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A list of key information disclosure dates in 2025:
AB Akola Group, ISIN code LT0000128092, (hereinafter - the Company), has received a notification from the person discharging managerial responsibilities regarding the transactions in the Company's securities (enclosed).
On 21 November 2024, AB Akola Group held a webinar, and the company's CFO, Mažvydas Šileika, presented the financial results for the 3 months of the 2024/2025 financial year.
The consolidated revenue for the three months of the financial year 2024/2025 of AB Akola Group and its controlled companies (the Group) exceeded EUR 384 million and were 9% lower than in the corresponding period of the previous year.
AB Akola Group, company code: 148030011, address of the head office: Subaciaus str. 5, LT-01302 Vilnius, Lithuania.
On 11 November 2024, the Register of Legal Entities registered a new wording of the articles of association of AB Akola Group which has been approved by the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders on 31 October 2024.
From now on, the Management Board of AB Akola Group consists of 5 members, and the members have stayed the same.
The General meeting of shareholders held on 31 October 2024 approved the allocation of the profit of AB Akola Group, which included a pay-out of dividends - 0.03 euro shall be paid for each ordinary registered share. Dividends shall be paid out to persons who were the shareholders of AB Akola Group at the end of the dividend record day - 15 November 2024.
On 31 October 2024 the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of AB Akola Group approved Financial Statements, Consolidated Annual Report and Independent Auditor's Report for the financial year ended 30 June 2024.
The Annual General Meeting (hereinafter – the Meeting) of AB Akola Group (hereinafter – the Company) was held on 31 October 2024.
On the day the Meeting is convened the total number of the Company’s shares is 167,170,481, and the number of shares granting voting rights is 166,508,509. The own shares in the amount of 661,972 acquired by the Company do not grant voting rights.
In total 25 Company’s shareholders, who owned shares of the Company at the end of the Accounting day of the Meeting (24 October 2024), participated in the Meeting having 138,965,128 share votes, which amounted to 83.46 percent of the total number of the Company’s share votes. 22 duly filled General Voting Ballots were presented before the Meeting.
The Board member and CFO of the Company Mažvydas Šileika, deputizing Company’s CEO, participated in the Meeting.
The quorum existed.
Decisions of the Meeting:
1. Presentation of the Company’s Audit Committee Activity Report.
Presented. No voting.
2. Presentation of the independent auditor’s report.
Presented. No voting.
3. Presentation of the Consolidated Annual Report of the Company for the financial year 2023/2024.
Presented. No voting.
4. Approval of the Company’s Remuneration Report.
Approve the Company’s Remuneration Report.
Results of voting:
FOR – 138,965,128 votes (including 138,885,287 share votes of shareholders who voted in advance).
5. Approval of the consolidated and the Company’s set of financial statements for the financial year ended 30 June, 2024.
Approve the consolidated and the Company‘s set of financial statements for the financial year ended 30 June, 2024.
Results of voting:
FOR – 138,965,128 votes (including 138,885,287 share votes of shareholders who voted in advance).
6. Approval of the Distribution of the Company’s Profit/Loss.
Approve the Distribution of the Company’s Profit/Loss:
SIA Linas Agro, an indirectly controlled company of AB Akola Group, has received approval from the Competition Council of the Republic of Latvia to acquire the Latvian company SIA Elagro Trade.
The Latvian company SIA Dotnuva Seeds, indirectly owned by AB Akola Group, has agreed with Swedbank AS on financing the construction and equipment of a seed preparation factory in Latvia. The loan amounting to 7 million euros was granted for ten years. AB Akola Group itself became the guarantor of the loan.
SIA Linas Agro, an indirectly controlled company of AB Akola Group, has agreed to acquire a company in Latvia - it is buying 100% of SIA Elagro Trade for a preliminary amount of EUR 22 million. The final transaction price will depend on the net working capital of the target company at the closing date. The shares are to be purchased from Agrolats Holding AS and three natural persons. The transaction, which is subject to the approval of the Latvian Competition Council, should be completed in 2024 or early 2025.
The consolidated revenue of AB Akola Group and its controlled companies (the Group) for the twelve months of the financial year 2023/2024 exceeded EUR 1,506 million and was 25% lower compared to the corresponding period of the previous year.
AB Akola Group, company code: 148030011, address of the head office: Subaciaus str. 5, LT-01302 Vilnius, Lithuania.
On 23 May 2024, AB Akola Group held a webinar and the company's CFO Mažvydas Šileika presented the financial results for the 9 months of the 2023/2024 financial year.
Consolidated revenue of AB Akola Group and its controlled companies (the Group) for the nine months of the financial year 2023/2024 exceeded EUR 1,124 million and was 25% lower compared to the corresponding period of the previous year.
AB Akola Group, company code: 148030011, address of the head office: Subaciaus str. 5, LT-01302 Vilnius, Lithuania.
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