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GlobNewswire (vormals PrimeNewswire) hat sich auf die Geschäftsbereiche Public Relations Solutions und Digital Media Service spezialisiert. Dieser Feed ergänzt das populäre X-Billboard Portfolio um eine weitere wichtige Informationsquelle für Anleger.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 19.01.2025 | 3PM
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Sprout Social, Inc.
GICS: - · Sektor: Technology · Sub-Sektor: Software—Application
Sprout Social, Inc.
Di., 14.01.2025       Sprout Social

CHICAGO, Jan. 14, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Sprout Social (Nasdaq: SPT), an industry-leading provider of cloud-based social media management software, has been named as a best place to work in Chicago and Seattle by Built In’s 2025 Best Places to Work Awards. This marks the sixth consecutive year that Built In has recognized Sprout as a top workplace. The annual awards program includes companies of all sizes, from startups to those in the enterprise, and honors both remote-first employers as well as companies in large tech markets across the U.S.

Di., 07.01.2025       Sprout Social

The 2025 Sprout Social Index reveals what people now expect from brands on social media, the stakes of getting it wrong, and what marketers should do differently in the new year
The 2025 Sprout Social Index reveals what people now expect from brands on social media, the stakes of getting it wrong, and what marketers should do differently in the new year
Di., 17.12.2024       Sprout Social

The 2024-25 IDC MarketScape report recognizes Sprout for its comprehensive social suite, dedicated customer support and robust security features
The 2024-25 IDC MarketScape report recognizes Sprout for its comprehensive social suite, dedicated customer support and robust security features
Mi., 20.11.2024       Sprout Social

Latest innovations bolster Sprout’s portfolio of human-centered AI products, help social teams scale operations with ease and elevate executive reporting
Latest innovations bolster Sprout’s portfolio of human-centered AI products, help social teams scale operations with ease and elevate executive reporting
Mo., 18.11.2024       Sprout Social

CHICAGO, Nov. 18, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Sprout Social (Nasdaq: SPT), an industry-leading provider of cloud-based social media management software, announced that TrustRadius has recognized their product with a 2025 Buyer’s Choice Award.

Mo., 07.10.2024       Sprout Social

CHICAGO, Oct. 07, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Sprout Social, Inc. (“Sprout Social”, the “Company”) (Nasdaq: SPT), an industry-leading provider of cloud-based social media management software, today announced that it will report its financial results for the second quarter ending September 30, 2024 after market close on Thursday, November 7, 2024.

Di., 24.09.2024       Sprout Social

CHICAGO, Sept. 24, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Sprout Social (Nasdaq: SPT), an industry-leading provider of cloud-based social media management software, has been recognized by G2’s 2024 Fall Reports with 173 leader badges spanning all business segments, from small business to mid-market and enterprise, and across every region including EMEA, APAC, and the Middle East. The company earns these additional recognitions after being named G2’s #1 Best Software Product for 2024.

Mo., 23.09.2024       Sprout Social

Contract addition enhances the availability of Sprout Social’s social media management platform to the Public Sector
Contract addition enhances the availability of Sprout Social’s social media management platform to the Public Sector
Mo., 16.09.2024       Sprout Social

Sprout Social’s customers can now benefit from a 360 customer view delivered conversationally by the Agentforce assistant for Service Cloud
Sprout Social’s customers can now benefit from a 360 customer view delivered conversationally by the Agentforce assistant for Service Cloud
Mi., 07.08.2024       Sprout Social

CHICAGO, Aug. 07, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Sprout Social, Inc. (“Sprout Social”, the “Company”) (Nasdaq: SPT), an industry-leading provider of cloud-based social media management software, today announced the appointment of Mike Wolff to Chief Revenue Officer, effective September 2, 2024. As Chief Revenue Officer, Wolff will oversee Sprout’s global Sales, Success and Partnerships organization. He will focus on the continued global growth and expansion of Sprout’s innovative offerings.

Do., 11.07.2024       Sprout Social

CHICAGO, July 11, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Sprout Social, an industry-leading provider of cloud-based social media management software, has been recognized by G2’s 2024 Summer Reports as a leader in 211 categories spanning all business segments, from small business to mid-market and enterprise, and across every region including EMEA, APAC, and the Middle East. The company earns these recognitions after being named G2’s #1 Best Software Product for 2024.

Fr., 14.06.2024       Sprout Social

CHICAGO, June 14, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Sprout Social, an industry-leading provider of cloud-based social media management software, has been named to the 2024 Fortune Best Workplaces in Chicago™ List. Sprout has been a finalist on Great Place to Work’s Best Workplaces in Chicago list since 2020, and this year marks their third year in a row being recognized by Fortune Media, demonstrating how the company has established itself as a top employer with one of the best workplace cultures among companies headquartered in Chicago.

Do., 06.06.2024       Sprout Social

These latest releases are designed to drive more impactful social strategies and deeper customer connections with advancements in AI & automation, reporting, network integrations and a new Snapchat partnership
These latest releases are designed to drive more impactful social strategies and deeper customer connections with advancements in AI & automation, reporting, network integrations and a new Snapchat partnership
Do., 02.05.2024       Sprout Social

Expects durable, efficient growth in 2024
Expects durable, efficient growth in 2024

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