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GlobNewswire (vormals PrimeNewswire) hat sich auf die Geschäftsbereiche Public Relations Solutions und Digital Media Service spezialisiert. Dieser Feed ergänzt das populäre X-Billboard Portfolio um eine weitere wichtige Informationsquelle für Anleger.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 10.01.2025 | 2PM
Do., 09.01.2025

In 2024 Q4, 1.9 million passengers and 3.4 million tons of cargo passed through the harbors of Tallinna Sadam. Compared to the same period of previous year, the number of passengers increased by 4.8% supported by Finnish lines and the cargo volume increased by 11.7%, most of it in dry bulk and containers. The number of vessel calls increased by 4.8% reaching 1857 calls. The number of passengers travelling between the Estonian mainland and the main islands increased by 4.3% and the number of vehicles increased by 6.0%. The utility rate of the icebreaker Botnica was 55% decreasing by 12 percentage points.

Do., 28.11.2024

In 2025, AS Tallinna Sadam plans to disclose the results and hold annual general meeting according to the following schedule:

Mo., 11.11.2024

On 11 November 2024, Tallinna Sadam held a webinar for investors where the chairman of the management board Valdo Kalm and the member of the management board CFO Andrus Ait presented unaudited results of the Group for 2024 9 months and Q3.

Mo., 11.11.2024

Tallinna Sadam earned 91 million euros in sales revenue in 9 months, 2.5% more than a year earlier, EBITDA of 41 million euros increased by 5.4%, and the profit was 14.1% higher - 15 million euros. Sales revenue in the third quarter was 31 million euros (-0.7%), EBITDA 13 million euros (-1.7%) and profit nearly 6 million euros (-6.5%). In 9 months, we invested a total of over 33 million euros, including 8 million euros in the third quarter.

Di., 05.11.2024

Di., 15.10.2024

Mi., 09.10.2024

Correction: The number of passangers by routes have been corrected in the table below. The rest of information remains the same.

Mi., 09.10.2024

In 2024 Q3, 3.1 million tons of cargo and 2.7 million passengers passed through the harbors of Tallinna Sadam. Compared to the same period of previous year, the cargo volume increased by 7.2% and the number of passengers increased by 4.3%. The number of vessel calls increased by 5.9% reaching 1922 calls. The number of passengers travelling between the Estonian mainland and the main islands increased by 1.4% and the number of vehicles increased by 3.0%. The number of charter days of the icebreaker Botnica decreased by 58%, utility rate of the vessel was 27%.

Fr., 13.09.2024

Di., 10.09.2024

As announced in April, the Ministry of Regional Affairs and Agriculture (hereinafter: "Ministry") declared successful the tender of OÜ TS Laevad (hereinafter: "TS Laevad"), a subsidiary of AS Tallinna Sadam, in the public procurement, which was looking for a partner for the award of a public service contract for passenger transport on the Virtsu-Kuivastu and Rohuküla-Heltermaa ferry routes.

Di., 13.08.2024

Mo., 12.08.2024

Mo., 12.08.2024

In the second quarter, Tallinna Sadam earned 32 million euros in sales revenue and 4 million euros in profit. The revenue for six months was 60 million euros and the profit exceeded 9 million euros. In the second quarter, the volume of investments increased to 7 million euros, in the first half of the year we invested a total of 25 million euros.

Mo., 05.08.2024

Mi., 31.07.2024

Di., 23.07.2024

Mi., 17.07.2024

Mi., 10.07.2024

Di., 09.07.2024

In 2024 Q2, 3.2 million tonnes of cargo and 2.2 million passengers passed through the harbors of Tallinna Sadam. Compared to the same period of previous year, the number of passengers increased by 0.7% i.e. 16 thousand passengers whereas the cargo volume decreased by 0.6%. The number of vessel calls remained at a similar level reaching 1804 calls. The number of passengers travelling between the Estonian mainland and the main islands decreased by 0.5%, however the number of vehicles increased by 1%. The number of charter days of the icebreaker Botnica increased by 86%, utility rate of the vessel was 59%.

Do., 27.06.2024

Harju County Court acquitted AS Tallinna Sadam (hereinafter: “Tallinna Sadam”) former member of the management board Ain Kaljurand and others charged in criminal proceedings due to expiration of the limitation period for the criminal offence, released the properties from seizure and partially ordered procedure expenses. Victims Tallinna Sadam and TS Laevad OÜ civil action lawsuit was dismissed. The victims have the right to resubmit civil lawsuits in accordance with the Code of Civil Procedure. Tallinna Sadam shall analyse the decision and consider whether and to what extent to appeal the judgement of the county court.

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