Das Newsboard verarbeitet Nachrichten der NASDAQ Nordic Portfoliogesellschaft GlobeNewswire, über den Anleger mit Unternehmensrelevanten Informationen versorgt werden. Hierbei geht es insbesondere um Ereignisse, die Relevanz zur Börsennotiz von Unternehmen bzw. handelbaren Finanzinstrumenten haben können.
GlobNewswire (vormals PrimeNewswire) hat sich auf die Geschäftsbereiche Public Relations Solutions und Digital Media Service spezialisiert. Dieser Feed ergänzt das populäre X-Billboard Portfolio um eine weitere wichtige Informationsquelle für Anleger.
GlobNewswire (vormals PrimeNewswire) hat sich auf die Geschäftsbereiche Public Relations Solutions und Digital Media Service spezialisiert. Dieser Feed ergänzt das populäre X-Billboard Portfolio um eine weitere wichtige Informationsquelle für Anleger.
The Supervisory Board of AS Delfi Meedia, the subsidiary of AS Ekspress Grupp, decided to extend the powers of the Management Board member Urmo Soonvald until January 31, 2028.
On December 18, 2024, UAB Delfi, 100% subsidiary of AS Ekspress Grupp, entered into the contract for the acquisition of 100% of shares in the company UAB Kenton Baltic from Dainius Baltrusaitis and Arturas Laucius.
Argo Virkebau, the Chairman of the Management Board and CEO of AS Delfi Meedia – the subsidiary of AS Ekspress Grupp –, will leave the company at his own request on December 31, 2024. Argo Virkebau has been working as CEO and the Chairman of the Management Board at Delfi Meedia since 2018. The Supervisory Board of AS Delfi Meedia is thankful to Argo Virkebau for his long-term contribution to the management and growth of the media company.
The Management Board of AS Ekspress Grupp proposed to the shareholders to adopt resolutions without convening an extraordinary general meeting. The notice of adoption of resolutions was published on 9 October 2024 in the stock exchange information system and on the company’s homepage, as well as in the 10 October 2024 issue of newspaper Õhtuleht.
The revenue of AS Ekspress Grupp for the 3rd quarter of 2024 increased by 2%, totalling EUR 16.8 million and EBITDA decreased by 19%, totalling EUR 2.0 million. The revenue for the first nine months of 2024 also increased year-over-year by 2%, totalling EUR 52.7 million and EBITDA decreased by 9%, totalling EUR 5.5 million. At the end of September, digital revenue made up 88% of the Group’s total revenue. Digital revenue increased by 8% as compared to the same period last year. The digital subscription revenue of the Group's media companies and the number of people with digital subscriptions grew strongly year-over-year in all three countries. The revenue from ticket platforms and the advertising revenue from outdoor screens have also seen strong growth.
Argo Rannamets, the financial director and a member of the Management Board of AS Ekspress Grupp, will leave the company at his own request on January 29, 2025. An executive search will be organised to find a new CFO / member of the Management Board.
The number of digital subscriptions of AS Ekspress Grupp increased by 24% in the Baltic States year-over-year (3rd quarter: 0%, 9 months: 7%) and totalled 222 611 at the end of September.
The Management Board of AS Ekspress Grupp (registry code 10004677, official address Narva mnt 13, Tallinn 10151) proposes to the shareholders to adopt resolutions without convening a meeting in accordance to § 2991 of the Commercial Code.
The Supervisory Board of A/S Delfi decided to recall Mr. Konstantins Kuzikovs from the Management Board from 23rd August 2024.
The revenue of AS Ekspress Grupp for the 2nd quarter of 2024 increased by 6% to EUR 19.6 million and EBITDA increased by 27% to EUR 3.0 million. The revenue for the first six months of 2024 increased year-over-year by 2% to EUR 35.9 million and EBITDA decreased by -2% to EUR 3.5 million. At the end of June, the share of digital revenue made up 87% of the Group’s total revenue. Digital revenue increased by 9% as compared to the same period last year. The digital subscription revenue of the Group's media companies and the number of people with digital subscriptions grew strongly year-over-year in all three countries. The revenue from ticket sales platforms and the advertising revenue from outdoor screens have also increased strongly.
The number of digital subscriptions of AS Ekspress Grupp increased by 27% in the Baltic States year-over-year (2nd quarter: 5%, 1st six months: 7%) and totalled 222 558 at the end of June.
Delfi Meedia AS, a wholly-owned subsidiary of AS Ekspress Grupp, and AS Õhtuleht Kirjastus, its joint venture with a 50% ownership interest, together with AS Postimees Grupp and AS Äripäev, signed the agreement to establish the Baltic Press Publishersʼ Collective Management Organisation, a collective management organisation of news media publishers. The association will promote the interests of Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian press publishers, and exercise their economic copyrights and related rights.
On June 10, 2024, Delfi Meedia AS, 100% subsidiary of AS Ekspress Grupp, entered into the contract for the acquisition of business operations of OÜ Eesti Koolitus- ja Konverentsikeskus (EKKK). The transaction is scheduled to be completed on July 1, 2024.
AS Ekspress Grupp will distribute dividend of 6 euro cents per share on 22nd May 2024.
On 3 May 2024, the Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders of AS Ekspress Grupp was held in Tallinn, Narva road 13.
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