TORONTO, Dec. 12, 2024 /CNW/ - NetraMark Holdings Inc. (the "Company" or "NetraMark") (CSE: AIAI) (OTCQB: AINMF) (Frankfurt: 8TV) a premier artificial intelligence (AI) company that is transforming clinical trials in the pharmaceutical industry, is pleased to announce that it has received aggregate proceeds of $1,161,000 from the exercise of 2,244,606 common share purchase warrants (the "Warrants") and 410,000 stock options (the "Stock Options") of the Company, since November 19th, 2024. Following the exercise of the Warrants and the Stock Options, the Company has 74,082,219 common shares issued and outstanding. This capital infusion strengthens NetraMark's balance sheet, positioning the Company to further execute on its business plan and accelerate its growth trajectory.
TORONTO, Dec. 9, 2024 /CNW/ - NetraMark Holdings Inc. (the "Company" or "NetraMark") (CSE: AIAI) (OTCQB: AINMF) (Frankfurt: 8TV) a premier artificial intelligence (AI) company that is transforming clinical trials in the pharmaceutical industry, is proud to announce that it has entered into a pilot collaboration agreement with a Top 5 pharmaceutical company. The pilot is seeking to unlock novel insights and hypotheses regarding patient populations to facilitate the development of new therapeutics for autoimmune disorders.
TORONTO, Oct. 9, 2024 /CNW/ - NetraMark Holdings Inc. (the "Company" or "NetraMark") (CSE: AIAI) (OTCQB: AINMF) (Frankfurt: 8TV) a generative AI software leader in clinical trial analytics, is pleased to announce the appointment of P.J. Haley, Executive Vice President, Commercial at Exelixis, Inc. (Nasdaq: EXEL), as a director of the Company, effective October 15th, 2024. Mr. Haley will be replacing Sheetal Jaitly, who is stepping down as a director after a period of dedicated service and contributions to the Company.
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