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Letzte Aktualisierung: 17.08.2024 | 11PM
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Yellow Pages Limited
GICS: - · Sektor: EQTY · Sub-Sektor: Publishing
Yellow Pages Limited
Fr., 07.03.2025       Yellow Pages

MONTREAL, March 6, 2025 /CNW/ - Yellow Pages Limited (TSX: Y) (the "Company" or "YP"), a leading Canadian digital media and marketing company, announced today that David A. Eckert, Chief Executive Officer, will retire on July 15, 2025, on the expiry of his existing employment agreement.  Sherilyn King has been appointed President and to the Company's Board of Directors effective today and will become President and Chief Executive Officer upon Mr. Eckert's retirement.

Rob Hall, Chair of the Board of Yellow Pages Limited, said "David has been a superb CEO.  He transformed the Company, leading a management team that achieved strong profitability, repaid all of YP's debt, and returned over $230 million to shareholders over the past 7½ years – while at the same time significantly improving the funding position of the Company's defined benefit pension plan."

Mi., 15.01.2025       Yellow Pages

MONTREAL, Jan. 15, 2025 /CNW/ - Yellow Pages Limited (TSX: Y) ("Yellow Pages" or the "Company"), a leading Canadian digital media and marketing company, is pleased to announce the winner of its nationwide art competition "Our Cover, Your Canvas". The theme of the competition was Discover, Shop & Support Your Local Community.

"We were overwhelmed with the number of entries we received as well as the quality and talent of these submissions. The emotional connection that these artists feel toward their local communities and the businesses that are the backbone of Canada was evident through their pieces of art. We could not be prouder to be showcasing beautiful artwork on our 2025 cover," said Sherilyn King, Senior Vice President of Sales, Marketing, and Customer Service at Yellow Pages. "Thank you to all those who submitted pieces and sincere congratulations to Brenda Turnour as the first winner of our 2025 Yellow Pages Directory Cover Competition."

Di., 12.11.2024       Yellow Pages

MONTREAL, Nov. 12, 2024 /CNW/ - Yellow Pages Limited (TSX: Y) ("Yellow Pages" or the "Company"), a leading Canadian digital media and marketing company, is pleased to announce the appointment of Martin Harrison to its board of directors (the "Board"), effective immediately.

Mr. Harrison brings over 30 years of executive, financial, and industry experience to the Board. He is currently Group Chief Financial Officer of The Windracers Group in the UK.  He was previously Group Chief Financial Officer of Yell/Hibu, a peer of the Company operating in the UK and North America.  Martin qualified as a Chartered Accountant with Price Waterhouse, previously held senior finance positions at Inmarsat, Colt and ICI, and has been involved in business operations in Canada.  He holds a masters degree in economics from the University of Edinburgh. 

Di., 12.11.2024       Yellow Pages

MONTREAL, Nov. 12, 2024 /CNW/ - Yellow Pages Limited (TSX: Y) (the "Company"), a leading Canadian digital media and marketing company, released its operating and financial results today for the quarter and nine-months ended September 30, 2024.

"In the third quarter, we report continued progress toward revenue stability, along with good profitability and a healthy cash balance," said David A. Eckert, President and CEO of Yellow Pages Limited.

Eckert commented on the key developments:

Continued climb toward revenue stability. "For the third consecutive quarter, we report a favorable 'bending of the revenue curve' in Q3, as our rate of change in revenue was better than the change reported for the previous quarter."Progress on revenue initiatives. "We are pleased with our progress on metrics underlying our revenue generation, including the size of our sales force, as well as a deceleration of the customer count decline rate fueled by an increase in new customer acquisitions, which were 36% higher than in the same quarter last year. We believe these fundamentals bode well for our medium- and long-term future."   Solid quarterly earnings. "Our Adjusted EBITDA2 for the quarter was on track at 23.8% of revenue, even with our continued investments in revenue initiatives, including the steady continued expansion of our sales force."Healthy cash balance. "Our steady cash generation has grown cash on hand to approximately $43 million at the end of October."Pension plan funding on track. "Consistent with our deficit-reduction plan announced in May 2021, in the third quarter of 2024 we made $1.5 million of voluntary incremental payments toward our Defined Benefit Pension Plan's wind-up deficit."Quarterly dividend declared. "Our Board has declared a dividend of $0.25 per common share, to be paid on December 16, 2024 to shareholders of record as of November 27, 2024."

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