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Letzte Aktualisierung: 07.01.2025 | 6AM
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Tutor Perini Corporation
GICS: - · Sektor: Industrials · Sub-Sektor: Engineering & Construction
Tutor Perini Corporation
Do., 02.01.2025       Tutor Perini

Tutor Perini Corporation (NYSE: TPC) (the “Company”), a leading civil, building and specialty construction company, announced today that Gary Smalley has become the Company’s Chief Executive Officer and a member of its Board of Directors. Mr. Smalley, formerly President, succeeds Ronald N. Tutor who has transitioned to the role of Executive Chairm...
Mi., 20.11.2024       Tutor Perini

Tutor Perini Corporation (NYSE: TPC) (the “Company”), a leading civil, building and specialty construction company, announced today that the Company has pre-paid an additional $100 million of its Term Loan B debt. Building on the paydown of $50 million of the Term Loan B debt that was disclosed in the Company’s November 6, 2024 earnings release, T...
Mo., 18.11.2024       Tutor Perini

Tutor Perini Corporation (NYSE: TPC) (the “Company”), a leading civil, building and specialty construction company, announced today that the Company, in a joint venture with O&G Industries, Inc. (“O&G”), has been awarded a contract valued at $1.18 billion by the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey for the AirTrain Newark Replacement ...
Mi., 06.11.2024       Tutor Perini

Tutor Perini Corporation (the "Company") (NYSE: TPC), a leading civil, building and specialty construction company, reported results today for the third quarter of 2024. The Company generated $174.0 million of cash from operating activities in the first nine months of 2024. As previously announced, the Company expects to generate new record operat...
Mi., 06.11.2024       Tutor Perini

Tutor Perini Corporation (NYSE: TPC) (the “Company”), a leading civil, building and specialty construction company, announced today that the Company, in a joint venture with O&G Industries, Inc. (“O&G”), has been identified as the Apparent Selected Proposer by the New York City Department of Design and Construction (“DDC”) for the new Manh...
Do., 31.10.2024       Tutor Perini

Tutor Perini Corporation (NYSE: TPC) (the “Company”), a leading civil, building and specialty construction company, announced today that the Company, in a joint venture with Nan, Inc., has been awarded a contract with a base value of approximately $330.6 million by the Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command, Marianas, for the Apra Harbor Wat...
Mi., 30.10.2024       Tutor Perini

Tutor Perini Corporation (NYSE: TPC) (the “Company”), a leading civil, building and specialty construction company, announced today that it will host a conference call at 2:00 PM Pacific Time on Wednesday, November 6, 2024, to discuss the Company's third quarter 2024 results. Speakers on the call from Tutor Perini will be Ronald Tutor, Chairman a...
Di., 29.10.2024       Tutor Perini

Tutor Perini Corporation (NYSE: TPC) (the “Company”), a leading civil, building and specialty construction company, announced today that its subsidiary, Rudolph and Sletten, has been awarded a contract valued at more than $1 billion for a healthcare campus project in California. The project scope of work includes the construction of a new hospital...
Mi., 23.10.2024       Tutor Perini

Tutor Perini Corporation (NYSE: TPC) (the “Company”), a leading civil, building and specialty construction company, announced today that its subsidiary, Frontier-Kemper Constructors has been awarded a contract valued at approximately $1.1 billion by the New York City Department of Environmental Protection for the Kensico-Eastview Connection Tunnel...
Mo., 21.10.2024       Tutor Perini

Tutor Perini Corporation (NYSE: TPC) (the “Company”), a leading civil, building and specialty construction company, provided an update today regarding several recent developments, including the settlement of various project-related disputes, which had both favorable and adverse implications for the Company. Because of anticipated cash collections ...
Di., 08.10.2024       Tutor Perini

Tutor Perini Corporation (NYSE: TPC) (the “Company”), a leading civil, building and specialty construction company, announced today that it has executed the contract with the Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation and received a Notice to Proceed with design and construction of the previously announced City Center Guideway and Stations Projec...
Do., 03.10.2024       Tutor Perini

Tutor Perini Corporation (NYSE: TPC) (the “Company”), a leading civil, building and specialty construction company, announced today that its subsidiary, Fisk Electric Company (“Fisk Electric”), has been awarded the first phase (valued at approximately $29 million) of a guaranteed maximum price contract currently valued at approximately $147 millio...
Mi., 02.10.2024       Tutor Perini

Tutor Perini Corporation (NYSE: TPC) (the “Company”), a leading civil, building and specialty construction company, announced today that the Company, in a joint venture with its subsidiary, Black Construction Corporation, has been awarded a contract valued at approximately $113.3 million by the Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command, Pacific...
Do., 12.09.2024       Tutor Perini

Tutor Perini Corporation (NYSE: TPC) (the “Company”), a leading civil, building and specialty construction company, announced today that the Company, in a joint venture with its subsidiary, Black Construction Corporation, has been awarded a contract by the Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command, Pacific District, for the P-324 9th Engineerin...
Do., 05.09.2024       Tutor Perini

Tutor Perini Corporation (NYSE: TPC) (the “Company”), a leading civil, building and specialty construction company, announced today that its subsidiary, Five Star Electric, has been awarded a subcontract by AECOM-Hunt for a two-phased undertaking to provide lighting, lighting controls and associated electrical branch wiring for the new JFK Termina...
Do., 29.08.2024       Tutor Perini

Tutor Perini Corporation (NYSE: TPC) (the “Company”), a leading civil, building and specialty construction company, announced today that its subsidiary, Rudolph and Sletten, has begun construction of the Stanford Hospital Pod E Renovation project in Palo Alto, California. The scope of work consists of renovations to a four-story 62,000 square-foot...
Fr., 16.08.2024       Tutor Perini

Tutor Perini Corporation (NYSE: TPC) (the “Company”), a leading civil, building and specialty construction company, announced today that it has been awarded a contract valued at approximately $1.66 billion by the Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation (HART) for the City Center Guideway and Stations Project in Honolulu, Hawaii. The contract i...
Di., 13.08.2024       Tutor Perini

Tutor Perini Corporation (NYSE: TPC) (the “Company”), a leading civil, building and specialty construction company, announced today that its subsidiary, WDF, Inc., has been awarded a project valued at approximately $35.5 million by the New York City Housing Authority to construct a new boiler plant at George Washington Carver Houses, a 13-building...

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