CALGARY, AB, Nov. 11, 2024 /CNW/ - Waterous Energy Fund Management Corp. (the "WEF Manager"), in its capacity as manager of certain limited partnerships comprised of Waterous Energy Fund III (Canadian) LP, Waterous Energy Fund III (US) LP, Waterous Energy Fund III (International) LP, Waterous Energy Fund III (Canadian FI) LP and Waterous Energy Fund III (International FI) LP (collectively, "WEF"), announces that it has closed its previously announced acquisition of an aggregate of 29,988,854 common shares (the "Purchased Shares") of Greenfire Resources Ltd. ("Greenfire") (TSX and NYSE: GFR) (the "Transaction"). The Purchased Shares represent approximately 43.3% of the issued and outstanding common shares of Greenfire, and were acquired for cash consideration of USD$8.05 per Purchased Share, representing an aggregate purchase price of approximately USD$241,261,721.
CALGARY, AB, Nov. 11, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - Waterous Energy Fund Management Corp. (the "WEF Manager"), in its capacity as manager of certain limited partnerships comprised of Waterous Energy Fund III (Canadian) LP, Waterous Energy Fund III (US) LP, Waterous Energy Fund III (International) LP, Waterous Energy Fund III (Canadian FI) LP and Waterous Energy Fund III (International FI) LP (collectively, "WEF"), announces that it has closed its previously announced acquisition of an aggregate of 29,988,854 common shares (the "Purchased Shares") of Greenfire Resources Ltd. ("Greenfire") (TSX and NYSE: GFR) (the "Transaction"). The Purchased Shares represent approximately 43.3% of the issued and outstanding common shares of Greenfire, and were acquired for cash consideration of USD$8.05 per Purchased Share, representing an aggregate purchase price of approximately USD$241,261,721.
CALGARY, AB, Sept. 16, 2024 /CNW/ - Allard Services Limited ("Allard"), a corporation controlled by Julian McIntyre, a director of Greenfire Resources Ltd. ("Greenfire") (TSX: GER) (NYSE: GFR), Annapurna Limited ("Annapurna"), a corporation controlled by Venkat Siva, a director of Greenfire, and Modro Holdings LLC ("Modro") today announced that they have agreed to sell an aggregate of 29,988,854 common shares (the "Shares") to Waterous Energy Fund III (Canadian) LP, Waterous Energy Fund III (US) LP, Waterous Energy Fund III (International) LP, Waterous Energy Fund III (Canadian FI) LP and Waterous Energy Fund III (International FI) LP (collectively, "WEF") pursuant to a private share purchase agreement between WEF and each of the sellers (the "Transaction").
TORONTO, March 21, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - Robert Logan, President and Chief Executive Officer, Greenfire Resources Ltd. (NYSE: GFR) (TSX: GFR) ("Greenfire" or the "Company"), and his team joined Robert Peterman, Chief Commercial Officer, Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX), to open the market and celebrate the Company's listing on TSX.
Greenfire is an intermediate, lower-cost and growth-oriented oil sands producer focused on the sustainable development of its concentrated Tier-1 assets in Western Canada using steam assisted gravity drainage. Greenfire operates two facilities with major infrastructure in place that produced approximately 20,800 bbls/d net to the Company in December 2023.
TORONTO, March 21, 2024 /CNW/ - Robert Logan, President and Chief Executive Officer, Greenfire Resources Ltd. (NYSE: GFR) (TSX: GFR) ("Greenfire" or the "Company"), and his team joined Robert Peterman, Chief Commercial Officer, Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX), to open the market and celebrate the Company's listing on TSX.
Greenfire is an intermediate, lower-cost and growth-oriented oil sands producer focused on the sustainable development of its concentrated Tier-1 assets in Western Canada using steam assisted gravity drainage. Greenfire operates two facilities with major infrastructure in place that produced approximately 20,800 bbls/d net to the Company in December 2023.
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