Das Newsboard verarbeitet Nachrichten der NASDAQ Nordic Portfoliogesellschaft GlobeNewswire, über den Anleger mit Unternehmensrelevanten Informationen versorgt werden. Hierbei geht es insbesondere um Ereignisse, die Relevanz zur Börsennotiz von Unternehmen bzw. handelbaren Finanzinstrumenten haben können.
GlobNewswire (vormals PrimeNewswire) hat sich auf die Geschäftsbereiche Public Relations Solutions und Digital Media Service spezialisiert. Dieser Feed ergänzt das populäre X-Billboard Portfolio um eine weitere wichtige Informationsquelle für Anleger.
GlobNewswire (vormals PrimeNewswire) hat sich auf die Geschäftsbereiche Public Relations Solutions und Digital Media Service spezialisiert. Dieser Feed ergänzt das populäre X-Billboard Portfolio um eine weitere wichtige Informationsquelle für Anleger.
SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., Jan. 03, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Cytokinetics, Incorporated (Nasdaq: CYTK) today announced that on December 31, 2024 it granted stock options to purchase an aggregate of 52,188 shares of common stock, 33,885 restricted stock units (RSUs) that will be settled in shares of common stock upon vesting and 3,189 performance stock units (PSUs) that, if earned, will be settled in shares of common stock upon vesting to 9 employees, whose employment commenced in December 2024, as a material inducement to their employment.
SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., Dec. 20, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Cytokinetics, Incorporated (Nasdaq: CYTK) today announced that Sanofi will acquire exclusive rights to develop and commercialize aficamten from Corxel Pharmaceuticals (CORXEL) for the treatment of patients with obstructive and non-obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) in Greater China. Aficamten is a next-in-class cardiac myosin inhibitor for the potential treatment of patients with HCM.
Approximately €70 Million in Upfront and Near-term Payments to Cytokinetics
SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., Nov. 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Cytokinetics, Incorporated (Nasdaq: CYTK) today announced new data from post-hoc analyses of GALACTIC-HF (Global Approach to Lowering Adverse Cardiac Outcomes Through Improving Contractility in Heart Failure), the Phase 3 cardiovascular outcomes clinical trial of omecamtiv mecarbil were presented at the American Heart Association Scientific Sessions 2024 in Chicago, IL.
Two New Analyses from SEQUOIA-HCM Demonstrate Treatment with Aficamten Improves Post-Exercise Oxygen Uptake Recovery and Quality of Life
Responder Analyses Show Treatment with Aficamten Demonstrated Improvements
on Multiple Assessments of Clinical Significance to Cardiologists
SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., Sept. 27, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Cytokinetics, Incorporated (Nasdaq: CYTK) today announced that additional data from SEQUOIA-HCM (Safety, Efficacy, and Quantitative Understanding of Obstruction Impact of Aficamten in HCM), the pivotal Phase 3 clinical trial of aficamten in patients with symptomatic obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), were presented at the Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Medical Society (HCMS) Scientific Sessions by Anjali T. Owens, M.D., Medical Director of the Center for Inherited Cardiac Disease and Assistant Professor of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania.
Data from Integrated Safety Analysis Across Three Clinical Trials
Reinforces Robust Safety Profile of Aficamten
Additional Data from SEQUOIA-HCM Demonstrate Favorable Cardiac Remodeling
by Cardiac MRI, Improvements in Cardiac Structure and Function by Echocardiography,
Symptom Relief and Improvement in Biomarkers with Aficamten
SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., July 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Cytokinetics, Incorporated (Nasdaq: CYTK) today announced that on June 28, 2024 it granted stock options to purchase an aggregate of 48,453 shares of common stock, 31,460 restricted stock units (RSUs), and 5,537 performance stock units (PSUs) that, if earned, will be settled in shares of common stock upon vesting to 10 employees, whose employment commenced in June 2024, as a material inducement to their employment.
SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., May 22, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Cytokinetics, Incorporated (Nasdaq: CYTK) today announced the pricing of an underwritten public offering of 9,803,922 shares of its common stock at a price to the public of $51.00 per share, before underwriting discounts and commissions. The gross proceeds to Cytokinetics from the offering, before deducting underwriting discounts and commissions and other offering expenses payable by Cytokinetics, are expected to be approximately $500 million. The offering is expected to close on May 28, 2024, subject to customary closing conditions. Additionally, Cytokinetics has granted the underwriters a 30-day option to purchase up to an additional 1,470,588 shares of its common stock at the public offering price, less underwriting discounts and commissions. All of the shares of common stock in the offering will be sold by Cytokinetics.
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