Das Newsboard verarbeitet Nachrichten der NASDAQ Nordic Portfoliogesellschaft GlobeNewswire, über den Anleger mit Unternehmensrelevanten Informationen versorgt werden. Hierbei geht es insbesondere um Ereignisse, die Relevanz zur Börsennotiz von Unternehmen bzw. handelbaren Finanzinstrumenten haben können.
GlobNewswire (vormals PrimeNewswire) hat sich auf die Geschäftsbereiche Public Relations Solutions und Digital Media Service spezialisiert. Dieser Feed ergänzt das populäre X-Billboard Portfolio um eine weitere wichtige Informationsquelle für Anleger.
GlobNewswire (vormals PrimeNewswire) hat sich auf die Geschäftsbereiche Public Relations Solutions und Digital Media Service spezialisiert. Dieser Feed ergänzt das populäre X-Billboard Portfolio um eine weitere wichtige Informationsquelle für Anleger.
In December 2024 AS Tallink Grupp transported 460,786 passengers, which is a 6.2% decrease compared to December 2023. The number of cargo units decreased by 16.3% to 18,851 units and the number of passenger vehicles decreased by 2.7% to 57,955 units compared to the same period a year ago.
In December 2024 AS Tallink Grupp transported 460,786 passengers, which is a 6.2% decrease compared to December 2023. The number of cargo units decreased by 16.3% to 18,851 units and the number of passenger vehicles decreased by 2.7% to 57,955 units compared to the same period a year ago.
The subsidiary of AS Tallink Grupp, Tallink Silja OY and Slaapschepen Public BV, an organisation nominated by Centraal Orgaan Opvang Asielzoekers (COA) in the Netherlands have signed the charter agreement for the cruise ferry Silja Europa. The cruise ferry will be chartered out from 1 January 2025 for six months with the option of extending the agreement at the end of the agreement period by another 7+6+6 months. The cruise ferry Silja Europa has been charted out since August 2022 and is used to provide temporary accommodation in the Netherlands.
The subsidiary of AS Tallink Grupp, Tallink Silja OY and Slaapschepen Public BV, an organisation nominated by Centraal Orgaan Opvang Asielzoekers (COA) in the Netherlands have signed the charter agreement for the cruise ferry Silja Europa. The cruise ferry will be chartered out from 1 January 2025 for six months with the option of extending the agreement at the end of the agreement period by another 7+6+6 months. The cruise ferry Silja Europa has been charted out since August 2022 and is used to provide temporary accommodation in the Netherlands.
In November 2024, AS Tallink Grupp transported 369,996 passengers, which is a 1.9% decrease compared to November 2023. The number of cargo units decreased by 19.4% compared to the same period a year ago and was 21,409 units. The number of passenger vehicles decreased by 6.3% to 47,101 vehicles in the same comparison.
In November 2024, AS Tallink Grupp transported 369,996 passengers, which is a 1.9% decrease compared to November 2023. The number of cargo units decreased by 19.4% compared to the same period a year ago and was 21,409 units. The number of passenger vehicles decreased by 6.3% to 47,101 vehicles in the same comparison.
Anneli Simm
Investor Relations Manager
Anneli Simm
Investor Relations Manager
Person subject to the notification requirement
Name: Nõgene, Paavo
Position: Chairman of the Management Board of AS Tallink Grupp
Person subject to the notification requirement
Name: Nõgene, Paavo
Position: Chairman of the Management Board of AS Tallink Grupp
Person subject to the notification requirement
Name: Nõgene, Paavo
Position: Chairman of the Management Board of AS Tallink Grupp
Person subject to the notification requirement
Name: Nõgene, Paavo
Position: Chairman of the Management Board of AS Tallink Grupp
In October 2024, AS Tallink Grupp transported 479,232 passengers, which is a 1.8% increase compared to October 2023. The number of cargo units decreased by 10.3% compared to the same period a year ago and was 24,346 units. The number of passenger vehicles decreased by 5.7% to 59,530 vehicles in the same comparison.
In October 2024, AS Tallink Grupp transported 479,232 passengers, which is a 1.8% increase compared to October 2023. The number of cargo units decreased by 10.3% compared to the same period a year ago and was 24,346 units. The number of passenger vehicles decreased by 5.7% to 59,530 vehicles in the same comparison.
The Q3 2024 results of AS Tallink Grupp will be introduced at an Investor Webinar held today at 12:00 (EEST). To participate, please join via the following link; we kindly ask participants to provide their questions latest by 11:00 by email to: investor@tallink.ee. Further details are available in a previously published announcement.
The Q3 2024 results of AS Tallink Grupp will be introduced at an Investor Webinar held today at 12:00 (EEST). To participate, please join via the following link; we kindly ask participants to provide their questions latest by 11:00 by email to: investor@tallink.ee. Further details are available in a previously published announcement.
AS Tallink Grupp and Slaapschepen Public BV, an organisation nominated by Centraal Orgaan Opvang Asielzoekers (COA) in the Netherlands have signed an extension to the charter agreement for the cruise ferry Galaxy I. The charter agreement was extended by 12 months until October 2025 with the option of extending the agreement at the end of the agreement period by another 6+6 months. The cruise ferry Galaxy I has been charted out since September 2022 and is used to provide temporary accommodation in the Netherlands.
AS Tallink Grupp and Slaapschepen Public BV, an organisation nominated by Centraal Orgaan Opvang Asielzoekers (COA) in the Netherlands have signed an extension to the charter agreement for the cruise ferry Galaxy I. The charter agreement was extended by 12 months until October 2025 with the option of extending the agreement at the end of the agreement period by another 6+6 months. The cruise ferry Galaxy I has been charted out since September 2022 and is used to provide temporary accommodation in the Netherlands.
AS Tallink Grupp will introduce the results of the third quarter of 2024 in an investor webinar. All shareholders and other stakeholders are invited to join the webinar, scheduled to take place on 24 October 2024 at 12:00 (EET). The webinar will be held in English.
AS Tallink Grupp will introduce the results of the third quarter of 2024 in an investor webinar. All shareholders and other stakeholders are invited to join the webinar, scheduled to take place on 24 October 2024 at 12:00 (EET). The webinar will be held in English.
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