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Letzte Aktualisierung: 17.08.2024 | 11PM
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Empire Company Ltd.
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Empire Company Ltd.
Do., 12.12.2024       Empire Company

Earnings per share ("EPS") and adjusted EPS(1) of $0.73Prior year EPS and adjusted EPS of $0.72 and $0.71, respectivelySame-store sales, excluding fuel, increased by 1.8%

STELLARTON, NS, Dec. 12, 2024 /CNW/ - Empire Company Limited ("Empire" or the "Company") (TSX: EMP.A) today announced its financial results for the second quarter ended November 2, 2024. For the quarter, the Company recorded net earnings of $173.4 million ($0.73 per share) compared to $181.1 million ($0.72 per share) last year. For the quarter, the Company recorded adjusted net earnings of $173.4 million ($0.73 per share) compared to $178.3 million ($0.71 per share) last year.

Do., 28.11.2024       Empire Company

STELLARTON, NS, Nov. 28, 2024 /CNW/ - Empire Company Limited (TSX: EMP.A) will release its second quarter fiscal 2025 results on December 12, 2024 at 6:30 a.m. (Eastern Standard Time). The release will be followed by a conference call beginning at 12:00 p.m. (Eastern Standard Time) with senior management.

To join the conference call without operator assistance, you may register and enter your phone number at to receive an instant automated call back.

The dial-in numbers for the conference call are:(416) 945-7677(888) 699-1199

Do., 24.10.2024       Empire Company

Expanded e-commerce delivery options provide Empire customers in Ontario with even more convenience while shopping their favourite grocery banners with national roll out to followDelivery will be available at Sobeys, Farm Boy, Longo's and, for the first time, FreshCo

STELLARTON, NS, Oct. 24, 2024 /CNW/ - Empire Company Limited ("Empire" or the "Company") (TSX: EMP.A) today announced partnerships with Instacart (NASDAQ: CART) and Uber Eats (NYSE: UBER), providing customers with new ways to shop its stores online. These new partnerships complement Voilà, Empire's existing online grocery home delivery service. Instacart and Uber Eats users will now see Empire banner stores on their apps in Ontario, with rollout across Canada to follow.  

Do., 12.09.2024       Empire Company

STELLARTON, NS, Sept. 12, 2024 /CNW/ - Empire Company Limited ("Empire" or the "Company") (TSX: EMP.A) announced the voting results for the election of its directors at its Annual General Meeting (the "Meeting") held today.

There were 98,121,279 Class B shares (over 99.9% of outstanding Class B shares) represented by proxy at the Meeting of which 100% of the Class B shares were voted in favour of each director nominee, and no Class B shares were withheld from voting on any nominee.

In addition to the election of directors, the Class B shareholders also voted on fixing the maximum number of directors at 18, on the remuneration of directors, on the appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as auditors for fiscal 2024 and to authorize the Board of Directors to fix the auditors' remuneration. 100% of the Class B shares represented at the Meeting were voted in favour of these motions.

Do., 12.09.2024       Empire Company

Earnings per share ("EPS") of $0.86 and adjusted EPS(1) of $0.90Prior year EPS of $1.03 and adjusted EPS of $0.78Same-store sales, excluding fuel, increased by 1.0%Gross margin, excluding fuel, increased by 46 bps

STELLARTON, NS, Sept. 12, 2024 /CNW/ - Empire Company Limited ("Empire" or the "Company") (TSX: EMP.A) today announced its financial results for the first quarter ended August 3, 2024. For the quarter, the Company recorded net earnings of $207.8 million ($0.86 per share) compared to $261.0 million ($1.03 per share) last year. For the quarter, the Company recorded adjusted net earnings of $218.7 million ($0.90 per share) compared to $196.2 million ($0.78 per share) last year.

Do., 29.08.2024       Empire Company

STELLARTON, NS, Aug. 29, 2024 /CNW/ - Empire Company Limited ("Empire" or the "Company") (TSX: EMP.A) will hold its Annual General Meeting of Shareholders ("AGM" or the "Meeting") on Thursday, September 12, 2024 at Cineplex Cinemas, Aberdeen Mall, 612 East River Road, New Glasgow, Nova Scotia. The meeting is scheduled to begin at 10:00 a.m. (Eastern Daylight Time).

Webcast of AGM

The event will be available live on the internet via webcast. To access the webcast, please visit the events and presentations section of our website at The webcast will be archived and available on the Empire website following the event.

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