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Letzte Aktualisierung: 17.08.2024 | 11PM
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Adyton Resources Corporation
GICS: - · Sektor: Basic Materials · Sub-Sektor: Other Precious Metals & Mining
Adyton Resources Corporation
Di., 17.12.2024       Adyton Resources

TSX Venture Exchange: ADY OTC: ADYRF FSE: 701GR

PORT MORESBY, Papua New Guinea, Dec. 17, 2024 /CNW/ - Adyton Resources Corporation (TSXV: ADY) ("Adyton" or the "Company") is pleased to report that our Joint Venture partner, EVIH, has commenced drilling at the Company's Wapolu Gold Project on Fergusson Island. Following mobilization by barge from Port Moresby approximately three weeks ago, EVIH has successfully constructed a 20-person camp, established pioneering roads and drill pads, and initiated drilling operations. Two diamond core rigs have been deployed, with plans to operate both rigs continuously on day and night shifts.

Fr., 29.11.2024       Adyton Resources

TSX Venture Exchange: ADY                                                                                           OTC: ADYRFFSE: 701GR

PORT MORESBY, Papua New Guinea, Nov. 29, 2024 /CNW/ - Adyton Resources Corporation (TSXV: ADY) announces that it has filed its financial statements for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and accompanying Management Discussion and Analysis on its SEDAR+ profile at 


Tim Crossley, Chief Executive Officer

Di., 12.11.2024       Adyton Resources

TSX Venture Exchange: ADY OTCQB: ADYRF FSE: 701GR

PORT MORESBY, Papua New Guinea , Nov. 11, 2024 /CNW/ - Adyton Resources Corporation (TSX Venture: ADY) ("Adyton" or the "Company") announces the Company has granted a total of 7,250,000 stock options and 1,100,000 restricted share units (each an "RSU") to certain officers, directors and employees of the Company.

The stock options have been granted under the Company's Amended and Restated Stock Option Plan. Each option entitles the holder to acquire one common share at an exercise price of $0.20 for a three year period expiring on November 8, 2027, subject to vesting requirements that the options only vest on the date on which the holder has been an officer, director or employee of the Company for 12 months. Any common shares acquired on exercise of the options will be subject to contractual resale restrictions for a period of 12 months.

Mi., 30.10.2024       Adyton Resources

TSX Venture Exchange: ADY OTC: ADYRFFSE: 701GR

PORT MORESBY, Papua New Guinea, Oct. 30, 2024 /CNW/ - Adyton Resources Corporation (TSX Venture: ADY) is pleased to report that leading international drone geophysics equipment and survey provider Geoscan under the direction of Adyton COO Dr Chris Bowden mobilized to Feni Island yesterday and commenced a drone magnetic and imagery/topographic survey. The survey utilizes the latest technology UAV drones and quantum magnetometers. Acquiring the data at a high-resolution will assist Adyton to better identify magnetic anomalies and structural features that are likely to control high grade mineralization. In addition, the Geoscan team using fixed wing drones will capture high resolution orthomosaic imagery and calculate topography, providing the most accurate digital terrain model to date. The work program is expected to be completed by the end of November.

Do., 24.10.2024       Adyton Resources

TSX Venture Exchange: ADY                                                                                                 OTCQB: ADYRFFSE: 701GR

PORT MORESBY, Papua New Guinea, Oct. 24, 2024 /CNW/ - Adyton Resources Corporation (TSXV: ADY) (OTCQB: ADYRF) (FSE: 701GR) is pleased to report that it has successfully completed the Wardens hearings (Hearings) for the renewal of the exploration licenses related to the Fergusson Island (EL 2546) and Feni Island (EL 2096) projects..  The Hearings are a mandatory step in the renewal process for all exploration licenses in PNG and were conducted by senior Mineral Resources Authority (MRA) Mining Warden Mr Kopi Wapa on Tuesday 15 October at Gameta village on Fergusson Island and on Wednesday 23 October at Pikantubulan village on Feni Island  The Hearings were well attended by local landowners and stakeholders who unanimously supported the continuation of Adyton's exploration and development programs at each of the Fergusson Island and Feni Island projects.

Mo., 07.10.2024       Adyton Resources


PORT MORESBY, Papua New Guinea, Oct. 7, 2024 /CNW/ - Adyton Resources Corporation (TSXV: ADY) ("Adyton" or the "Company") is pleased to announce it has closed its previously announced non-brokered private placement offering, pursuant to which it has issued 53,000,000 common shares of the Company ("Shares") at a price of C$0.13 per Share for aggregate gross proceeds of C$6,890,000 or approximately US$5,000,000 (the "Financing").      

Mo., 30.09.2024       Adyton Resources


PORT MORESBY, Papua New Guinea, Sept. 30, 2024 /CNW/ - Adyton Resources Corporation (TSXV: ADY) ("Adyton" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that it intends to undertake a  non-brokered private placement offering, pursuant to which it proposes to issue up to 53,000,000 common shares of the Company ("Shares") at a price of C$0.13 per Share for aggregate gross proceeds of up to C$6,890,000 (the "Financing").

Do., 29.08.2024       Adyton Resources

TSX Venture Exchange: ADY                                                                                                 OTC: ADYRFFSE: 701GR

PORT MORESBY, Papua New Guinea, Aug. 29, 2024 /CNW/ - Adyton Resources Corporation (TSXV: ADY) announces that it has filed its financial statements for the three and six months ended June 30, 2024 and accompanying Management Discussion and Analysis on its SEDAR+ profile at 


Tim Crossley, Chief Executive Officer

Fr., 23.08.2024       Adyton Resources

TSX Venture Exchange: ADYOTC: ADYRFFSE: 701GR

PORT MORESBY, Papua New Guinea, Aug. 23, 2024 /CNW/ - Adyton Resources Corporation's (TSX Venture: ADY) wishes to announce that its Annual General Meeting (Meeting) was held in Brisbane, Australia on August 23, 2024.

All matters provided in the Notice of Meeting were approved by shareholders including:

i.      The number of directors of the Company was fixed at four (4).ii.     The persons elected as directors are:

-          Sinton Spence-          Timothy Crossley-          David Irvine-          Christopher Wilson

Mi., 14.08.2024       Adyton Resources

TSX Venture Exchange: ADYOTC: ADYRFFSE: 701GR

PORT MORESBY, Papua New Guinea, Aug. 14, 2024 /CNW/ - Adyton Resources Corporation (TSXV: ADY) is pleased to report that Dr Chris Bowden who recently joined Adyton as Chief Operating Officer is now on Feni Island leading a team of PNG geologists and field assistants verifying previously reported information, collecting new rock samples and undertaking field mapping.

CEO Statement

"On the back of Dr Chris Wilson joining the Adyton Board as key geological technical adviser I am thrilled that Dr Bowden has joined the Adyton team and will spearhead our on the ground exploration activities. Dr Bowden has a strong discovery track record leading successful exploration teams globally, including in many developing countries.  His experience spans multiple deposit types, specializing in mineralized epithermal and porphyry geological systems.  Chris' previous roles have included Exploration & General Manager ASCOM Precious Metals Mining (Ethiopia, which lead to the maiden discovery of the 1.8Moz Dish Mountain Gold Deposit); Exploration Manager Southern Gold Ltd South Korea (redeveloped a number of historical mines); he was part of the Ivanhoe Mines Ltd exploration team that lead to the initial discovery of the Kharmagtai porphyry Cu-Au deposit in Mongolia; and recently Chief Geologist Megado Minerals Pty Ltd."

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