Sales increased to $173.2 million, up 22.4% from $141.5 million a year agoOperating income increased to $15.4 million, compared to $9.1 million last yearAdjusted EBITDA1 increased to $28.5 million or 16.5% of sales, compared to $18.2 million, or 12.9% of sales a year agoDiluted earnings per share and adjusted earnings per share1 increased to $0.29 and $0.38 compared to $0.14 last yearCash flows related to operating activities stood at $4.3 million compared to a usage of $15.6 million a year agoDuring the quarter, Héroux-Devtek entered into a definitive agreement to be acquired by Platinum EquityLONGUEUIL, QC, Sept. 16, 2024 /CNW/ - Héroux-Devtek Inc. (TSX: HRX) ("Héroux-Devtek" or the "Corporation"), a leading international manufacturer of aerospace products and the world's third-largest landing gear manufacturer, is pleased to announce that the Superior Court of Québec has issued a final order approving the previously announced plan of arrangement under the provisions of the Business Corporations Act (Québec) involving Héroux-Devtek and an affiliate of Platinum Equity Advisors, LLC.
LONGUEUIL, QC, Sept. 6, 2024 /CNW/ - Héroux-Devtek Inc. (TSX: HRX) ("Héroux-Devtek" or the "Corporation"), a leading international manufacturer of aerospace products and the world's third-largest landing gear manufacturer, is pleased to announce that its shareholders have approved the previously announced plan of arrangement under the provisions of the Business Corporations Act (Québec) involving Héroux-Devtek and an affiliate of Platinum Equity Advisors, LLC.
At the special meeting of shareholders of Héroux-Devtek held earlier today, the arrangement resolution was approved by 99.25% of the votes cast by the holders of shares present in person or virtually or represented by proxy at the meeting, and by 99.15% of the votes cast by the holders of shares present in person or virtually or represented by proxy at the meeting, excluding the votes cast by the shareholders required to be excluded pursuant to Multilateral Instrument 61-101 – Protection of Minority Security Holders in Special Transactions.
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