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Letzte Aktualisierung: 26.12.2024 | 12PM
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United States Steel Corporation
GICS: 15104050 · Sektor: Basic Materials · Sub-Sektor: Steel
United States Steel Corporation
Do., 19.12.2024       United States Steel

United States Steel Corporation (NYSE: X) today provided fourth quarter 2024 adjusted net earnings per diluted share guidance of ($0.29) to ($0.25). Fourth quarter 2024 adjusted EBITDA is expected to be approximately $150 million. “The fourth quarter marked a critical milestone towards our Best for All® future, as the team completed execution on...
Do., 12.12.2024       United States Steel

Employees of United States Steel Corporation (NYSE: X) (“U. S. Steel”) today will host a rally at the U. S. Steel Mon Valley Works Clairton Plant in support of the Nippon Steel transaction. Represented and non-represented employees, along with community members and local elected officials, will gather to reinforce their support for the transaction...
Fr., 06.12.2024       United States Steel

United States Steel Corporation (NYSE: X) (“U. S. Steel”) today reacted to the U.S. Department of Commerce’s preliminary findings regarding oil country tubular goods (OCTG) from Argentina and Mexico. In its release, Commerce preliminarily found that Argentine OCTG produced/exported by Tenaris’ Siderca S.A.I.C and Mexican OCTG produced/exported by ...
Do., 31.10.2024       United States Steel

United States Steel Corporation (NYSE: X) (“U. S. Steel”) announced today that its Board of Directors declared a dividend of $0.05 per share of U. S. Steel Common Stock. The dividend is payable on Wednesday, December 11, 2024, to stockholders of record at the close of business on Monday, November 11, 2024. Founded in 1901, United States Steel Cor...
Do., 31.10.2024       United States Steel

United States Steel Corporation (NYSE: X) reported third quarter 2024 net earnings of $119 million, or $0.48 per diluted share. Adjusted net earnings was $140 million, or $0.56 per diluted share. This compares to third quarter 2023 net earnings of $299 million, or $1.20 per diluted share. Adjusted net earnings for the third quarter 2023 was $350 m...
Do., 17.10.2024       United States Steel

United States Steel Corporation (NYSE: X) (“U. S. Steel”) is featured in “Inside the Blueprint,” an award-winning B2B TV series airing nationally on Bloomberg TV as independently-produced branded content. The series highlights groundbreaking innovations in commercial construction, design and engineering, showcasing products and technologies that t...
Mi., 09.10.2024       United States Steel

United States Steel Corporation (NYSE: X) (“U. S. Steel”) today announced that it will release financial results for the third quarter 2024 on Thursday, October 31, 2024, following the close of trading on the New York Stock Exchange. As previously announced, on December 18, 2023, the company entered into a definitive merger agreement to be acquir...
Di., 01.10.2024       United States Steel

United States Steel Corporation (NYSE: X) (“U. S. Steel”) released a new economic impact analysis today, conducted by Parker Strategy Group, that assesses how the proposed $1 billion investment committed by Nippon Steel Corporation (“Nippon Steel”) to modernize U. S. Steel’s Mon Valley Works following the closing of the pending merger with U. S. S...
Mi., 25.09.2024       United States Steel

United States Steel Corporation (NYSE: X) (“U. S. Steel” or the “Company”) today announced the Board of Arbitration, which is jointly selected by U. S. Steel and the United Steelworkers (“USW”) to decide disputes between them, ruled that U. S. Steel has satisfied each of the conditions of the successorship clause of its Basic Labor Agreement (“BLA...
Di., 24.09.2024       United States Steel

United States Steel Corporation (NYSE: X) (“U. S. Steel”) today announced it is the first steel company in the world to qualify to sell its products as ResponsibleSteel Certified Steel at its Big River facility in Osceola, Arkansas. Big River received the first ResponsibleSteel Site Certification in North America in 2022 and is once again at the f...
Do., 19.09.2024       United States Steel

United States Steel Corporation (NYSE: X) today provided third quarter 2024 adjusted net earnings per diluted share guidance of $0.44 to $0.48. Third quarter 2024 adjusted EBITDA is expected to be approximately $300 million. Commenting on third quarter guidance, President and Chief Executive Officer David B. Burritt said, “Adjusted EBITDA guidanc...
Mo., 09.09.2024       United States Steel

United States Steel Corporation (“U. S. Steel” or the “Company”) (NYSE: X) today announced the roll out of ZMAG™ coated steel, a revolutionary new carbon flat rolled coated steel product. Engineered to be stronger, more resilient, and more sustainable than existing products on the market today, ZMAG™ steel rises to the challenge of the world’s har...
Fr., 06.09.2024       United States Steel

On September 5, 2024, U. S. Steel, along with the United Steelworkers union (“USW”) and Wheeling-Nippon, has filed antidumping and countervailing duty petitions with the United States Department of Commerce (“DOC”) and the United States International Trade Commission (“ITC”), on imports of corrosion-resistant steel (“CORE”) from Australia, Brazil,...
Mi., 04.09.2024       United States Steel

Employees of United States Steel Corporation (NYSE: X) (“U. S. Steel”) today will host a rally at the U. S. Steel Tower in Pittsburgh in support of the Nippon Steel transaction. Employees will call on elected officials in Pennsylvania and across the nation to recognize the significant merits of the transaction for U. S. Steel employees, communitie...
Do., 22.08.2024       United States Steel

United States Steel Corporation (NYSE: X) (“U. S. Steel”) is featured in “Military Makeover: Operation Career” in an episode titled, “Forging New Careers in Steel.” The series shares stories of military veterans who have successfully transitioned to civilian life by finding meaningful and rewarding career opportunities. This press release feature...

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