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GlobNewswire (vormals PrimeNewswire) hat sich auf die Geschäftsbereiche Public Relations Solutions und Digital Media Service spezialisiert. Dieser Feed ergänzt das populäre X-Billboard Portfolio um eine weitere wichtige Informationsquelle für Anleger.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 07.01.2025 | 10PM
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Rokiskio Suris AB
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Rokiskio Suris AB
Mo., 30.12.2024       Rokiskio Suris

Rokiškio sūris, AB, announces that in 2025 the Group of Rokiškio sūris, AB, plans to publish its results in the following order:

Di., 01.10.2024       Rokiskio Suris

Rokiskio suris AB received a notification on the disposal of block of voting rights by the group of shareholders of Rokiskio suris AB (attached).

Fr., 27.09.2024       Rokiskio Suris

Rokiskio suris AB, in accordance with Article 19(2) of the Law on Securities of the Republic of Lithuania, provides information on the total number of voting rights and the size of the share capital, the number of shares and their nominal value of all the issued shares of the Company as of the date of 27 September 2024:

Fr., 27.09.2024       Rokiskio Suris

Rokiskio suris AB has completed the buy-back of its own shares through the official offering market of the Nasdaq Vilnius Stock Exchange. During the buy-back period, 23 September 2024 - 27 September 2024, the Company acquired 861 274 treasury shares, representing 2.67% of the Company's authorised capital.

Mi., 11.09.2024       Rokiskio Suris

Rokiškio sūris AB (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") having reduced its authorised capital by cancelling 10% of its own repurchased ordinary registered shares, pursuant to Article 19 (2) of the Securities Law of the Republic of Lithuania, the Company hereby provides the information on the total number of voting rights and the size of the authorised capital of all the issued shares of the Company, as well as the number of the shares and the nominal value of the shares as at

Mi., 11.09.2024       Rokiskio Suris

Rokiškio sūris AB had acquired 3,586,797 own ordinary registered shares representing 10% of the Company's authorised capital. On 27 June 2024, the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company resolved to reduce the Company's authorised capital by cancelling 3,586,797 ordinary registered shares purchased by the Company.

Di., 10.09.2024       Rokiskio Suris

On 10 September 2024 a new version of the Articles of Association of Rokiškio sūris AB was registered in the Register of Legal Entities of the Republic of Lithuania. The new version of the Articles of Association was approved at the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company held on 27 June 2024. The Company's Articles of Association are being amended as a result of the reduction of the Company's authorised capital by cancelling its own shares repurchased.

Fr., 30.08.2024       Rokiskio Suris

In January-June 2024, the consolidated unaudited sales of Rokiskio suris AB Group amounted to EUR 174 808 thousand, i.e. 18% more than in the same period in 2023 (EUR 148 106 thousand).

Do., 27.06.2024       Rokiskio Suris

Resolutions approved by the 27 June 2024 Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of Rokiskio suris AB (hereinafter – the Company):

Mi., 05.06.2024       Rokiskio Suris

On 27 June 2024, at 12:00 p.m., an Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of AB "Rokiškio sūris" (company code 173057512, registered at the following address: Pramonės g.3, Rokiškis) shall be convened at the head office of AB "Rokiškio sūris" (Pramonės str.3, Rokiškis).

Di., 28.05.2024       Rokiskio Suris

Rokiskio suris AB received a notification on the disposal of block of voting rights by the group of shareholders of Rokiskio suris AB (attached).

Di., 28.05.2024       Rokiskio Suris

Following the acquisition of 10% of own shares by Rokiskio suris AB (hereinafter referred to as the Company), in accordance with Article 19 (2) of the Law on Securities of the Republic of Lithuania, the Company shall provide information on the total number of voting rights attached to all the issued shares of the Company and the size of the authorised capital, the number of shares and their nominal value as at 28 May 2024:

Fr., 24.05.2024       Rokiskio Suris

Rokiskio suris AB completed purchasing of own shares on the Tender Offer Market of Nasdaq Vilnius AB. During the period from May 20, 2024, until May 24, 2024, the company acquired the maximal intended amount of shares, i. e. 2,725,523 units.

Do., 23.05.2024       Rokiskio Suris

The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of AB „Rokiškio sūris“ (company code 173057512, address Pramonės str.3, Rokiškis), which took place on 30 April 2024, decided to allocate EUR 0.15 per share for 2023 (the total amount of dividends for 2023 is EUR 5.251 million).

Do., 16.05.2024       Rokiskio Suris

Based on the resolution of the 30 April 2024 General Meeting of Shareholders of Rokiskio suris AB, on 16 May 2024 the Board of Directors of Rokiskio suris AB decided to launch purchase of ordinary registered shares of Rokiskio suris AB, par value of which is equal to EUR 0.29 (twenty nine euro cents), consequently total nominal value including the shares already purchased would not exceed 1/10 of the Company’s Authorized Capital. For the purchase of own shares there is an accumulated and unused reserve of kEUR 17,150. A tender offer will be made to purchase own shares via the securities market Nasdaq Vilnius AB.

Do., 02.05.2024       Rokiskio Suris

The Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of AB Rokiškio sūris (company code 173057512, registered office address Pramonės street 3, Rokiškis) held on 30 April 2024, decided to allocate a dividend of EUR 0.15 per share for 2023 (the total amount allocated for dividends for 2023 is EUR 5.251 million).

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