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Letzte Aktualisierung: 17.08.2024 | 11PM
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Definity Financial Corp
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Definity Financial Corp
Di., 18.02.2025       Definity

WATERLOO, ON, Feb. 18, 2025 /CNW/ - Rowan Saunders, President and Chief Executive Officer of Definity Financial Corporation (TSX:DFY) will participate in a virtual fireside chat on Wednesday, February 19, 2025. The discussion will be moderated by Tom MacKinnon, Managing Director, Insurance & Diversified Financials, BMO Capital Markets, and will begin at 2:00 p.m. Eastern Time.

A link to access the webcast replay will be available following the event

Do., 13.02.2025       Definity

TORONTO, Feb. 13, 2025 /CNW/ - (TSX: DFY)

(in Canadian dollars except as otherwise noted)


Gross written premium1 growth of 7.4% in Q4 2024; 9.0% excluding the premiums of our exited line, Sonnet Alberta personal auto, from both periods. Full year growth of 11.1% was supported by strong performances from commercial lines and personal autoCombined ratio1 of 90.3% in Q4 2024 reflected the broad-based strength of the business, with particularly strong results in personal property; full year combined ratio was robust at 94.5% despite record levels of industry catastrophe losses1Our Sonnet business contributed positively to profitability in the fourth quarter, positioning that portfolio well to break even or better in 2025Operating net income1 of $110.4 million in Q4 2024 was up from $101.0 million in Q4 2023 and resulted in operating EPS1 of $0.95. Operating ROE1 improved to 10.6% in 2024Book value per share1 increased by 17.6% to $29.13, driven by the full year net income attributable to common shareholders of $430.4 million and the return of restricted cash of $150 millionQuarterly dividend increased by over 17% to $0.1875 per share, demonstrating our robust financial position and confidence in our operational outlook
Do., 30.01.2025       Definity

WATERLOO, ON, Jan. 30, 2025 /CNW/ - Definity Financial Corporation (TSX:DFY) will release its fourth quarter and full year 2024 results after the market close on Thursday, February 13, 2025, which will be made available at

A live webcast and conference call are scheduled for Friday, February 14 at 11:00 a.m. (ET) where Rowan Saunders, President and Chief Executive Officer, Philip Mather, Executive Vice-President and Chief Financial Officer; Paul MacDonald, Executive Vice-President, Personal Insurance & Digital Channels; and Fabian Richenberger, Executive Vice-President, Commercial Insurance & Insurance Operations, will discuss the results, followed by a question-and-answer period with analysts.

Di., 03.12.2024       Definity

Definity announces $2 million in donations in most recent quarter, and more than $4 million expected in 2024

WATERLOO, ON, Dec. 3, 2024 /CNW/ - Definity Financial Corporation (TSX: DFY) announced today the company has contributed $2 million in purpose-driven investments in the last quarter in support of climate resilience and equity-deserving groups, and is on track for the highest level of yearly charitable giving in its 150+ year history. This Giving Tuesday, and every day, Definity is committed to building a better world and supporting communities through a wide network of broker partners, employees, and community relationships.

Do., 07.11.2024       Definity

TORONTO, Nov. 7, 2024 /CNW/ - (TSX: DFY)

(in Canadian dollars except as otherwise noted)


Gross written premium1 growth of 9.9% in Q3 2024, on robust underlying personal auto activity driven by achieved rates and increasing unit counts, as well as continued momentum in commercial insurance. Gross written premium growth was 12.2% excluding the premiums of our exited line, Sonnet Alberta personal auto, from both periodsCombined ratio1 of 103.4% in Q3 2024 driven by core accident year improvements along with disciplined expense management, offset by a record 17.3 percentage points of catastrophe losses1 which primarily impacted personal propertyOperating net income1 of $14.6 million in Q3 2024 compared to $18.0 million in Q3 2023, resulting in operating EPS1 of $0.13; trailing 12-month operating ROE1 was 10.7%Financial position remained strong, with book value per share1 of $26.96, 17.9% higher than a year ago
Do., 24.10.2024       Definity

WATERLOO, ON, Oct. 24, 2024 /CNW/ - Definity Financial Corporation (TSX: DFY) will release its third quarter 2024 results after the market close on Thursday, November 7, 2024, which will be made available at

A live webcast and conference call are scheduled for Friday, November 8 at 11:00 a.m. (ET) where Rowan Saunders, President and Chief Executive Officer, Philip Mather, Executive Vice-President and Chief Financial Officer; Paul MacDonald, Executive Vice-President, Personal Insurance & Digital Channels; and Fabian Richenberger, Executive Vice-President, Commercial Insurance & Insurance Operations, will discuss the results, followed by a question-and-answer period with analysts.

Do., 10.10.2024       Definity

WATERLOO, ON, Oct. 10, 2024 /CNW/ - Definity Financial Corporation (TSX: DFY) today announced that catastrophe losses in the third quarter of 2024 would negatively impact operating income by approximately $170 million net of reinsurance recoveries, or approximately $1.09 per common share, net of taxes and reinsurance.

The table below provides a breakdown of the estimated catastrophe losses by line of business during the third quarter of 2024:

Fr., 20.09.2024       Definity

WATERLOO, ON, Sept. 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Rowan Saunders, President and Chief Executive Officer of Definity Financial Corporation (TSX: DFY), will participate in a fireside chat as part of the 23rd Annual CIBC Eastern Institutional Investor Conference on Thursday, September 26, 2024 at 9:45 a.m. ET in Montreal, Quebec.

To access the webcast, please visit:

Do., 12.09.2024       Definity

WATERLOO, ON, Sept. 12, 2024 /CNW/ - Definity Financial Corporation (TSX: DFY) will host its inaugural Investor Day event in Toronto on Thursday, September 19, 2024 with formal presentations by senior executives beginning at 9:00 a.m. ET. The event is expected to conclude by approximately 12:00 p.m. ET.

Definity is focused on its ambition to be one of Canada's leading and most innovative insurers and on its promise of making insurance better for its customers, employees, broker partners, and communities. Definity is delivering on its performance targets while maintaining a focus on its strategic objectives and disciplined financial management.

Mi., 28.08.2024       Definity

WATERLOO, ON, Aug. 28, 2024 /CNW/ - Rowan Saunders, President and Chief Executive Officer of Definity Financial Corporation (TSX: DFY), will participate in a fireside chat as part of the 25th Annual Scotiabank Financials Summit on Thursday, September 5, 2024 at 2:40 p.m. ET.

To access the webcast, please visit:

The full webcast will be archived on our website for 90 days.

Mo., 26.08.2024       Definity

WATERLOO, ON, Aug. 26, 2024 /CNW/ - Definity Financial Corporation (TSX: DFY) today released its estimate of the financial impact to Definity arising from catastrophe losses in July and August 2024.1 Notable events in July included the Jasper wildfire and severe rainstorms that led to flooding in Ontario, while August experienced flooding in Quebec, a significant hailstorm in Alberta and, most recently, significant rainstorms in Ontario.

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