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Letzte Aktualisierung: 07.03.2025 | 12AM
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Weave Communications, Inc.
GICS: - · Sektor: Technology · Sub-Sektor: Software - Application
Weave Communications, Inc.
Mo., 24.02.2025       Weave Communications

Weave (NYSE: WEAV), a leading all-in-one customer experience and payments software platform for small and medium-sized healthcare businesses, was recognized as a winner of the TRANSACT Top 10 Payments ISVs Award for Weave Payments. This award recognizes independent software vendors (ISVs) advancing the payments industry. "Case acceptance is criti...
Do., 20.02.2025       Weave Communications

Weave (NYSE: WEAV), a leading all-in-one customer experience and payments software platform for small and medium-sized healthcare businesses, today announced that its Chief Financial Officer, Alan Taylor, plans to retire at the end of Q1 2025. In a planned succession, Jason Christiansen, currently Weave’s Vice President of Finance, is expected to ...
Do., 20.02.2025       Weave Communications

Weave (NYSE: WEAV), a leading all-in-one customer experience and payments software platform for small and medium-sized healthcare businesses, today announced its financial results for the fourth quarter and full year ended December 31, 2024. “Weave delivered another excellent quarter and year, with improvements in gross margin, cash flow, and ope...
Fr., 14.02.2025       Weave Communications

Weave (NYSE: WEAV), a leading all-in-one customer experience and payments software platform for small and medium-sized healthcare businesses, today announced an integration with Practice Fusion, a leading cloud-based Electronic Health Records (EHR) software for independent medical practices across a wide range of specialties including family medic...
Sa., 08.02.2025       Weave Communications

As required by the rules of the New York Stock Exchange, Weave Communications, Inc. (NYSE: WEAV), a leading all-in-one customer experience and payments software platform for small and medium-sized healthcare businesses, today announced that it has granted to Jeff Tibbs, Weave’s recently appointed Corporate Controller & VP of Finance, on Februa...
Do., 06.02.2025       Weave Communications

Weave (NYSE: WEAV), a leading all-in-one customer experience and payments software platform for small and medium-sized healthcare businesses, today announced it will release its financial results for the fourth quarter and full year 2024 after U.S. markets close on Thursday, February 20, 2025. Company management will host a conference call and web...
Mi., 05.02.2025       Weave Communications

Weave (NYSE: WEAV), a leading all-in-one customer experience and payments software platform for small and medium-sized healthcare businesses, was selected as an overall winner in Analytics and Business Intelligence, Customer Service and ERP, and Finance for Small Business and Mid-Market companies at the APPEALIE SaaS and Software awards. The APP...
Di., 04.02.2025       Weave Communications

Weave (NYSE: WEAV), a leading all-in-one customer experience and payments software platform for small and medium-sized healthcare businesses, today announced an integration with Prompt, the leading software platform for rehab therapy practices. The Weave and Prompt integration provides physical therapy practices with a powerful toolset designed to...
Mo., 03.02.2025       Weave Communications

Weave (NYSE: WEAV), a leading all-in-one customer experience and payments software platform for small and medium-sized healthcare businesses, ranked first in 23 categories in the G2 2025 Winter Report. The company was also named in 87 reports and earned 45 badges, including Best Patient Relationship Management (PRM) Software. G2 is the largest a...
Fr., 20.12.2024       Weave Communications

A survey commissioned by Weave (NYSE: WEAV) reveals how patients across different generations depend on the internet for health research and how it influences their interactions with healthcare providers. From self-diagnosing symptoms to leveraging digital tools for decision-making, the study of 1,000 U.S.-based consumers underscores the growing r...
Mo., 09.12.2024       Weave Communications

Weave (NYSE: WEAV), a leading all-in-one customer experience and payments software platform for small and medium-sized healthcare businesses, has been named a 2024 Top Workplaces Culture Excellence winner in five categories. These awards are based entirely on verified employee feedback and are part of Energage’s 17-year tradition of surveying and ...
Do., 05.12.2024       Weave Communications

Weave (NYSE: WEAV), a leading all-in-one customer experience and payments software platform for small and medium-sized healthcare businesses, was named a 2024 Inc. Power Partner Award winner. The prestigious list honors B2B organizations with proven track records supporting entrepreneurs. Weave received top marks from customers for being instrumen...
Mi., 30.10.2024       Weave Communications

Weave (NYSE: WEAV), a leading all-in-one customer experience and payments software platform for small and medium-sized healthcare businesses, today announced its financial results for the third quarter ended September 30, 2024. “We delivered another strong quarter, with solid top-line performance and substantial improvements in gross margins, ope...
Mi., 30.10.2024       Weave Communications

Weave (NYSE: WEAV), a leading all-in-one customer experience and payments software platform for small and medium-sized healthcare businesses, has been selected as the platform of record for patient communications, engagement, and payments for its supported dental practices by Affordable Care, America’s largest dental support organization for tooth...
Mi., 23.10.2024       Weave Communications

Weave (NYSE: WEAV), a leading all-in-one customer experience and payments software platform for small and medium-sized healthcare businesses, today announced the launch of its enhanced Email Marketing tool. Designed to empower small- and medium-sized healthcare businesses with limited marketing staff, Weave Email Marketing offers a suite of powerf...
Di., 22.10.2024       Weave Communications

Weave (NYSE: WEAV), a leading all-in-one patient experience and payments software platform for small and medium-sized healthcare businesses, today announced its Fall 2024 Showcase, unveiling groundbreaking innovations to transform how healthcare practices communicate, operate, and grow. The event highlights Weave's commitment to providing innovati...
Di., 22.10.2024       Weave Communications

Weave (NYSE: WEAV), a leading all-in-one customer experience and payments software platform for small and medium-sized healthcare businesses, has launched a fully redesigned experience that helps practices communicate, operate, and grow. The new Weave offers a modern, intuitive interface and integrates powerful AI tools, enhanced communication, sc...
Do., 17.10.2024       Weave Communications

Weave (NYSE: WEAV), a leading all-in-one customer experience software and payments platform for small and medium-sized healthcare businesses, today announced it will release its financial results for the third quarter 2024 after U.S. markets close on Wednesday, October 30, 2024. Company management will host a conference call and webcast at 4:30 p....
Di., 15.10.2024       Weave Communications

Weave (NYSE: WEAV), a leading all-in-one customer experience software and payments platform, placed in the top 25 on the 2024 Utah 100, MountainWest Capital Network (MWCN)’s annual list of the fastest-growing companies in Utah. The MWCN Utah 100 Awards program highlights Utah’s continued strong growth and investment in technology, retail, healthca...
Mo., 14.10.2024       Weave Communications

Weave (NYSE: WEAV), a leading all-in-one customer experience software and payments platform, today announced user-interface (UI) updates tailored specifically for veterinary practices. These new enhancements were developed based on extensive feedback from veterinary professionals to streamline daily operations and improve the overall experience fo...

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