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GlobNewswire (vormals PrimeNewswire) hat sich auf die Geschäftsbereiche Public Relations Solutions und Digital Media Service spezialisiert. Dieser Feed ergänzt das populäre X-Billboard Portfolio um eine weitere wichtige Informationsquelle für Anleger.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 07.01.2025 | 8PM
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Allarity Therapeutics, Inc.
GICS: - · Sektor: Healthcare · Sub-Sektor: -
Allarity Therapeutics, Inc.
Mo., 18.11.2024       Allarity Therapeutics

Boston (November 18, 2024)—Allarity Therapeutics, Inc. (“Allarity” or the “Company”) (NASDAQ: ALLR), a Phase 2 clinical-stage pharmaceutical company dedicated to developing personalized cancer treatments using its proprietary, drug-specific patient selection technology, today provided a corporate update highlighting three significant developments: extended treatment duration for patients in its ongoing Phase 2 stenoparib trial, a strengthened cash position supporting initiation of a follow-up FDA registrational trial, and new revenue-generating activities from Allarity’s laboratory services.

Di., 22.10.2024       Allarity Therapeutics

European Patent Office to grant a patent for DRP
® companion diagnostic for Allarity’s stenoparib cancer therapy

Do., 10.10.2024       Allarity Therapeutics

Boston (October 10, 2024) — Allarity Therapeutics, Inc. (“Allarity” or the “Company”) (NASDAQ: ALLR), a clinical-stage pharmaceutical company dedicated to developing personalized cancer treatments, today announced that on October 9, 2024, it received a formal notice from The Nasdaq Stock Market, LLC’s Office of General Counsel (“Nasdaq”). The notice confirmed that the Company has regained compliance with the minimum bid price requirement as set forth in Nasdaq’s Listing Rule 5550(a)(2) (the “Bid Price Rule”). Nasdaq noted that since September 11, 2024, Allarity’s stock has maintained a closing bid price of $1.00 or more for 20 consecutive trading days, thereby meeting the requirements for regaining compliance with the Bid Price Rule.

Do., 03.10.2024       Allarity Therapeutics

Boston (October 3, 2024) — Allarity Therapeutics, Inc. (“Allarity” or the “Company”) (NASDAQ: ALLR), a clinical-stage pharmaceutical company dedicated to developing personalized cancer treatments, today announced several key leadership appointments to accelerate its clinical and strategic development.

Fr., 13.09.2024       Allarity Therapeutics

- New CFO Brings Multiple Years of Experience from Biotech Companies

- As Part of the New Hire, the Company Issues Inducement Grants

Fr., 26.07.2024       Allarity Therapeutics

Boston (July 26, 2024)—Allarity Therapeutics, Inc. (“Allarity” or the “Company”) (NASDAQ: ALLR), a Phase 2 clinical-stage pharmaceutical company dedicated to developing personalized cancer treatments, announced that its Board of Directors has decided to postpone the Annual Meeting of Stockholders, which was originally scheduled for 10:00 AM Eastern Time today, July 26, 2024.

Mi., 24.07.2024       Allarity Therapeutics

Boston (July 24, 2024)—Allarity Therapeutics, Inc. (“Allarity” or the “Company”) (NASDAQ: ALLR), a Phase 2 clinical-stage pharmaceutical company dedicated to developing personalized cancer treatments, encourages its stockholders to participate actively in the upcoming annual meeting of stockholders scheduled on July 26, 2024.

Mo., 20.05.2024       Allarity Therapeutics

Boston (May 20, 2024)—Allarity Therapeutics, Inc. (“Allarity” or the “Company”) (NASDAQ: ALLR), a Phase 2 clinical-stage pharmaceutical company dedicated to developing personalized cancer treatments, today announced that it has received formal written notice from The Nasdaq Stock Market, LLC’s Office of General Counsel (“Nasdaq”) that the Company has regained compliance with the minimum stockholders' equity requirement as set forth in Nasdaq Listing Rule 5550(b)(1) (the “Equity Rule”).

Mo., 06.05.2024       Allarity Therapeutics

- Stockholders’ equity significantly surpasses the $2.5 million minimum required by Nasdaq

Do., 02.05.2024       Allarity Therapeutics

Boston (May 2, 2024)—Allarity Therapeutics, Inc. (“Allarity” or the “Company”) (NASDAQ: ALLR), a clinical-stage pharmaceutical company dedicated to developing personalized cancer treatments, today announced the early discontinuation of its Phase 2 clinical trial of stenoparib, a novel PARP inhibitor, for the treatment of advanced recurrent ovarian cancer. The patients enrolled in the trial had been pre-screened by Allarity’s unique Drug Response predictor (DRP®) companion diagnostic (CDx) in order to treat only patients with the highest likelihood of deriving clinical benefit.

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