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GlobNewswire (vormals PrimeNewswire) hat sich auf die Geschäftsbereiche Public Relations Solutions und Digital Media Service spezialisiert. Dieser Feed ergänzt das populäre X-Billboard Portfolio um eine weitere wichtige Informationsquelle für Anleger.
Bigbank AS has confirmed the bank’s Financial Calendar for the 2025 financial year.
November was a stable and profitable growth month for Bigbank.
Starting from December 10, 2024, Bigbank's private customers in Estonia will be able to open a current account through the internet bank. This new service is designed to enhance convenience when using Bigbank's products. During the initial phase, the bank will focus on serving existing customers, offering basic functionalities to manage everyday financial operations.
In December 2024, the Financial Supervision Authority (FSA) presented Bigbank AS with the outcome of the annual Supervisory Review and Evaluation Process (SREP) capital adequacy calculation. As a result of the evaluation, the FSA decided to leave the Pillar 2 capital requirements for Bigbank AS unchanged.
On 28 November 2024, Eesti Pank decided to designate Bigbank AS among systemically important credit institutions.
The Management Board of Bigbank AS approved the final allocation of the private placement of notes qualifying as Additional Tier 1 (AT1) own funds of the bank, according to which, 345 notes with a nominal value of 10,000 EUR each are allocated to a total of 45 investors. As the initial issue volume of EUR 3 million was oversubscribed by 450,000 EUR, Bigbank AS used its right to increase the total issue volume to 3,450,000 EUR.
Bigbank AS carries out a private placement of Additional Tier 1 Temporary Write-Down Notes (AT1 bonds). Due to the complexity of these AT1 bonds, they will not be offered to the general public; instead, the offering is targeted exclusively at selected investors.
Bigbank's loan portfolio continued to grow strongly in October, surpassing 2.1 billion euros by the end of the month. Notably, the home loan portfolio saw a growth of 30 million euros, marking the highest monthly sales figure of 2024 to date. In addition, both business and consumer loan portfolios increased.
Bigbank’s total gross loan portfolio grew to a record 2.1 billion euros by the end of the quarter, increasing by 158 million euros (+8%) quarter on quarter and by 451 million euros (+28%) year on year. All three main product lines posted solid quarter-on-quarter growth. The corporate loan portfolio grew by 46 million euros (+7%) to 703 million euros, the housing loan portfolio by 78 million euros (+17%) to 534 million euros and the consumer loan portfolio by 36 million euros (+4%) to 837 million euros.
The public offering of Bigbank AS (Bigbank) unsecured subordinated bonds (the Offering) ended on Friday, 18 October 2024. It was the third series under Bigbank’s unsecured subordinated bond programme, conducted based on the base prospectus of the subordinated bond programme. Under the programme, Bigbank can raise up to 30 million euros in total.
On 9 October 2024, Bigbank AS held a webinar introducing the public offering of Bigbank AS subordinated bonds in Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania.
Bigbank AS invites all interested parties to participate in a webinar introducing the issue of the public offering of Bigbank AS subordinated bonds in Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. The webinars will be organised on 9th October 2024 at 11:00 (EET) in Estonian and at 16:00 (EET) in English.
Bigbank AS (registry code 10183757, address Riia tn 2, Tartu, 51004) (Bigbank) hereby announces a public offering of its unsecured subordinated bonds (Offering) and informs about the approval of prospectus supplement no. 2 by the Estonian Financial Supervision and Resolution Authority (FSA) to the base prospectus registered on 13 November 2023 (the base prospectus, its earlier supplement no. 1, and supplement no. 2 approved by FSA for this offering, hereinafter collectively referred to as the Prospectus).
August was a successful month for Bigbank. The loan portfolio surpassed 2 billion euros for the first time, and the home loan portfolio exceeded the 500 million euro mark. The consumer loan portfolio also demonstrated solid growth, while the business loan portfolio decreased by approximately 3 million euros compared to the end of July.
Bigbank AS submitted the proposal to the general meeting of shareholders to amend the Bigbank Articles of Association as follows:
Bigbank's loan portfolio also grew significantly in July, with a monthly increase of 71 million, which is a record for this year. The largest monthly growth was seen separately in the business loan and home loan portfolios. The strong growth figures in both business lines indicate that despite the still weak general economic situation in Estonia, Bigbank's loan offerings are very attractive to both private home buyers and business clients. The consumer loan portfolio also showed solid growth, falling just short of the strong May result in the monthly comparison.
Bigbank’s total gross loan portfolio grew to a record 1.9 billion euros by the end of the quarter, increasing by 154 million euros (+9%) quarter on quarter and by 390 million euros (+26%) year on year. All three main product lines posted solid quarter-on-quarter growth. The corporate loan portfolio grew by 57 million euros (+10%) to 657 million euros, the housing loan portfolio by 62 million euros (+16%) to 456 million euros and the consumer loan portfolio by 40 million euros (+5%) to 802 million euros.
Bigbank AS informs that it has redeemed 5000 “BIGBANK 6,5% SUBORDINATED NOTE 17-2027” bonds with ISIN EE3300111400 in total issue price of 5 000 000 euros and has submitted the Estonian Central Register of Securities the application to delete the bonds from the register.
Moody's Investors Service has confirmed new ratings for Bigbank AS, downgrading the long-term bank deposit ratings to Ba1 from the previous Baa3 and the baseline credit assessment (BCA) and adjusted BCA to ba2 from the previous ba1. The outlook for long-term deposit ratings remains stable.
The Management Board of Bigbank AS approved the final allocation of the private placement of notes qualifying as Additional Tier 1 (AT1) own funds of the bank, according to which, 496 notes with a nominal value of 10,000 EUR each are allocated to a total of 52 investors. As the initial issue volume of EUR 3 million was oversubscribed by 1,960,000 EUR, Bigbank AS used its right to increase the total issue volume to 4,960,000 EUR.
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