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GlobNewswire (vormals PrimeNewswire) hat sich auf die Geschäftsbereiche Public Relations Solutions und Digital Media Service spezialisiert. Dieser Feed ergänzt das populäre X-Billboard Portfolio um eine weitere wichtige Informationsquelle für Anleger.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 18.03.2025 | 11AM
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Aecon Group Inc.
GICS: - · Sektor: Industrial Products & Services · Sub-Sektor: -
Aecon Group Inc.
Mi., 05.03.2025       Aecon Group Inc.

TORONTO, March 05, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Aecon Group Inc. (TSX: ARE) (“Aecon” or the “Company”) today reported results for the fourth quarter and year-end 2024 including full year revenue of $4.2 billion and backlog of $6.7 billion at December 31, 2024.

Do., 23.01.2025       Aecon Group Inc.

Aecon joint venture awarded contract for the refurbishment of four units at the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station in Ontario
Do., 09.01.2025       Aecon Group Inc.

TORONTO, Jan. 09, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Aecon Group Inc. (TSX: ARE) announced today that it intends to release its fourth quarter and year-end 2024 financial results on Wednesday, March 5, 2025 after market close, and has scheduled a live webcast and conference call for 9 a.m. (Eastern Time) on Thursday, March 6, 2025.

Di., 17.12.2024       Aecon Group Inc.

TORONTO, Dec. 17, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Aecon Group Inc. (TSX: ARE) (“Aecon”) announced today the closing of the previously disclosed acquisition of United Engineers & Constructors (“United”).

Mo., 02.12.2024       Aecon Group Inc.

Aecon Utilities expands electrical services and power systems capabilities with acquisition of Ainsworth’s Power Construction business
Do., 31.10.2024       Aecon Group Inc.

TORONTO, Oct. 31, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Aecon Group Inc. (TSX: ARE) (“Aecon” or the “Company”) today reported results for the third quarter of 2024.

Mo., 28.10.2024       Aecon Group Inc.

TORONTO, Oct. 28, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Aecon Group Inc. (TSX: ARE) (“Aecon” or the “Company”) announced today that it has entered into a definitive purchase agreement to acquire United Engineers & Constructors Inc. (“United”), a nuclear and conventional power contractor headquartered in Mount Laurel, New Jersey, from affiliates of CriticalPoint Capital, LLC for a purchase price of US$33 million (the “Transaction”), payable in cash at closing. United’s management and operational teams will join Aecon upon closing of the Transaction, which is subject to customary adjustments and closing conditions, including obtaining all necessary regulatory approvals.  

Mi., 02.10.2024       Aecon Group Inc.

TORONTO, Oct. 02, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Aecon Group Inc. (TSX: ARE) (“Aecon” or the “Company”) announced today that Red River Biosolids Partners General Partnership, a consortium comprised of Aecon, Oscar Renda Contracting of Canada Inc., a subsidiary of Southland Holdings, Inc. (NYSE American: SLND) and MWH Constructors Canada Ltd. in which Aecon is the lead partner and holds a 33.3% interest, has executed a contract with the City of Winnipeg to deliver the Winnipeg North End Sewage Treatment Plant (“NEWPCC”) Biosolids Facilities Upgrade project under a Progressive Design-Build contract model.

Do., 15.08.2024       Aecon Group Inc.

TORONTO, Aug. 15, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Aecon Group Inc. (TSX: ARE) (“Aecon”) announced today receipt of regulatory approval from the Toronto Stock Exchange (the “TSX”) of its notice of intention to make a normal course issuer bid (the “NCIB”).

Do., 15.08.2024       Aecon Group Inc.

TORONTO, Aug. 15, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Aecon Group Inc. (TSX: ARE) (“Aecon” or the “Company”) announced today that South Fraser Station Partners, a consortium comprised of Aecon, ACCIONA and Pomerleau, in which Aecon holds a 33.3% interest, has reached financial close for the stations contract on the Surrey Langley SkyTrain Project. The contract is valued at $928 million and Aecon’s share of the contract was added to its Construction segment backlog in the second quarter of 2024.

Mi., 24.07.2024       Aecon Group Inc.

TORONTO, July 24, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Aecon Group Inc. (TSX: ARE) (“Aecon” or the “Company”) today reported results for the second quarter of 2024.

Di., 02.07.2024       Aecon Group Inc.

TORONTO, July 02, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Aecon Group Inc. (TSX: ARE) (“Aecon” or the “Company”) announced today that its subsidiary, Aecon Utilities Group Inc. (“Aecon Utilities”), has acquired a majority interest in Xtreme Powerline Construction (“Xtreme”), an electrical distribution utility contractor headquartered in Port Huron, Michigan for a base purchase price of approximately US$73 million, with the potential for additional contingent proceeds (the “Transaction”). The Transaction is being financed through Aecon Utilities’ standalone committed revolving credit facility. Xtreme management are committed to supporting Aecon Utilities’ expansion in the U.S. and will retain a minority ownership in Xtreme as well as leadership responsibilities in the Xtreme business in partnership with Aecon Utilities’ management team.   

Fr., 28.06.2024       Aecon Group Inc.

TORONTO, June 28, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Aecon Group Inc. (TSX: ARE) (“Aecon”) announced today that SA Energy Group (a general partnership of Aecon Construction Group Inc. and Robert B. Somerville Co. Ltd.) and Coastal GasLink Pipeline Limited Partnership, by its general partner Coastal GasLink Pipeline Ltd., have reached an amicable and mutually agreeable global settlement to resolve their dispute fully and finally over the construction of Sections 3 and 4 of the Coastal GasLink Pipeline Project in British Columbia.

Di., 04.06.2024       Aecon Group Inc.

TORONTO, June 04, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Aecon Group Inc. (TSX: ARE) (“Aecon” or the “Company”) announced today that the nominees listed in the Management Information Circular dated May 2, 2024 were elected as directors of Aecon, to hold office until the close of the next Annual General Meeting of the Corporation or until their successors are appointed. As disclosed, Anthony P. Franceschini and J.D. Hole did not stand for re-election and have retired from Aecon’s Board.

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