarWinds

SolarWinds (NYSE:SWI), a leading provider of simple, powerful, secure observability and IT management software, today released its 2024 State of ITSM Report, which provides practical, actionable guidance rooted in real-world Information Technology Service Management (ITSM) strategies. This report analyzed over 2,000 ITSM data systems and 60,000 po...
Do., 31.10.2024       SolarWinds

SolarWinds Corporation (NYSE:SWI), a leading provider of simple, powerful, secure observability and IT management software, today reported results for its third quarter ended September 30, 2024. Third Quarter Financial Highlights Total revenue for the third quarter of $200.0 million, representing 6% year-over-year growth, and total recurring re...
Do., 17.10.2024       SolarWinds

SolarWinds Corporation (NYSE:SWI), a leading provider of simple, powerful, secure observability and IT management software, today announced it will report its financial results for the third quarter of 2024 on Thursday, October 31, 2024. THIRD QUARTER EARNINGS CALL SolarWinds will host a conference call to discuss its financial results for the t...
Mi., 02.10.2024       SolarWinds

SolarWinds (NYSE:SWI), a leading provider of simple, powerful, secure observability and IT management software, today announced the launch of the next generation of SolarWinds® Observability, now available in self-hosted or SaaS options. Building on its over 25 years of leadership in network and infrastructure monitoring, the company has expanded...
Mo., 26.08.2024       SolarWinds

SolarWinds (NYSE:SWI), a leading provider of simple, powerful, secure observability and IT management software, has named Andre Cuenin as the company’s new Chief Revenue Officer (CRO) effective Tuesday, September 3, 2024. In this role, Cuenin will oversee all aspects of revenue generation efforts for SolarWinds and its world-class observability, d...
Do., 22.08.2024       SolarWinds

SolarWinds (NYSE:SWI), a leading provider of simple, powerful, secure observability and IT management software, announces it was recognized as a Leader in the 2024 GigaOm® Radar Reports for Network and Cloud Observability. SolarWinds® Observability and SolarWinds Hybrid Cloud Observability, which offer full-stack visibility across on-premises and ...

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