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QIAGEN introduces market’s first customizable digital PCR assay design tool with advanced design algorithms tailored for diverse microbial applications and custom NGS panels // First-of-its-kind Custom Assay Design Tool for Microbial dPCR Assays offers unparalleled flexibility in digital PCR analysis of bacterial, fungal and viral targets // QIAseq xHYB Custom Microbial Panels enable high-resolution sequencing by covering multiple whole genomes, overcoming coverage gaps common in standard panels
QIAstat-Dx Meningitis/Encephalitis Panel cleared in the U.S. for use in clinical settings to help diagnose central nervous system infections // Fourth FDA clearance marks milestone in 2024 in successful expansion of QIAstat‑Dx tests developed specifically for the U.S. // QIAGEN now offers broad menu with FDA-cleared tests for respiratory, gastrointestinal and central nervous system infections – and plans for further expansion // QIAstat-Dx delivers results in about one hour with real-time PCR, ensuring fast and accurate results to support clinical decision-making
Portfolio expansion reinforces QIAGEN’s leadership in automated solutions for non-invasive liquid biopsy applications combined with complete workflows // New ccfDNA Kit upgrade with urine protocol for use on EZ1 and 2 instruments designed to enhance liquid biopsy workflows for cancer research // New QIAsymphony DSP Circulating DNA and Maxi Kits deliver high-quality cfDNA for use in downstream applications
QIAGEN’s leading tuberculosis blood test QuantiFERON®-TB Gold Plus remains crucial for detection of latent tuberculosis infection, aiding in breaking the cycle of disease transmission // Over 35 top tuberculosis experts to discuss critical topics such as advancements in diagnostics and new treatment strategies // CPD- and CME-accredited event highlights the need for renewed global efforts for tuberculosis control
Expands range of applications for successful QIAcuity digital PCR platforms, now entering the clinical space across North America and the EU // Provides absolute quantitation, essential for precise monitoring of low-abundance targets in clinical diagnostics // Enhances lab efficiency and reduces costs with all-in-one instrument for either IVD assays or tests designed and used by laboratories, user-friendly software and flexible scheduling features
Product line earns CE-marking under new EU IVDR framework – including QIAstat-Dx Analyzer, QIAstat-Dx Rise and panels for detection of gastrointestinal and respiratory infections // Certification confirms that QIAGEN’s devices meet the stringent safety, quality and performance standards for in-vitro diagnostics in Europe // QIAGEN on track to transition over 180 products to new IVDR regulatory framework
PAXgene Urine Liquid Biopsy Set with collection cup and a nucleic acid stabilizing tube enables non-invasive sample collection and direct cell-free DNA stabilization from urine // QIAGEN to commercialize set with the first verified, standardized and complete preanalytical workflow from urine collection, stabilization and isolation of cell-free DNA // Cell-free DNA in urine can provide important information to data not found in blood samples
QIAGEN chooses Bode Technology as its exclusive global commercial partner to accelerate use of GEDmatch PRO genealogy database in law enforcement and identification of human remains // Collaboration ensures GEDmatch PRO development remains focused on the needs of forensic genealogists and investigators in the U.S. and other countries worldwide // Partnership builds on QIAGEN’s leading global position in providing extensive portfolio for use in human identification and forensics
QIAGEN adds over 100 new validated QIAcuity digital PCR assays for cancer research, inherited genetic disorders, infectious disease surveillance, and other applications // QIAcuity digital PCR enables accurate and sensitive detection of low-abundance pathogens, copy number alterations and identification of rare mutations // Portfolio expansion and partnerships support increased adoption of QIAcuity across multiple application areas
QIAGEN to develop the first QIAstat-Dx IVD panel for neurodegenerative applications // New QIAstat-Dx panel to identify APOE genotypes, one of many factors considered in the diagnosis of patients with Alzheimer’s Disease // Collaboration set to launch the first commercially available IVD Kit for APOE genotyping
Partnership with University of Montana drives the implementation of next-generation sequencing and forensic investigative genetic genealogy in identifying human remains // QIAGEN provides instruments, kits and training for building the first Indigenous-owned DNA database and identifying African American human remains // Collaboration underlines QIAGEN’s leading position in the use of next-generation sequencing for forensic applications and human identification
Venlo, The Netherlands, July 02, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- QIAGEN N.V. (NYSE: QGEN) (Frankfurt Stock Exchange: QIA) announced plans to release results for the second quarter 2024.
American Academy of Pediatrics in the United States now recommends IGRA tests like QuantiFERON-TB Gold Plus to screen at-risk children of all ages // New recommendation joins trend of U.S. tuberculosis control guidelines that emphasize use of modern blood-based tests to combat the spread of potentially deadly bacterial infection
Latest QCI Interpret release enhances performance of high-throughput NGS labs, improving turn-around time, diagnostic yield and quality of results // New features include bulk variant assessment, flagging of co-occurring variants and improved muti-user functionality for faster and more efficient workflows // Genomics are moving towards analyzing large, comprehensive gene panels, creating a need for enhanced scalability
ESG commitments recognized as strategic business investments bringing value to stakeholders, including customers and employees // Environment: 15% reduction in Scope 1 and 2 emissions in 2023 through green energy procurement, complemented by 7% decrease in plastic usage // Social: // Leveraging partnerships, QIAGEN broadens diagnostic access worldwide // Commits to goal of at least 40% women in leadership by 2027 // Governance: New Supplier Code of Conduct and Human Rights Committee, upholding high ethical standards across supply chain
35 new wet-lab tested digital PCR Microbial DNA Detection Assays on research platform GeneGlobe target a wide range of pathogens causing tropical diseases, sexually transmitted and urine tract infections // QIAcuity digital PCR technology enables precise and sensitive detection of pathogens, supporting infectious disease research and public health efforts // New assays add to QIAGEN’s comprehensive portfolio for microbial research showcased at ASM Microbe conference from June 13-17
NeuMoDx 96 and NeuMoDx 288 Molecular Systems decision taken in light of challenging post-pandemic market development trends // Reaffirms Q2 2024 outlook, raises full-year 2024 outlook for adjusted diluted EPS to $2.14 CER, has started discussions with NeuMoDx customers to assess impact on 2024 sales // Restructuring charge of approximately $400 million – including about $300 million of non-cash charges – planned to be recognized primarily in 2024
New QIAcuity digital PCR Custom Assay Design Tool for copy number variation analysis supports researchers’ customization needs, complementing QIAGEN’s existing pre-designed assays // GeneGlobe Design and Analysis Hub receives further enhancements, improving user experience and capabilities to design panels collaboratively // Advancements strengthen QIAGEN as a trusted partner for researchers, catering to their diverse needs to further accelerate drug discovery and other applications
U.S. FDA clears QIAstat-Dx Gastrointestinal Panel 2 for use in clinical settings // New panel offers fast and accurate identification of up to 16 common gastrointestinal pathogens // Generates results in about one hour based on real-time PCR technology, easy access to Ct values and amplification curves
QIAstat-Dx Respiratory Panel Plus designed for accurate diagnosis of respiratory infections, enabling detection of co-infections // Panel generates results in about one hour with less than one minute of hands-on time; offers easy access to Ct values and amplification curves // QIAGEN working on expanding QIAstat-Dx testing menu in the U.S., with a Gastrointestinal Panel currently under FDA review
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