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Letzte Aktualisierung: 17.08.2024 | 11PM
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Chartwell Retirement Residences
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Chartwell Retirement Residences
Mo., 06.01.2025       Chartwell Retirement

MISSISSAUGA, ON, January 6, 2025 /CNW/ - Chartwell Retirement Residences ("Chartwell") (TSX: CSH.UN) announces the appointment of Alka Gautam, CPA,CA, ICD.D to the Board of Directors.

Ms. Gautam brings to Chartwell expertise in leadership, operations, finance and risk management at the C-suite level of a Fortune 500 company, having spent over 20 years with Reinsurance Group of America ("RGA"), most recently as the Executive Vice President Global Operations, RGA and President and Chief Executive Officer of RGA Canada. Previously she held positions of Chief Financial and Chief Risk Officer of RGA Canada. She retired from RGA in 2023 and currently serves on the Board of Directors of iA Financial Corporation (TSX:IAG). Ms. Gautam is a qualified financial expert and holds CPA, CA Canada and ICD.D designations.

Mo., 16.12.2024       Chartwell Retirement

MISSISSAUGA, ON, Dec. 16, 2024 /CNW/ - Chartwell Retirement Residences ("Chartwell") (TSX: CSH.UN) announced today a cash distribution of $0.051 per Trust Unit. The cash distribution will be payable on January 15, 2025 to unitholders of record on December 31, 2024.

Unitholders can participate in Chartwell's Distribution Reinvestment Plan ("DRIP"). Eligible investors registered in the DRIP will have their monthly cash distributions used to purchase Trust Units and will also receive bonus units equal to 3% of their monthly cash distributions. DRIP offers unitholders the opportunity to steadily increase their ownership in Chartwell without incurring any commission or brokerage fees. Complete details of the DRIP are available on Chartwell's website at or from a unitholder's investment advisor.

Fr., 15.11.2024       Chartwell Retirement

MISSISSAUGA, ON, Nov. 15, 2024 /CNW/ - Chartwell Retirement Residences ("Chartwell") (TSX: CSH.UN) announced today a cash distribution of $0.051 per Trust Unit. The cash distribution will be payable on December 16, 2024 to unitholders of record on November 29, 2024.

Unitholders can participate in Chartwell's Distribution Reinvestment Plan ("DRIP"). Eligible investors registered in the DRIP will have their monthly cash distributions used to purchase Trust Units and will also receive bonus units equal to 3% of their monthly cash distributions. DRIP offers unitholders the opportunity to steadily increase their ownership in Chartwell without incurring any commission or brokerage fees. Complete details of the DRIP are available on Chartwell's website at or from a unitholder's investment advisor.

Do., 14.11.2024       Chartwell Retirement

MISSISSAUGA, ON, Nov. 14, 2024 /CNW/ - Chartwell Retirement Residences ("Chartwell") (TSX: CSH.UN) announced today its results for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024.

Q3 2024 Highlights 

Resident revenue increased by $34.6 million from Q3 2023.Net income was $23.6 million compared to $158.2 million in Q3 2023 that included the gain on sale of $178.9 million due to the sale of the Ontario Long Term Care platform ("OLTC Platform")(4).Funds from Operations ("FFO")(1) up 43.2% from Q3 2023.Same property adjusted net operating income ("NOI")(1) up 17.1% from Q3 2023.Same property adjusted operating margin(1) up 200 basis points ("bps") from Q3 2023.Weighted average same property occupancy up 610 bps from Q3 2023 and expected to grow to 90.2% by December 2024.
Di., 22.10.2024       Chartwell Retirement


MISSISSAUGA, ON, Oct. 21, 2024 /CNW/ - Chartwell Retirement Residences ("Chartwell") (TSX: CSH.UN) announced today that it has agreed to issue $150 million aggregate principal amount of Series D senior unsecured debentures (the "Debentures"). The Debentures will bear interest at a rate of 4.400% per annum and will mature on November 5, 2029. The Debentures will be unconditionally guaranteed by Chartwell Master Care LP. The Debentures are being offered on an agency basis by a syndicate of agents led by TD Securities Inc., BMO Capital Markets and CIBC Capital Markets as joint bookrunners. The offering is expected to close on October 28, 2024, subject to satisfaction of customary closing conditions. DBRS Limited has assigned a provisional rating of "BBB (low)" with a "Stable" trend to the Debentures. It is a condition to the closing of the offering that DBRS Limited assigns a final rating to the Debentures of "BBB (low)" with a "Stable" trend.

Di., 15.10.2024       Chartwell Retirement

MISSISSAUGA, ON, Oct. 15, 2024 /CNW/ - Chartwell Retirement Residences ("Chartwell") (TSX: CSH.UN) announced today a cash distribution of $0.051 per Trust Unit.  The cash distribution will be payable on November 15, 2024 to unitholders of record on October 31, 2024.

Unitholders can participate in Chartwell's Distribution Reinvestment Plan ("DRIP"). Eligible investors registered in the DRIP will have their monthly cash distributions used to purchase Trust Units and will also receive bonus units equal to 3% of their monthly cash distributions. DRIP offers unitholders the opportunity to steadily increase their ownership in Chartwell without incurring any commission or brokerage fees. Complete details of the DRIP are available on Chartwell's website at or from a unitholder's investment advisor.

Mi., 09.10.2024       Chartwell Retirement

MISSISSAUGA, ON, Oct. 9, 2024 /CNW/ - Chartwell Retirement Residences ("Chartwell") (TSX: CSH.UN) will issue its financial results for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, on the afternoon of November 14, 2024. A conference call and webcast will be hosted by Chartwell on Friday, November 15, 2024, at 10:00 AM ET to discuss these results.

The telephone numbers to participate in the conference call are:Local: 416-340-2217Toll Free: 1-800-806-5484Passcode: 5352093#

Mo., 16.09.2024       Chartwell Retirement

MISSISSAUGA, ON, Sept. 16, 2024 /CNW/ - Chartwell Retirement Residences ("Chartwell") (TSX: CSH.UN) announced today a cash distribution of $0.051 per Trust Unit.  The cash distribution will be payable on October 15, 2024 to unitholders of record on September 30, 2024.

Unitholders can participate in Chartwell's Distribution Reinvestment Plan ("DRIP"). Eligible investors registered in the DRIP will have their monthly cash distributions used to purchase Trust Units and will also receive bonus units equal to 3% of their monthly cash distributions. DRIP offers unitholders the opportunity to steadily increase their ownership in Chartwell without incurring any commission or brokerage fees. Complete details of the DRIP are available on Chartwell's website at or from a unitholder's investment advisor.

Do., 29.08.2024       Chartwell Retirement

MISSISSAUGA, ON, Aug. 29, 2024 /CNW/ - Chartwell Retirement Residences ("Chartwell" or the "Trust") (TSX: CSH.UN) announces that it has entered into definitive agreements for acquisitions of three modern retirement residences on Vancouver Island totaling 384 suites for an aggregate purchase price of $226.9 million, consisting of:

The 152-suite Vista Retirement Residence ("Vista"), located in Victoria, built in 2023, which offers a continuum of care with independent supporting living ("ISL"), assisted living and memory care services.Nanaimo Memory Care ("Nanaimo MC"), located in Nanaimo, built in 2018, comprised of 77 suites; andThe Edgewater Retirement Residence ("The Edgewater"), located adjacent to the Nanaimo MC, currently under construction, which will be comprised of 155 suites offering ISL services. Chartwell will acquire the residence upon construction completion, which is expected in Q2, 2025.
Do., 15.08.2024       Chartwell Retirement

MISSISSAUGA, ON, Aug. 15, 2024 /CNW/ - Chartwell Retirement Residences ("Chartwell") (TSX: CSH.UN) announced today a cash distribution of $0.051 per Trust Unit.  The cash distribution will be payable on September 16, 2024, to unitholders of record on August 30, 2024.

Unitholders can participate in Chartwell's Distribution Reinvestment Plan ("DRIP"). Eligible investors registered in the DRIP will have their monthly cash distributions used to purchase Trust Units and will also receive bonus units equal to 3% of their monthly cash distributions. DRIP offers unitholders the opportunity to steadily increase their ownership in Chartwell without incurring any commission or brokerage fees. Complete details of the DRIP are available on Chartwell's website at or from a unitholder's investment advisor.

Do., 08.08.2024       Chartwell Retirement

MISSISSAUGA, ON, Aug. 8, 2024 /CNW/ - Chartwell Retirement Residences ("Chartwell") (TSX: CSH.UN) announced today its results for the three and six months ended June 30, 2024.

Q2 2024 Highlights 

Resident revenue increased by $21.4 million from Q2 2023.Net loss was $2.8 million compared to $7.5 million in Q2 2023.Funds from Operations ("FFO")(1) up 45.3% from Q2 2023.Same property adjusted net operating income ("NOI")(1) up 20.6% from Q2 2023.Same property adjusted operating margin(1) up 280 basis points ("bps") from Q2 2023.Weighted average same property occupancy up 660 bps from Q2 2023 and expected to grow to 88.7% by September 2024.

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